Baltira Island.

It’s not a short time since the last Dressrosa incident.

However, Ai Xiu is quite satisfied with the current life.

This peaceful day in this pirate world is like a mirror.

Today’s Ai Xiu, as usual, lay in the sun in the morning while the sun was not dazzling.

Then I heard panicked footsteps.

And Ai Xiu naturally heard that it was Lu Jiu’s footsteps.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Lu Jiu running over with a panicked look.

“Aixiu, Ace has been arrested!”

Lu Jiu, who had been peaceful in the past, was gone, and now her face was full of panic.

“Don’t panic, sit down first!”

Ai Xiu stood up, then pressed Lu Jiu to sit on the seat he had just had, and then took the newspaper in Lu Jiu’s hand, and then his eyes narrowed slightly.

Even if he taught Ash some methods in advance, this Ace was defeated by Blackbeard and handed over to the World Government.

Moreover, the captain of the second team of Whitebeard!

The corners of Aixiu’s mouth tugged.

Stupid Oudou Bean!

Ai Xiu looked at the newspaper in his hand.

Not much information is leaked.

It is just that the captain of the Whitebeard second team was arrested, and the next thing will be a public execution at the headquarters of the Navy.

He couldn’t take it as if he couldn’t see it.

“Aixiu, Ace…” Lu Jiu’s face was full of worry.

“Don’t worry, Ace will be fine, I’ll go out.”

“Ai Xiu, you must also be careful, if it doesn’t work, give up!”

Seeing Ai Xiu turn around, Lu Jiu stood up and stretched out her hand and instructed.

“Okay, it’s just a small matter to rescue Ace!”

Ai Xiu said and walked outside.

After leaving, Ai Xiu directly touched a phone worm.

Held by Ashto, the phone worm wakes up from sleep.

Subsequently, Ash dialed Karp’s phone worm.

Soon after, the other end of the phone worm was connected.

The image of the phone bug also changed to the appearance of an old man with a shrugging eye.

“It’s me, Aisho!”

“I know, it’s because of Ace’s business!”

Karp’s voice was a little dull.

“Well, you should understand, I’m not going to stand idly by!”

“Don’t wait for me to think of a way first?”

Karp spoke.

“You know, Ace’s identity!”

Ai Xiu directly pointed out the most crucial place here.

That is the identity of the son of One Piece.

One Piece died that year, opening the era of great exploration.

Countless pirates followed.

The Navy simply could not stop it.

Now that the son of One Piece has been caught, if the public execution may curb this momentum a little, it will already be considered a big profit.

What’s more, the Navy side is too greedy.

They want more.

Karp was silent.

Ai Xiu hung up the phone worm.


Marin Fando.

At this time, the headquarters of the Navy was completely under martial law.

A large number of navies were hastily moving in their headquarters, on guard.

“Oh, sir, I can’t get in touch!”

Dusty’s group is a little speechless now.

Their boss can’t be contacted at all now.

Now it is clear that the Navy is going to make a big move.

Dusty and these people still want to show off and earn some military merit.

“Big sister, why is the headquarters under martial law this time, isn’t it the captain of a second-class team with Whitebeard?”

A navy looked at Dusty and asked strangely.

“I don’t know, but since the headquarters is so guarded, there must be a basis, maybe the navy will start a full-scale war with Whitebeard!”

Dusty said, then looked at the group of navies behind him.

“It was said that I didn’t remind you, when the real war starts, you try to avoid running to the place where the strong fight!”

Dusty instructed, and began patrolling with a group of navies.

The ordinary navy does not know the true identity of Ace.

But the top brass of the Navy knew it all right.

After all, not long after Ace went to sea, the bounty rose sharply.

He is also the one who has the ability to produce fruits of nature.

In addition, it has not been long since he became a sea thief, so he naturally became a backup recruit for the World Government Qiwu Hai.

However, Ace directly refused.

However, the world government discovered a big secret when it tracked down the matter about Ace.

This Ace is actually the son of One Piece Roger.

He also became Whitebeard’s godson and the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Regiment.

As for Ace’s identity, it was further confirmed on Whitebeard’s side.

Therefore, this time, Blackbeard captured Ace and handed it over to the world government, and gained great benefits.

Among them is the identity of Nanabukai.

On the naval side, after getting Ace and confirming Ace’s true identity, it immediately decided to publicly execute him.

Public executions are just a trap.

The real target of the navy is one of the four emperors, the man who claims to be the strongest.


Of course, if you can’t take Whitebeard, it’s not a loss to execute Ace.

This is what the world government and the navy intend.

Marshal’s office.

“Sengoku, when that bastard Roger died, this guy Ace wasn’t born yet!”

Karp slapped the table in front of Sengoku.


Not to be outdone, the Warring States were not to be outdone.

“Karp, you bastard, as a navy, actually raised Roger’s child in secret, and now you actually come to intercede!”

Sengoku glared, staring at Karp, who blew his beard and glared.

“Do you think the Draco or the World Government will let go of Ace, the bloodline of One Piece?”

Sengoku snorted and said.

Karp froze, and suddenly felt a little helpless.

He knew that the world government would not let Ace go.

“How to take Whitebeard?”

Karp spoke.

“Impossible, even if you take down Whitebeard, Gor D. Ace is also about to be executed! ”

Sengoku said in a deep voice.

This public execution, regardless of the outcome, this Ace must die.

This is the bottom line.

“Marshal of the Warring States, received news from the New World!”

The herald slammed open the door and rushed in, and then saw Sengoku and Karp blowing their beards and glaring, and immediately swallowed his spit.

“What’s going on?”

Sengoku waited for Karp to snort softly before asking.

“Marshal of the Warring States, the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment made a large-scale sorty, and its whereabouts are unknown!”

The herald honestly reported the news received.

Whereabouts unknown?

Sengoku snorted.

Now at this time, large-scale operations, and what whereabouts are unknown.

They have only one goal.

That is the headquarters of the Navy.

“Summon the various branches to carry out the previously issued dispatch order, and the branches support the headquarters!”

Sengoku ordered in a deep voice.

“Yes!” The herald immediately led the order to relay the order.

“Karp, I hope you don’t do anything else next, you now, go and advance into the main department!”

Karp was stunned and looked at the Warring States with an unkind expression.

“Hmph, if you have anything to say, just talk to Ace as soon as possible, there will be no chance in the future!”

Seeing Karp’s eyes, Sengoku roared.

After roaring, the Warring States thought of something again, and suddenly spoke.

“Also, why hasn’t that kid from Aisho heard anything so far?”

Sengoku’s expression was a little bad, and his eyes scanned Karp’s body a few times.

Although there was a bad guess in his heart, Sengoku did not ask.

Karp pulled the corners of his mouth a little embarrassed, and he was not in the mood to laugh.

But I don’t know what method to use to alleviate the current embarrassment.

After leaving the marshal’s office, Karp’s expression became bitter.

This time things are not going to be done.

It’s not just Ace’s business.

The phone worm that Ai Xiu called before, the meaning in it is obvious.

That is to say, Ace must be guaranteed.

And Ai Xiu’s strength, now even Karp is not sure.

And with Karp’s understanding, Ai Xiu has never shown his true strength in front of outsiders.

That is to say, it will subconsciously hide a part of its strength.

These two are brothers, and they will definitely go all out.

This time may be led out of a big mess by this guy Aixiu.

Karp now even wants to rush to the advance and directly release Ace.

But decades of naval career made Karp unable to do such a thing.

Melancholy and pain.

“And Luffy that bastard, with their relationship, if Luffy that little bastard knows about Ace, he will definitely come!”

Thinking of this, Karp slapped his brain.

He now just wants to hit his head on the ground and faint.

It’s a pity.

You can’t stun at all.

Karp walked silently towards the port.

Along the way.

The entire naval headquarters is rapidly building a real military fortress.

It seems that this guy in the Warring States really wants to hit Whitebeard hard.

If this battle fails, the marshal of the Warring States is estimated to be unable to do it.

Karp thought in his heart, got on the warship and went directly to the Advance City.

Taking out the instructions to detain the prisoners and handing them to Magellan, Karp headed directly to the deeper prison.

Look at the command in your hand.

Magellan’s expression was a little bad.

“Director, at this time, the female emperor Boyahan Cook is meeting Ace at the sixth level, this is not allowed!”

Someone reminded.

“That’s Qi Wuhai, a senior collaborator of the World Government, who has this qualification!”

After Magellan finished speaking, he immediately opened his mouth and ordered.

“Go, inform Hannibal that bastard immediately and ask him to bring Boya Hancook out for me.”

And at this time, the sixth layer.

Hannibal, the deputy director who brought Boya Hancook to Ace, has been petrified.

Boyahan Cook ignored the roars around him and looked at Ace, who was sitting in the prison.

“That’s you, you’re actually Lord Aixiu’s brother?”

Boyahan Cook looked at Ace, who was sitting in a lump, and his tone was a little disdainful.

Where can this look be compared to the spirited Lord Aixiu.


On the other side, a humble voice sounded.

“The old man has heard that he is said to be the fastest promoted young genius in the Navy headquarters over the years!”

It was the former Qi Wuhai who spoke, and the fish people were very peaceful.

“Fufver, that bastard is not easy to mess with, wait a minute, that guy is actually brother to this guy, this is really interesting!”

“Doflamingo, what do you know?”

“Klockdar, it’s none of your business!”

At this time, Ace, who had been lowering his head, also raised his head and glanced at Boyahan Cook.

“What are you talking about? I don’t understand, I don’t have any brothers! ”

Ace spoke.

Just as Hancock was about to speak, his face suddenly changed and he raised his hand.

Hannibal, who had been petrified on the side, quickly returned to normal.

And he didn’t know he had been petrified once.

“Naw, this is Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Big Ship Regiment, with a reward of 550 million…”

“Deputy Director, the Director told you to quickly take someone out, someone is too mentioning prisoners, if you are discovered, you can only go and be a small jailer!”

Hannibal was stunned at first, and a little unimpressed.

But when I heard that I was actually going to be demoted and wanted to be a jailer, my face suddenly changed.

And Boyahan Cook didn’t come to look for things, took a deep look at Ace, turned and walked out.

Doflamingo, who was caught pushing into no hurry, smiled.

“Furver, this world is so interesting!”

“I didn’t expect that when I came to this advance city, I could actually see such a good show.”

But apparently no one wanted to deal with him anymore.

After knowing that Karp brought people down and took Ace out directly, Doflamingo still looked like he was watching a good show.


Advance high above the city.

A figure suddenly appeared.

This place is no stranger to Aixiu.

After all, there are not a thousand pirates who have been sent here with their own hands over the years, but also eight hundred.

There are also quite a few runs.

However, the depths of the city did not come in much.

And this time, it would be best if you could take this guy Ace away in advance.

If it doesn’t work, he is about to give his fruit ability some energy savings.

After all, Ai Xiu’s current fruit ability, as long as it is not killed instantly, then the power that hits him will be absorbed by him and stored in his body.

And this stored energy can be called upon by him.

And with his current strength, there are not many estimates that can defeat him.

Not to mention being able to kill him instantly.

There is no such thing as this world.

Energy is a thing that can not only be absorbed when fighting, but also absorb some enemy forces that have lost the ability to resist.

Ai Xiu was high in the air, and his figure slowly changed, as if he had become a translucent energy life.

Surrounded by ethereal blue mist, above the body, under the blue light, light golden lines traveled back and forth.

This is an application method for energy fruits.

Completely transforming himself into energy, the current Ai Xiu, it is actually not wrong to say that it is an energy life.

And in this form, he is very different from ordinary living forms.

Ash landed on top of the wall that pushed into the perimeter.

After scanning the guard, the patrolling jailer thought that he had seen it wrong, and swept it again, but did not find any abnormalities.

And Ai Xiu’s figure had sunk into the thick wall.

Then there may be a big war.

Before the start of the great war, Ai Xiu decided to absorb some of the energy that advanced these criminals in the city.

But after reaching one floor.

The quality of criminals at this level is too poor.

The bad is simply unbearable to look at directly.

After seeing that the color was released, Ai Xiu did not find Bucky the clown.

“Looks like Luffy that guy has arrived too?”

Ai Xiu guessed in his heart, and directly sank his body into the ground.

Directly to the second level of the Beast Hell in Advance City.

As soon as he arrived at this floor, he felt several relatively powerful auras when he saw it.

As for the pirates on this layer, they directly became food for the jailer.

Ai Xiu sensed the location of the powerful aura in this layer and leaned directly over.

Before he could get to the place, he heard a scream.

The sound of whips whipping, and the sound of people screaming.

And a string of not-so-harmonious sounds.

“I’m little Satie who likes to torture, screaming, wailing, hmm~”

When Ai Xiu’s figure appeared, he also saw the situation in front of him.

The chief jailer on the fourth floor of the seabed prison, Sadie, who was in charge of the four jailer beasts, actually reached the second layer.


Ai Xiu did not deliberately hide his figure.

That strange human-like appearance is still extremely eye-catching.

Little Sattie, who took back the whip, turned his head and saw Ai Xiu, and was stunned.

Then he directly commanded the two runny jailer beasts beside him to rush towards Aixiu.

This kind of jailer beast is a person who failed to awaken after using the fruit of the animal line.

He has a strong body that is almost immortal, and that almost no IQ.

It is also unknown how Sadie controlled these jailer beasts.

But it doesn’t matter to Aixiu.

The blue figure with a string of blue light curtains instantly arrived in front of Satie.

Sadie was startled, and the whip was held in front of her chest, looking at Ash warily.

And Ai Xiu leaned forward and seemed to take Sadie into his arms, and Sadie was startled.

Before she could react, her hands and feet were trapped in her own sea stone chains.

PS: Please book it all! Customize yourself! Ask for flowers! Thank you, Yanzu!

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