After a month of continuous absorption of nutrients, the congenital fetus was condensed.

At this time, Fang Han, all the fetal poison was eliminated.

The whole body is smooth and delicate, and the flesh is full.

The whole body was haunted by an ivory sheen.

How can there be the sick and withered appearance before.

The divine lines that were originally outlined on the skin have been formed with the continuous formation of the congenital divine fetus.

It gradually disappears deep into the skin.


Fang Han's eyes opened suddenly.

In an instant, a faint light shot out of his eyes.

In the dark womb, it seems to be illuminated for a moment.

This is a manifestation of the extreme strength of the spirit in the human body.

I feel like I have a new body.

Fang Han nodded slightly.

Very satisfied.

"I don't know what my mother ate when she was outside. "

"It's just so well nourished. "

"It is estimated that in another month, my innate divine fetus body will be consummated. "

"Don't be born prematurely. "

The "Innate Divine Fetal Condensation Method" can only be cultivated in the extremely special environment of the womb.

If you haven't succeeded in condensing, you will be born early.

Although it will not be half-.

But it also leaves blemishes and is not so perfect.

As he thought, his mind fell silent again.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, the outside world is already high and crisp, early autumn.

The glimmer of the morning is not spicy, with a hint of warmth.

Shining on the glazed tiles of the imperial city, it reflects a trace of golden light.

Today's imperial city is exceptionally quiet.

The Praetorian Guards patrolling the palace patrolled in small steps.

Don't dare to make a sound.

Even the early dynasty was not held.

However, all the princes and ministers have already arrived.

One by one, they all stood in front of the huge hall of heart cultivation.

His eyes looked in the direction of the harem, as if expecting something to happen.

There are also many ministers, who get together in twos and threes.

Whispered discussions.

"The queen mother is going to give birth today, and I don't know if our future prince will have a miracle. "

An old marquis with white hair stroked his beard and said.

Someone on the side nodded in agreement.

"Yes, but don't be like the last princess. "

"Now I'm two years old, and I'm still stupid and stupid, and I can't even speak. "

This man is also a powerful minister, and he is not shy about speaking.

Hearing this, there were immediately a lot of sighs around.

And at the front of the ministers, there are several figures standing in full force.

These people are the real core figures of the entire Great Departure Dynasty.

Among them was a tall man with a golden crown and a python robe.

With a hawk nose and a deep breath, he is obviously an extremely sharp character.

It's none other than the younger brother of the current emperor.

King of Ruyang, Fang Chongxiao.

At this time, his eyes looked ahead, no sadness or joy, and he couldn't see any expression.

"Lord Wang, the old man heard that the prince is now in the realm of warriors and has stepped into the path of cultivation. "

"At such a young age, he is so precocious, and the future is limitless. "

"I'm really envious of the old man. "

Beside him, the National Teacher Building opened his mouth with a smile.

King Ruyang only smiled faintly.

"The national teacher has an overreputation, even if he has great ability, he has to serve the imperial brother. "

"This is our duty as subordinates. "

His tone was very light, without a hint of utilitarianism.

The national teacher arched his hand, but he didn't say anything more.


In the harem, the atmosphere is very tense.

The queen's dormitory has been converted into a maternity ward at the moment.

Many palace maids held various production basins, hot water, and towels.

Constantly sent to the delivery room.

The queen gave birth to the dragon species, which is a big thing in the Great Departure Dynasty.

Everyone was cautious, and they didn't even dare to gasp for fear that something would go wrong.

In the delivery room, Gan Qingyun was pale and lying on the bed.

At this time, her face was covered with beads of sweat.

Even if you have already given birth to two children.

But the pain is still unbearable.

At her bedside, the best midwife in the entire Dali Dynasty is also full of big faces.

It's just that she's scared.

"God forbid, mother, hurry up and give birth to the prince. "

"I can't help but be scared, old woman. "

She kept thinking in her heart.

While helping her deliver the baby.

At this moment, outside the door of the delivery room, a majestic man with a calm face.

Stand in the doorway.

The strong aura around the body enveloped the entire delivery room.

Any disturbance can be detected by it at the first time.

It is the current emperor of the Great Departure Dynasty, Fang Lingxiao.

Although his face was as usual, his hands were slightly clenched.

still exposes the waves in his heart.

"Qingyun, this kid, can't have another accident..."

As if thinking of something, a look of pain flashed across his face.

But soon, it was masked by a strong expectation.


And at this time, in the womb, Fang Han is also undergoing the final transformation!

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