Headquarters of the Navy.

Office of the Admiral.

“This group of bastards of the world government actually chose seven sea thieves to cooperate!”

Akainu stood up abruptly, his face full of anger.

“Akainu, this is the decision of the world government, do you think you can disobey?”

The yellow ape collapsed on the seat next to him, cut his nails with a nail clipper, and pouted.

“Okay, I have already opposed this matter, but the world government has already decided!”

Sengoku also looked a little bad.

His proposal had no effect.

Lieutenant General Tsuru sat on the side and watched, shaking his head slightly and sighing.

And Karp and the pheasant sat on the side, each eating a pack of senbei.

The clicking sound upsets the red dog.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in!”

Sengoku said in a deep voice.

A herald pushed the door in.

But as soon as I saw the scene in the office, I suddenly felt that my legs were a little soft.

“Marshal, the news from the colonel of the headquarters has found a strong man suspected of having overlord-colored domineering power in the West Sea, and there is also a strong man suspected of being a great sword hao, whose identity is unknown!”


This news quieted the office for a while.

Overlord color domineering?


Sengoku frowned, his face a little bad.

Where did such a strong man emerge from a place like the West Sea.

Those who can have the domineering color of the overlord color are definitely not weak.

If you can master the overlord color domineering.

That’s definitely a tricky person.

“Let Tina investigate her identity immediately!”

Sengoku ordered in a deep voice.


The herald hurried out of the office and closed the office door.

Then wiped a handful of sweat from his head.

The atmosphere in the office was terrifying.

In the office, it was quiet again.

With this interruption, the original spit on Qi Wuhai also stopped.

Sengoku looked at the three people except Akainu and Tsuru, standing without standing and sitting without sitting.

I suddenly felt a headache.

“Yellow Ape, your speed is fast, go to the West Sea and find out what the situation is!”

Sengoku opened his mouth and ordered.

When the yellow ape, who was cutting his nails, heard this, his face suddenly showed reluctance.

But when the Warring States spoke, the yellow ape could only stand up.

“Wait a minute, did little Ai Xiu go out on a mission with Tina!”

At this moment, Lieutenant General Tsuru suddenly spoke.

The atmosphere of the office instantly froze.

Chi Inu’s face instantly darkened.

The fist mark on the chest cannot be eliminated at all.

It looks like this will be the scar that will accompany him for the rest of his life.

The previous blow, he directly did not hit the sea.

If he hadn’t wrapped himself completely with magma before falling into the sea, he might have asked someone else to fish him up.

That loss of face is even greater.

This makes Akainu’s perception of Ai Xiu even worse.

At this time, hearing Aixiu’s name again made Akainu’s mood extremely bad in an instant.

Sengoku also reacted.

Indeed it is.

After all, it was Aixiu’s first mission.

This time, I also planned to let Tina take Ai Xiu to get acquainted.

Karp’s expression was serious for a moment, but suddenly thought of something, collapsed on the seat, and continued to eat senbei.

“Teacher Karp is not worried about Aixiu?”

The green pheasant asked curiously.

“Hahaha, Aishu is very strong, right, Sakaski!”

Kapu laughed.

The red dog snorted coldly and did not speak.

Sengoku frowned.

Ai Xiu had previously shown the overlord color winding, which was obviously very amazing in the overlord color domineering practice.

“The old man said, how could such a strong person suddenly appear in the West Sea!”

As soon as the yellow ape heard this, he sat back again, and the whole person became even more lazy.

“Xiao Ai Xiu’s sword skills are also very strong, it seems that Xiao Ai Xiu made a move, but what happened to make Tina actually report like this?”

Tsuru was also a little curious.

However, she also guessed that Yashen, Aisho, shot after separating from Tina.

Then Tina sensed the overlord color or saw Jian Hao’s slash, guessed that she had encountered a strong enemy, and directly asked for help.

“It should be a little longer and the result will be obtained!”

Sengoku probably guessed it too.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for the herald who had left earlier to return.

“Marshal, Colonel Tina said that it was Major Ash of the Ministry who said that it was Major Aishu-sama who made the move!”

This herald is a lieutenant colonel.

But when reporting, I still subconsciously used the title of an adult.

Although Aixiu is still a major.

“Well, got it!”

Sengoku nodded in a deep voice, relieved in his heart.

Ai Xiu is the one he values the most in the Navy right now.

Not to mention that he is also a relative with his old comrades-in-arms.

If something goes wrong.

The losses of the Navy are too great.

Colonel Tina also reported that this time the West Sea was fighting for the two devil fruits by the sea pirate Tenyasha Doflamingo’s men, but now all the pirates have been captured.

It’s just that during the capture, a pirate hid his strength, fled to the sea, and was eaten by a sea king class with a boat, and a devil fruit was also eaten together.

The remaining one is being sent back to the headquarters! ”

Two? Doflamingo?

Sengokuichi frowned.

When it came to the Seven Wuhai just now, Doflamingo was the focus of what they said.

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