Night Wind gives the Star Bear Yongyi blood, mainly to convert it into dependents.

Healing her injured arm, so to speak, is only incidental.

He then collected the data of Xingxiong Yongyi and organized it into a panel.

[Dependent: Star Bear Yongyi]

[Loyalty: Max!]

[Bloodline Fusion Level: 30%]

[Talents: Energy Absorption, Ghost King Bloodline, Strange Power Chaos]

[Ability: Over-speed regeneration, arcane three-step kill!]

[Weakness: None!]

[Strength evaluation: C+ (Explosion Street) ~ B level (Destruction of the country)]

[Heart: It's really happy......]

"It's really powerful, the night wind can actually crush Yongyi in strength. "

Ibuki Tsuika is also excitedly touting the night breeze, and has no intention of finding a place for her best friend.

The consensus of success and defeat is an iron law in the ghost clan.

What's more, if she compares her strength alone, she is not as powerful as Xingxiong Yongyi.

It's just that as a ghost clan, the size of the strength is basically the division of strength.

"Come, come, taste my wine. "

She cheerfully welcomed the night breeze, and with a wave of her hand, a stone table was re-condensed.

As a ghost clan, Ibuki Suyaka is different from the extreme power that Xingxiong Yuyi has.

The power she possesses is the ability to control the degree of density and dissipation.

By wielding this ability, she can gather both fine dust and bulky objects.

It is also possible to control the density, make the density thin and make things foggy, or increase the density to make things heat and then dissolve.

She had just used this ability to gather the stone chips flying around her, and they had gathered them into a stone table again.

At this time, Night Wind finished sorting out the panel data of Xingxiong Yongyi, and was still checking the ability [Strange Power Chaos] that he had just plundered.

[Strange Power Chaoses (B+): Your body is blessed, and your power can violate the laws of physics, and you have the possibility of rebelling against the gods!]

After incorporating it into its body, Nightwind roughly knew the effect of this ability.

It's like the arrogance that Xingxiong Yongyi burst out just now, this is not the effect of demonic power.

This is only the embodiment of pure power, and it can only be materialized because of the ability of [Strange Force].

"Do what is impossible with power?"

The role of the night wind on this ability is still not well understood.

It is estimated that Xingxiong Yongyi herself doesn't know what her strength is.

Hearing Ibuki Sanka's invitation, Night Wind temporarily put down his research on this ability.

Anyway, he had time to practice more and see what the true power of this [Strange Power Chaos] was.

After all, its grade is B+, and it won't be too weak no matter how you think about it.

The previous [change] gave him a big surprise.

What's more, the level is still one level higher than [Change], one level higher than [Strange Power Chaos].

As for Ibuki's ability to snoop on the incense, Night Wind's snooping heart is much smaller.

The main thing is that the magnetic field rotation can also do what she can do, and it is enough to improve it herself.

Eventually, Night Wind sat down here, and then left the Yokai Mountain.

He always felt that Yakumo Purple was plotting against him, and the eyes that looked at him were wrong.

This monster sage has a bad stomach, and Night Wind doesn't want to have a head-on confrontation with her.

It's just that I covet her ability, and the ability to manipulate the realm, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is omnipotent.

This conceptual power is the same as the conceptual river god.

What you say is what it is, you say that the Milky Way is also a river, then it is really a river!

It's just a pity that Yakumo Purple is also hiding from herself, and she seems to be afraid of being beaten by herself.

Without a good excuse, Night Breeze is not good at coming up with anything.

Even if he proposed to talk to her, he was rejected by Yakumo Zi.

The little eyes were sneaky, and he said euphemistically, I'm a monster who doesn't like to fight, so I won't fight.

She had known the power of the night wind for a long time, and there was nothing to compare it to.

The power of her manipulation realm has not reached the level where she can kill the enemy in an instant with a single word.

To deal with the existence of Night Wind, it is also extremely tricky, or there is no possibility of victory at all.

And after saying goodbye to Yakumo Purple and them, Night Wind also chose to pass through the time anchor point and return to his original point in time.

Cuizi and the others will stay in the original timeline for the time being, and they will come back later.

However, on this trip, he brought back Yu Niang and a group of nine-tailed foxes.

They all live in small worlds, and they don't have much to think about.

The nine-tailed fox girls, they are all old house girls.

Especially as an immortal species, it may take more than ten or twenty years to take a nap.

Nightwind didn't have to worry about the speed of time, which was why he brought them over.

Tsuiko, Broken Eyebrows, Snow Hime, and Butterfly Girl, even though they are immortal now, their mentality is still at the human level.

Brought to the modern age, one of the main problems is not adapting......

In addition, I may not have time to accompany them, so the problem on the other side of the dome must be solved. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Sunset Huiwei looked at the night breeze that appeared in front of the bone-eating well again, and showed a gentle smile.

She had just watched the night breeze jump into the well, only to be back at the mouth of the well the next second.

This strange sight made her look surprised.

But she also knew what was going on, so she asked, "Are you back, have you seen my mother?"

"It's Tsuiko, right? "

Nightwind thought for a moment and said Tsuiko's name.

Sunset Huiwei immediately nodded and said with a smile: "Originally, I was supposed to be called Xiaowei, but fortunately, my name was changed later." "

Speaking of this, her gaze also carried a hint of resentment.

That expression seemed to say, my mother made her name randomly, and you didn't help change it.

Night Wind scratched his head in embarrassment, not knowing what to say.

In ancient times, people chose names very casually, and there were no surnames at all.

"My word for sunset is taken from the name of this shrine, and I remember the name Huiwei.

When the time comes, you must change it for me, do you know, Yejun~"

Sunset Huiwei's last coquettish voice is simply heart-tickling.

Night Breeze nodded solemnly and went up to give Sunset Huiwei a deep hug.

She also enjoyed spreading her arms and hugging the night breeze.

It's been a long time, and it's been a long time since I've enjoyed the warm embrace of the night breeze.

"Come back more often in the future, but you can't abandon me and Kagome like we did before 0.1. "

"I've just learned about it, and I assure you, I'll be coming back often. "

In the face of Sunset Huiwei, Night Wind is now not tempered at all.

Just looking at the sunset Huiwei, who is older than herself no matter how old she looks, the mood of the night breeze is very peculiar.

And Sunset Huiwei understood the mind of the night breeze at once.

"I enjoy this feeling too, little Yejun, you're cute too!"


Night Wind was powerless to respond, looking at the snickering Sunset Huiwei, how could he not know that the other party was teasing him.

But when he wanted to refute, he couldn't say anything to the plump and mature Sunset Huiwei.

"Then Yejun, who is a high school student, you can go back quickly, and I will also be a guest at your place if I have the chance~"

Sunset Huiwei pinched Night Breeze's face and smiled playfully.

This feeling of teasing the night breeze is really amazing!

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