The door of the coffee shop opened, and the figure of the night breeze walked in.

Lacey, who was studying on the table, couldn't help but turn her head to look at the door and greeted happily, "Ah, it's a guest!"

"It's a lonely day. "

Nightwind found a place next to Lacey and sat down.

Regarding Night Wind's rhetoric, Lacey also responded with a smile:

"Of course, few normal people dare to come out and walk around on typhoon days. "

"Anyway, I have something nice to say, and I think the weather is pretty normal today. "

Looking at Recy, whose face seemed to be flushed all the time, Night Wind complained speechlessly.

And the store manager, who noticed the movements of the two, silently thought that he did not ~ exist.

Anyway, there are no guests now, so let them be.

"Manager, I want sweet milk with chocolate-li. "

After greeting the store manager, Nightwind looked at the book that Lesse was studying.

"Are you learning Chinese, I'm familiar with this. "

"Night Breeze Jun, do you know Chinese?"

Lacey looked at the night breeze with a blushing face, like a girl worshipping an idol, which made people proud.

"To be precise, it's basically all languages. "

Nightwind confidently replied to Lesse, he could not forget it now, he could learn the whole planet in a day.

"Language genius, so what do you read this?"

As she spoke, Lesse pointed to the two words written in her draft.

Seeing the word gold and jade, the night wind was suddenly full of black lines.

"You worker, can we get something real? "

"Hahaha, Yejun's expression is so cute. "

Seeing Night Wind's speechless expression, Lesse burst into laughter.

The store manager silently brought the milk chocolate that Night Breeze wanted, and then returned to the counter.

I'm getting older, and I don't understand the fun of young people anymore.

After muttering in his heart, the store manager chose to wipe the utensils in his hand to divert his attention.

Lesse also chats with Nightwind about his life at school.

"Night Breeze-kun, school days are great, study for exams, engage in clubs, and go to play with friends. "

Ressé held her chin and stared at the night breeze with a ruddy face.

"Compared to other lives, it is.

Lacey, do you have any ideas for going to school with me?"

Night Wind nodded slightly, made eye contact with Lacey, and suddenly came up with such an idea.

Lesse was stunned for a moment, a flash of longing in her eyes.

But the glow quickly dissipated, replaced by a disguised smile.

"I've already gone out to work, and I'm past the age of going to school. "

"I don't think it's impossible, Lace, you're young too, and you feel about the same age as me. "

What Night Wind said was also from his heart, Lacey's body was very mature, but her appearance was still young.

If the two of them were standing together, most people would probably think that Nightwind was the elder brother and Lacey was the younger sister.

For Night Breeze's words, a hint of tenderness flashed in Lacey's eyes.

"Nightwind-kun, that's what you think.

It's the first time I've seen someone as special as you. "

She could hear that what Night Wind said was true, and this was the real reason why it made people feel something in their hearts.

"That Night Wind King, what kind of life do you like?"

Lesse asked as if she were casually asking.

When Night Wind heard this, he immediately showed a look of nostalgia.

"I think I've heard this before, and last time someone asked me what my dreams were. "

"Is that so? Nightwind-kun, your dream must be grandiose. "

"No, on the contrary, I don't have many dreams, I guess I just want to live a peaceful, free, unfettered life. "

The simple response of the night breeze made Lacey smile from the bottom of her heart.

The next moment, Lesse turned her head to look out the window, and the originally clear sky gradually turned overcast, and the rain fell again.

Staring out the window at the rain, Lacey asked earnestly:

"Ah, Night Wind King, the rats in the countryside or the rats in the city, which side do you choose?"

"Country rats and city rats......

Listening to Lesse's inquiry, Nightwind fell into thought.

This is an Aesop parable.

To put it simply, the rats in the countryside can live in peace, but they don't have a delicious meal in the city.

Urban rats eat well, but they can be killed by humans or cats, and are in high danger.

"Lacey, which one do you choose?"

Nightwind turned her head and tossed the topic back to Lacey.

Lesse replied without hesitation: "Of course it's from the countryside, peace comes first." "

After getting Lesé's answer, Nightwind didn't follow her thoughts. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After a moment of silence, Nightwind gave his reply.

"My words may be greedy.

If it were me, I would want them all!"

Lesse tilted her head, looking at Nightwind in confusion, not quite understanding what he meant.

Nightwind drank a cup of milk chocolate in his hand, tasted it for a while, and then explained:

"I want peace in the countryside and food in the city, and I don't want to be a rat, I should be the one who rules everything!"

"It's really a very willful idea, Night Wind-kun, you are really still a child. "

Lacey, who got the answer, had a doting and helpless smile on her face.

"But Night Wind King, if you want both of these choices at the same time, it will only cause more trouble. "

"Then sweep away the troubles, I don't like to be disturbed by the peaceful life. "

Night Wind's answer was still the same as before, but it couldn't help but make Lacey smile.

As for Nightwind's child-like headful answer, Lacey only felt that such an idea was too naïve.

"Night Wind Lord, there is a festival around here tomorrow, do you want to go together?"

"Yes, I'll come after school. "

For Recy's sudden invitation, Night Wind did not refuse, but naturally accepted it gladly.

Lacey, whose face was flushed, replied happily: "Okay, then I have an appointment, I must come~"

At this moment, Recy's appearance is like a girl who has made an appointment with her lover.

Night Breeze did not stay here for long, but went out with an umbrella.

Looking at the night breeze leaving, the smile on Lacey's face slowly retracted, and finally turned into a deathly silence.

And as soon as she turned her head, her face was full of smiles.

Facing the pouring rain, the night breeze returned to the doorstep.

The figure of Scarlet Ju quietly appeared, and An Gang in his hand was sharp, and there was a trace of blood on it.


She sheathed the blade and reported to the night wind:

"Your Highness the Young Lord, there was a human killer attack just now.

Now I have cut off my limbs and put them in the courtyard, do I need to interrogate?"

"There's no need, kill him, I don't want to interrogate. "

Night Wind glanced at the corner of the backyard, the man who couldn't mourn, and then withdrew his gaze.

That ugly-looking killer with only a few stray hairs on his head is disgusted when he sees him!

And the killer, who is so weak that he can't be remarkable, is in a state of collapse at the moment.

He accepted the mission to assassinate Nightwind.

As far as he is concerned, as long as he peels off the skin of Night Wind's relatives, gouges out his eyes and puts them in front of him, then Night Wind will definitely let himself kill him obediently.

It's just that as soon as he climbed over the back wall and came in, he was cut into a human stick by Scarlet Bow a few times.

The intense pain destroyed his mind, and Shizusui sealed his wounds with water.

By the time the night wind returned, he had been tortured for more than an hour.

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