Headquarters of the Navy.

Having received a report from the East China Sea, the Warring States people were stupid.

Let you go to the East China Sea to eliminate a group of pirates, and you also solved a naval colonel by the way.

However, seeing Colonel Rat colluding with pirates to oppress the islanders in the East China Sea, the eyes of the Warring States were also full of anger.

The Navy was supposed to protect the islanders.

As a result, now, he actually mixed up with the pirates.

This made Sengoku’s face a little bad.

“There may be such a thing below, it seems that someone needs to be sent to thoroughly investigate.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru took the report from the hands of the Warring States and read it carefully before speaking.

“It’s exactly this time!”

It was just the moment when the Navy decided to sweep the seas and the first half of the Great Route.

“Since Xiao Ai Xiu found out, let him deal with this matter?” Lieutenant General Tsuru opened his mouth to propose.

“No, who knows how much trouble this guy can cause, and now that the new world is urgent, Ai Xiu’s combat power is not weak, and it is a bit wasteful not to go to the new world!”

Sengoku immediately shook his head.

“So what are you going to do?”

Lieutenant General Tsuru asked with some curiosity.

“Your side has already recruited Don Quixote Doflamingo, and next is the Amazon Lily Kingdom on Nine Snake Island!”

Sengoku spoke.

“Are you planning to make Ai Xiu the recruit this time?”

Lieutenant General Tsuru’s eyes were a little strange.

“Not bad, since you want to go to the Great Voyage, then let this kid take a trip from the windless!”

Nine Snake Island is located in a windless zone, which is a natural barrier.

After those pirate ships without autonomous power entered here, they could only slowly wait for death.

And the windless zone is the nest of giant sea kings.

There are not many giant sea kings living in it.

This makes the entire windless zone like a tiger’s den in Longtan.

“It’s okay, the king of Nine Snake Island, Boyahan Cook, is not very old, now it is estimated to be eighteen or nine years old, the strength will not be too exaggerated, and it is not difficult for Xiao Aixiu to deal with it!”

Lieutenant General Tsuru nodded.

Therefore, the decision to let Ai Xiu recruit the female emperor of the Nine Snake Island, Boyahan Cook, was thus decided.

And in the East China Sea, when Ai Xiu received the news, he was also a little curious.

This boyahan cook, who is known as the world’s first beauty, he also wants to meet.

So Ai Xiu directly ordered, and the warship turned and headed towards the windless belt.

And on the East China Sea, after Ai Xiu left.

Someone took out a phone worm to report Aixiu’s whereabouts.

“Young Lord, Commodore Ai Xiu of the Navy Headquarters has entered the windless zone with his subordinates!”

On the other side of the phone worm, a man wearing a pink coat, cropped pants, and showing his leg hair showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth after hearing the report.

“Then carry out the plan, dare to provoke the Don Quixote family, you must be prepared to die!”


In the absence of wind.

The warship traveled on a sponge without any waves.

“How much longer?”

Ai Xiu turned to look at Dusty and asked.

“Commander Aixiu, you can rush to the Amazon Kingdom today.”

Dusty said, but there was a hint of concern on her face.

“The female emperor of the Amazon Lily Kingdom is not weak, it is said that she is still the ability of the Devil Fruit, please be careful, sir!”

Aixiu smiled.

“If I’m not sure, I won’t come.”

When Ai Xiu’s words fell, he saw that at the end of his vision in the distance, a huge island met his eyes.

Strange megastructures stand on this island.

The word “Nine Snakes” is very conspicuous.

Ai Xiu and the others saw Nine Snake Island, and Nine Snake Island naturally saw the huge warship coming from the sea.


A roar rang out on the island.

Everyone took up arms and put on guard.

Nine Snake Island is an island where all the people are soldiers.

Although there are only women on the island.

“Navy, what are you doing here on my Nine Snake Island? Going to war? ”

The warship docked in the harbor of Nine Snake Island.

A loud roar came from the island.

“Let the Amazon Lily King Boyahan Cook come to me!”

Ai Xiu didn’t beat around the bush either.

“Bastard, you actually dare to call Lord Snake Ji by her name!”

“Lord Snake Ji will already be angry and will flow into rivers of blood!”

The female warriors of Nine Snake Island on the island heard Ai Xiu directly shouting the name of the female emperor, and their faces were full of horror.

And the navy on the warship heard the words shouted by the woman on the island, and suddenly a smile appeared on their faces.

No one knows how terrifying the strength of their boss is.

But everyone knows it’s strong, it’s strong.

A pirate actually spoke so much.

“Isn’t Boyahan Cook on Nine Snake Island?”

Aixiu’s voice sounded.

The women on the island all changed their faces.

“Nonsense, Lord Snake Ji went to sea a few days ago, I will never tell you!”

A female warrior roared loudly.

“You’ve already spoken out!”

Everyone around was speechless.

At this time, the former former emperor of Nine Snake Island, and the current mother-in-law, had already contacted Snake Ji with a phone worm.

“Snake Ji, the navy has suddenly arrived, stop at the port now!”

Mother-in-law’s tone was full of worry.

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