Tsukushi, who was kissed, stared straight at the night breeze in front of her with big watery eyes.

She originally just wanted "Daddy" to kiss her on the cheek.

But...... That's not a bad feeling!

Gently touching her cherry lips and gazing at the night breeze, Tsukushi's heart was born with different emotions.

When the others saw it, they also had other ideas in their hearts.

After coming to the Far North, Night Wind also made them a few winter clothes.

They are all made with the fur of the first-class dangerous species, which is quite warm and stylish.

Knock knock knock!!

Not long after the group entered this dangerous northernmost land, they saw a large group of ice beast dragons galloping.

They resemble small T-Rex rexes, with tough blue scales that can easily withstand swords.

The only weakness is that there is no soft flesh covered with scales on the neck, but the ferocious fangs and sharp mouth are also there.

This large group is skilled at least fifty individuals, and all of them are second-class dangerous species.


The speed of the Ice Beast Dragon was extremely fast, and its two muscular thighs were galloping, comparable to the speed of a high-speed car.

Noticing the night wind and his group not far away, the Ice Beast Dragon immediately attacked this way.

In the Far North, those who survive need to hunt all the time!

Only the truly strong can survive in this area.

Night Wind just watched calmly, and the red pupils immediately began to act.

Each of them has their favorite weapons in their hands, and they are all forged from the flesh and blood of the night wind.

Therefore, the weapon is purely in terms of strength, so much higher than the imperial equipment that I don't know where it is.

Moreover, Night Wind also uses [Guangdu], which really opens the light to the weapons.

Each weapon strengthens the wielder, but it doesn't have any special abilities.

The ability to enhance the wielder's power is an extension of his ability to pass on the power of his own light to others, making them stronger.

Akatomi was the fastest, and rushed out with the katana in his hand in his hand.


Looking at the red pupils rushing over, the Ice Beast Dragon opened its bloody mouth, and its body pounced forward and bit it.

Red Hitomi suddenly stopped, and slammed her left foot on the ground with the inertia of running.


After a crackling sound, Red Hitomi forcibly twisted her body.

The Ice Beast Dragon's bite was in the air, and the red pupil immediately stabbed the blade in his hand.


The sword instantly pierced through the Ice Beast Dragon's skull, piercing its skull and brain along with its skull.

"I've defeated this Ice Beast Dragon!"

Red Hitomi stood on the corpse of the Ice Beast Dragon and beckoned to the night breeze not far away.

She is simply childish, and wants to show off her achievements to adults.

This was also the first time she had hunted a second-class dangerous species, and she was very happy to have a successful blow.

"Watch out behind you, little red pupil. "

Cornelia's figure crossed the top of Red Hitomi's head.

Her long, supple blonde hair danced in the air, and she gathered all the strength of her body into her right fist.

The fist armor that covered his right fist suddenly burst out with a dazzling golden light.

The Ice Beast Dragon, which pounced from behind and bit towards the red pupil, was instantly hit by a punch from Cornelia.


A powerful shockwave pierced through the Ice Beast Dragon's body, shattering all of its bones.

The Ice Beast Dragon, which was nearly six meters long, immediately collapsed and lost its breath.

With the shock of the boxing, Cornelia gracefully took a backward leap, dodging the attacks of the subsequent Ice Beast Dragons while also gaining a firm foothold.

"Red Hitomi, you're still too careless, I'm the most amazing, my father will definitely praise me!"

Boni's petite figure burst out like lightning, a single ponytail in a graceful arc through the air.

She doesn't have the gradual development of fat like Tsukushi, Cornelia, and Akatomi, and her gentle body is extremely fast.

A group of ice beast dragons chasing and intercepting were all played around by her, and they couldn't touch Bonnie no matter what.

Facing the approaching Ice Beast Dragon, Bonnie leaps sideways and chooses in the air.

The long legs, which were different from the petite body, were whipped in the face of the Ice Beast Dragon.

The powerful kicking force instantly kicked the Ice Beast Dragon out of the air for dozens of meters, and its head sank into a deep hole, and it was out of breath after a few seconds.

Boni's talent is this pair of long, white and powerful legs, and her speed and kicking skills are excellent.

I am deeply touched by this night breeze, and I usually like to pinch Boni's soft and flexible legs.

The straight hips are also the source of core strength.

If she were to be raised a little longer, if she was a little older, she would also be an excellent "combatant".

Movements such as one-word horses and difficult flips should be easy to do.

And Tsukushi, she is holding a pistol and assisting everyone on the side.

She has good eyesight and amazing shooting skills.

Basically, one shot can kill an Ice Beast Dragon, making it impossible for many Ice Beast Dragons to form an encirclement and suppression.

Silver and Black Pupils, their strength and potential are also relatively average. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Black Hitomi, like her sister, wields a sword,

Silver, on the other hand, uses a machete similar to Ichigo Kurosaki, which is also very lethal.

The ones with the worst potential are Remus and Maimin.

The time spent together also made the night breeze visible.

Wu Min, a little girl with glasses, is more suitable for clerical jobs such as secretaries.

If she was asked to fight, she would only learn swordsmanship rigidly.

Teach her to split, and she will really only split.

As for Remus, she is more suitable to be a pet and sell cuteness.

Blonde little Lori Remus, who has a weak will to fight.

I don't know much about fighting, and I was able to get out of the sea of trees at the beginning, mainly because of good luck.

The night breeze didn't embarrass them, and Wu Min asked her to be a secretary in the future, and the previous teaching was also knowledge.

Wu Min, who knows his role, is a very serious study, and he doesn't want to be treated as a useless person.

Remus's words...... With teary eyes, she begged Nightbreeze not to abandon her.

Said that she can do anything, and she can forcibly learn to fight or something.

Night Wind directly told her not to learn, and to go back and follow herself to help Cornelia and be a little maid.

Remus, who received such an answer, was extremely happy.

Because it means that she will not be abandoned by the night breeze, she is also very happy.

Now, she's in charge of warming the bed and rubbing her shoulders for the night breeze.

In this regard, Tsukushi (Zhao Haozhao) They are very envious, but they are not jealous.

After all, for Remus, her role is limited to that.

They didn't want Remus to be abandoned by the Night Breeze either.

After all, they have been very good friends during this time, and they can be called family.

And near the end of the battle, another group of ice beast dragons rushed from not far away.

Just as everyone was getting ready for battle, they saw a petite blue phantom standing above the head of the leader of the Ice Beast Dragon.

Armed with a machete, she wiped the throat of the Ice Beast Dragon Leader with a single slash.

Then she deftly jumped up, jumped several meters away, and jumped onto the other Ice Beast Dragon.

The fierce ice beast dragon group, in the hands of this girl, is like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

When the last Ice Beast Dragon ran to this side in a panic, it was also cut off by the girl.

The hot blood stained the snow red, and the figure of the blue-haired Lori also appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

PS: The picture is Cornelia.

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