Karmic fire, red flame, flowing water, and strong wind are fourfold integrated into one's own body.

They hardly become an ability on their own, but are integrated into [Energy Absorption], [Thermal Vision], and [Super Breathing...... and so on.

Night Wind comprehended, took a slight breath and looked at the charred pit not far away.


He opened his mouth and exhaled, and the dark red hell fire spat out of his mouth!


The raging flames instantly engulfed the place as far as the eye could see.

The temperature at which this flame burned exceeded 200,000 degrees Celsius!

And even though there are no combustibles, the fire is still raging, and there is no sign of extinguishing it.

"The never-extinguishing karmic fire is also infused with the power of purification. "

He whispered in a deep voice, his eyes full of joy.

If it is contaminated with a trace of such flames, the flames will continue to spread and consume the body and soul of the other person.

Moreover, the purifying flame contained in it will also purify the power and soul of the other party.

To put it simply, as long as you get it, it will continue to burn the enemy's power.

A simple spiritual or magical attack will only fuel the fire, and this fire can also burn the soul directly!11

Double blow from physical and soul scenes, but also deal real damage!

Seeing that the fire began to spread, a blue glimmer lit up in the eyes of the night wind.

Zizi Zi !!

Two cold, frozen beams of light shot out of his eyes.

Wherever the gaze swept over, the earth was instantly frozen, and even the burning flames were extinguished by the cold air!

"Frozen sight!"

As the light in his eyes dimmed, the deep pit full of magma suddenly turned into a snow-capped mountain scenery.

"Hahaha! It feels like a replica of Bizarro's abilities. "

Night Wind couldn't help but laugh out loud and played with himself again.

During this time, he found that his energy absorption had also changed.

Things like fire, cold, and wind can also absorb and transform themselves.

Whether he shoots himself with a hot or cold gaze, his body will automatically absorb this part of the power.

Now, even if you want to hurt yourself, it's a difficult thing for Night Wind.

"What is this?

The night wind emitted from the brain hole for a second, and then retracted the idea of spreading out.

But what is certain is that in this situation now, the demon resistance belonging to the flesh is also completely full.

Most of the magical attacks that can be used by mages are elemental attacks.

He can absorb wind, thunder, and fire, and water and earth belong to one to rub for him, and the other to smash with his hand.

In the game, he is a full-fledged and unreasonable behavior.

The only thing that can threaten him may be the curse and the soul...... This kind of special or causal law strikes.

After mastering the power of change, Night Wind read the knowledge he had just fused about Abe Harumi's yin-yang technique.

"Astronomical Dao, Star Divination ......"

A huge amount of knowledge of yin and yang art flowed through Ye Feng's mind, and he tirelessly absorbed it.

I have to say that Abe Harumi is really a genius, and he actually created a way out by himself.

Using the power of man to manipulate the power of heaven, few people have such great courage.

"Planetary Trajectory and Traction...... Isn't it similar to using a magnetic field to attract the power of the planet with its own spiritual power?"

After absorbing this knowledge, a new idea was born in Night Wind's heart.

These astronomical knowledge are all things he can learn from.

"Magnetic field absorption!"

Night Wind suddenly opened his eyes and grasped a piece of land not far away.

The next moment, the land exploded in an instant, as if it had been thrown hundreds of kilometers away by an invisible force and flew to the outer side of the planet.

And Night Wind has a small extra force in its body.

It's the magnetic power of that land!

The entire planet is rotating, and it has taken away the magnetic field of that land.

As a result, it is not attracted to the planet, and the surrounding soil is no longer engaged, and it is simply thrown out.

And how fast does the planet rotate?

The answer is a speed of almost thirty kilometers per second!

The land thrown out at thirty times the speed of sound will directly ascend to heaven.

"And if the object of the magnetic field power is turned into a larger and wider continent......"

Night Wind's mind took the initiative to conceive the image of an entire continent falling apart and being crushed by the rotation of the planet in an instant.

And the night wind, who had seized a small piece of land and blessed himself with a magnetic field, also felt a little stronger.

If you can take away the power of the magnetic field of the entire planet, how many times will your own strength increase?

Night Wind has no answer in his heart for the time being, and he won't try it now.

"I have just deliberately narrowed the scope of the energy spread, and I should have only seen the mushroom cloud rising here on the other side of the Great River. "

Night Wind turned his head in the direction of Kyoto's Oeyama.

Then a strong gust of wind rolled up out of thin air, lifted his body and carried him there. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Flying with the air currents under his feet, the eye of the night wind is full of novelty.

It's a different feeling than flying with a biological force field.

And his current wind control technique can easily send people to the place where the other party wants to go.

Blowing each other into outer space in one breath is not a problem either.

It's just that when the night breeze flew to Kyoto, I found that I was too worried.

The monsters and people here don't even notice what is going on in the outside world.

From above, there is a palace that is different from its surroundings.

The rich smell of blood and wine escaped from it, and the night breeze could smell it a thousand meters away.

In the palace, countless goblins were drunk, and among them there was a samurai in disguise.

The samurai were ordered by the great general Minamoto Yorimitsu, who led a group of six people, including Watanabe Tsunada, Sakata Kintoki 210, Bube Jiwu, Usui Sadamitsu, and the warrior Fujiwara Homasa, who were known as the "Four Heavenly Kings of Yoriko".

They disguised themselves as passing practitioners and joined the banquet of the youkai by offering wine as a gift to the wine swallowing boy.

For this reason, they did not hesitate to drink the sake brewed by the youkai with the blood of the maiden, and also ate a bunch of human meat dishes to express their position.

It was because of these actions that they won the approval of the drunken boys and the monsters.

As a result, the Drunken Boys let their guard down, believing that they were also a group of evil cultivators.

When they drank a lot of meat and eight vegetables, all the monsters revealed their terrifying and hideous bodies.

The drunken boy on the throne is a red-faced demon with messy hair, long horns on the top, large red skin, large plaid fabric, and a red prayer hakama skirt.

Hearing the huge movement outside, all the youkai were startled.

Just as he was about to get up to check, in order to avoid an accident, Yuan Laiguang and his party immediately went out to cover up.

They didn't pay attention to what was happening outside, and immediately took out the poisoned wine they had prepared in advance.

This is based on Abe Harumi, even if it is a big monster like a drunken boy, he will lose his resistance if he drinks it.

As a wine swallowing boy of the demon king, he is naturally not afraid of what to drink.

Even if it was really poisoned wine, it seemed to him that it was just a joke.

He was defenseless because of this, and took the poisoned wine handed by Yuan Laiguang and drank it.

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