"This is the Era Tree!"

Looking at the towering trees behind him, Nightwind realized that he had never come to Inuyasha's timeline.

It's been a long time before the Era Tree was called the Imperial Tree, and it hadn't been made into a bone-eating well!

And with the Era Tree as the center, a special space-time enchantment is supported.

Therefore, apart from the night breeze, there is no trace or figure of anyone else here.

Nightwind looked at the panel, and he still had a modern time anchor.

In other words, you can go back at any time if you want.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated to grab the era tree that could only be surrounded by ten people with both hands.

Boom Boom Boom !!

The ground shook and the mountains shook, the ground continued to explode and burst, and the sludge deep in the ground poured up!

"Drink, !!!"

The muscles of the night wind's arms bulged, and the strength of the whole body was gushing out at this moment!


Blinding arcs of electricity pulsed on the surface of his body, and countless electromagnetic forces were also blessed on his body, increasing his strength more than tenfold!

The towering tree, which is nearly 200 meters high, was pulled out by the night wind!

The night wind felt hard for the first time, and I almost let out a breath and didn't pull it up.

"It's not the same weight as an ordinary tree, this era tree is too heavy. "

Just a little weighed the weight of the 913 generation tree in his hand, and Night Wind judged what the problem was.

The weight of this era tree alone must be at least 200 million tons!

What's more, it also has an alternative "weight".

When he pulled it up, Night Wind felt that his whole body was oppressed, and his spirit was also greatly challenged.

It's as if the traces of history weigh on his body, making him breathless.

Fortunately, in the end, he carried it and was not crushed by the weight.

Rao is like this, and Night Breeze is also sweating profusely now, and he doesn't have much strength.

After placing it in the [Infinite City of Different Dimensions], the night wind vacated a central position and planted it on it.

At the moment of entering the earth, the era tree connects the land within a radius of several kilometers, and the rhizomes spread to a depth of hundreds of meters.

At the same time, a special power emanated from the Era Tree, which also made Night Wind perceive that his [Infinite City of Different Dimensions] had changed and evolved.

"Now we can only look at it over time. "

After muttering, Nightwind withdrew his gaze.

At this moment, in front of him was a bottomless pit, and the entire mountain forest was destroyed.

However, the night wind's line of sight continued to expand, and a seed was found at the bottom of the pit.

"The seeds of the tree of the times... (ajed)... Forget it, let's leave it with a root, I don't need it much anyway. "

Night Wind didn't do too much in the end, after all, a seed was useless to him.

It's just that now the enchantment of the era tree in this area has been shattered, and this hidden forest can no longer continue.

With telekinesis, he moved the surrounding soil and filled in the holes.

This is also his chance to leave the Era Tree Seed so that it will not be discovered by the monsters and eaten in advance.

"What era is it now, the appearance of demons has appeared one after another in the past few decades, and there was no trace at all a hundred years ago, a thousand years ago. "

The earliest history of the appearance of demons can be traced back to 50 years ago.

Prior to this, there were basically no records of demons.

And in the long history of mankind, human fears are bound to exist.

And fear will inevitably give birth to demons in hell, this is a very simple logic.

After using super hearing and super eyesight to look around, Night Breeze instantly understood why.

This is the age of yokai, and you can see human villages as far as the eye can see, and you can also see yokai rampant.

The boundaries between humans and demons have become equal enough to stand together under the same sun and land without hindrance.

In broad daylight, youkai can directly invade human villages and carry out wanton slaughter.

Humans fear the darkness and fall...... And now, it all can be attributed to one thing, and that is the fear of youkai!

Because youkai bring death and fear, it can be said that they are now the source of human fear!

"Nowadays, the fear of human beings is basically focused on youkai, and even if a demon appears, it will be recognized as a youkai. "

Night Breeze sighed with emotion and roughly understood the situation of this era.

If the modern fox demon is placed in this era, it is a fox demon!

And if humans think that you are a fox demon, then the object of fear is not a fox demon, but a fox demon.

This represents the fear of human beings, and the fear of human beings will be transferred to the fox demon clan.

The fox demon was directly drained of his fear and lost all his strength.

Therefore, in the era of youkai, the appearance of demons is abnormal.

After skimming through the history I had written, the night breeze roughly judged that it was in the Heian period.

"That means I've come more than a thousand years ago. "

This is different from the time he thought, it is not the era of bellflowers.

I was more than 500 years ahead of her, nearly 600 years.

"Abe Harumi, the nine-tailed fox, and the wine-swallowing boy...... They should all be of this era. "

Nightwind's thoughts diverged, and as he walked aimlessly, he thought about his purpose.

He must have come to this point in time for a reason and something to do. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As for what it was, he didn't know.

Thinking of the end, Night Wind chose to give up thinking.

"What do you want to do so much, pick a few strong existences and slaughter them!"

Night Wind muttered sharply in his eyes, and directly set this goal.

After finding Abe Harumi, I slaughtered him first, if nothing else, I just coveted the other party's power!

Now, it's better to know where you are.

Night Wind swept his gaze and soon found a human village not far away.

"It's so close to the area of the Times Tree, you can go there and rest. "

Once you've found a village, Nightwind is ready to take a break.

It took him a lot of effort to pull out the era tree, and now he really wants to sleep.

He hadn't gone far before a monster crawled out of the forest covered in mud.

"What a fragrant taste, human, let me eat you!"

The wriggling sludge monster mud field, a blood-red eyeball, staring at the night wind.

And its shape is really disgusting to the night wind.

From a distance, it looks like a puddle of sludge, but up close, it actually grows a bloody mouth and eyeballs.

Judging by the strength of the demonic power, it should just be a low-level monster.


As soon as he opened his mouth, he spat out a cloud of sludge and sprayed it towards the night wind.

This made Night Wind's face even darker, because it was a vomit attack at all!

He didn't even want to block it, and he slammed on the ground and dodged the blow by flashing to an area dozens of meters away.

Even if it was blocked by a biological force field, Night Wind felt like it was dirty.

And that large pool of sludge smashed hard where Night Breeze had just stood.

Zizi Zi !!

Like a bucket of lava poured on the ground, the entire land was eroded and dissolved.

Night Wind frowned slightly, not that he felt that this attack was strong.

But compared to the demon power level of this monster, the strength it showed far exceeded this level.

He felt an invisible force blessing the other party, increasing its overall strength.

ps:The setting of the era tree is based on this book.,If there's a problem.,Ask it's the magic change.。。

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