Ai Xiu’s words made the Warring States speechless for an instant.

Today’s events, if they had not seen it with their own eyes, would never have believed it.

The red dog is too big today.

This bastard!

“If this punch hits the old man’s body, the old man will definitely not react!”

Ai Xiu spoke again.

“You boy, do you still want to do something with the old man?”

As soon as Karp heard Aixiu’s words, the iron fist of love was already ready to move.

Ai Xiu subconsciously took two steps away from Karp.

“General Akainu is so confident, let me make a move, I can only shoot with all my strength!”

Aixiu continued.

With every word he said, Sengoku’s face darkened by a point.

The three major naval generals are the strongest combat power of the navy and the face of the navy.

Now he has suffered such a big loss at the hands of Ai Xiu.

If this gets out.

Definitely will have an impact on the prestige of the Navy.

Although Aixiu, who shot, is also a navy, the result is the same.

However, Sengoku turned his head to look at Ai Xiu, and his heart became happy again.

But anyway.

Ai Xiu’s talent shocked the Sengoku.

There is nothing wrong with these four years of heavy investment.

It was such a big surprise.

This is not yet an adult, and he has actually mastered the key to the world’s top powerhouse.

Overlord color domineering.

Armed color winding.

Overlord color winding.

Armed color advanced application means.

Although it was only a shot, in the eyes of the Warring States, he still saw a lot of things.

They still underestimated Ai Xiu before!

Sengoku thought so in his heart.

Lieutenant General Tsuru’s eyes also looked at Ai Xiu without blinking.

With Ai Xiu’s current strength, I am afraid that he is also a strong among the generals in the headquarters.

How to arrange it is a difficult problem.

If this kind of genius is known by pirates, it will definitely attack crazy.

But to protect it all the time, what if you raise crooked?

“Hahaha, you boy, is that trick learned before!”

Karp doesn’t have that much thought either.

Aixiu’s strength made Karp very satisfied, and he laughed at this time, with a proud face.

Especially Ai Xiu’s move before, it was somewhat similar to his move.

“Like, huh? Isn’t it more powerful than the old man! ”

Ai Xiu crossed his hands at his waist and laughed.

An old man and a young man, under the gaze of the surrounding crowd of onlookers, laughed up to the sky without anyone on the side.

Everyone was speechless when they saw it.

At this moment, Ai Xiu’s eyes lit up and his figure flashed.

The next moment, Ai Xiu’s figure arrived at the edge of the garden.

He hugged Yuanyuan.

His face was buried deep in Yuanyuan’s chest.

“Sister Yuan Yuan, General Chi Dog was so scary just now, I was almost frightened!”

A group of people were stunned

The trick of oil is so bad?

But Yuan Yuan didn’t seem to notice it, but instead reached out and patted Ai Xiu’s back, and opened his mouth to comfort him.


Everyone called the good guys.

Is Major General Peach Rabbit natural to stay?

A group of people were speechless.

Sengoku glanced at Ai Xiu and shook his head speechlessly.

“Today’s matter, it is forbidden to spread outside, and the disobedient will advance the city by themselves!”

After Sengoku left such a sentence, he turned around and left directly.

Lieutenant General He glanced at his granddaughter Peacock, shook his head slightly, and left together.

Peach Rabbit pushed Ai Xiu away from his arms, looked at Ai Xiu, who was taller than himself, and raised his hand to pat Ai Xiu’s shoulder.

“Little Ai Xiu, you will be a navy in the future, don’t be childish anymore!”

A group of lieutenant generals glared angrily at Ai Xiu, their eyes full of envy and jealousy.

Lieutenant General Gaji, who is not tall, is about to breathe fire in his eyes at this time.

Seeing that Ai Xiu hated to be able to replace him.

He has confessed dozens of times to the peach rabbit. As a result, people just ignored him.

Now seeing Ai Xiu crazy taking advantage, everyone was numb.

Karp hugged his arms not far away, touched the beard below with his right hand, and looked Peach Rabbit up and down.

“Well, a little older, everything else is suitable.”

“Goodbye Sister Yuanyuan!”

Ai Xiu waved goodbye to Peach Rabbit, who left with the other generals.

After waiting for the others to leave, Ai Xiu turned around, and his face had become serious.

Karp: .


Zefa: ……

Looking at Ai Xiu’s face-changing stunt, the two couldn’t say anything.

“Boy, your appointment is estimated to take a few days to come out, and you are planning to move out these days…” Zefa spoke, wanting to ask Ai Xiu if he was going to move out.

“Until the appointment is down, I will stay in the training camp!”

Ai Xiu spoke directly.

At night, in the training camp restaurant of the Navy headquarters, the cooks were exhausted to death.

An Aixiu, four years has just adapted.

Now here comes another one!

Karp and Aisho are at a table and are competing over who eats more.

In the corner where the other trainees were, each serving seafood fried rice, watching this scene in horror.


Holy Land Ali Choa.

World Government.

Between powers!

The five old stars do opposite each other.

“Another monster has come out of the naval training camp, and before he graduated from the training camp, he can injure Sakaski!”

“Can you recruit into the world government?”

“It’s hard, Sengoku won’t let go!”

“It’s the same in the Navy, you have to obey our orders!”

“It is said to be Karp’s grandson!”

“Huh, D?”

The voice sounded.

“Kapu that guy is not easy to handle, let this matter go first, now let’s talk about the candidate of Qi Wuhai!”

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