The ice-covered mountains stretched for nearly ten kilometers, and the aurora shimmered on the top of the mountains, coiling up like a ribbon.

The first time Night Wind saw this icy mountain range, he sensed that it was "alive".

Estes also tried to keep his eyes open, looking ahead, and the majestic mountains came into view.

If she hadn't awakened her super vision, she wouldn't even be able to see the picture three meters away in front of her.

The wind and snow here are too strong, and the hurricane that constantly howls is like a steel knife that scrapes the bones, blocking their sight and their progress.

If someone else were standing here, it wouldn't take more than a second to turn into a pile of ice crystal debris.

The night breeze swept over the non-mountain range and saw that it was not meandering.

The mountains are like the back of a dragon, a straight and regular line.

Scanning the polar glaciers with his clairvoyant eye, he discovered that the undulating ones near the mountains were not glaciers, but wings!

The whole Frozen Mountains, it's a super dangerous species in its sleep!

And the extreme cold also poured out of its body, causing it to become a freezing environment.

"This mountain range is alive, it's the super dangerous species I'm looking for!"

Night Breeze, who realized this, finally understood why he hadn't seen it clearly before.

If he didn't look closely, it would have been really easy for him to overlook the mountain range.

The original empire probably didn't fight this super dangerous species, but simply stole a little bit of blood while it slept.

But this alone wiped out almost all the soldiers sent.

Night Wind, who knew the current situation, immediately understood that Estes could not be involved.

It is not easy for her to accompany herself to this far.

After placing it in the small world, Night Wind stared at the mountains in front of him with a fierce gaze.

The spiritual power, demonic power, solar energy, and magnetic field power in his body worked at the same time.

Facing the frozen mountains in front of him, Night Wind raised his right arm, palms together and turned into a knife.

The solar energy in the body is guided by the rotation of the magnetic field, and the power of karmic fire that was once fused also explodes in an instant at this moment!

Even in an environment of more than 200 degrees below zero, the unquenchable karmic fire begins to burn along the palm of the night wind!

"Magnetic field rotation karmic fire sword"

The night wind burst out and swung his knife at the mountains.

The karmic fire that burns all things turns into a blade that cuts through the sky, tearing the earth and cutting it down.

Looking from the outer side of the planet, you can see a fiery red knife light with obvious arcs, flickering on the surface of the planet, drawing a clearly visible trace!

The all-engulfing karmic fire distorted the air around it, and waves of heat swept through the venue.

Large swaths of frozen soil were melted by karmic fire, and the sleeping super-dangerous Frost Dragon suddenly opened its eyes.

Boom, boom, boom!!

The entire continent began to shake, and the land in the center of the Far North exploded!

The Frost Dragon, who had been sleeping for an unknown amount of time, stood up from the ground at this moment.

Sticking to its back, it is nearly ten kilometers long, and its size is terrifying.

A blackened burn mark appeared on its back.

This is the scar cut by the Night Wind with the Karma Fire Sky Knife, and wisps of ice-blue blood oozed from the surface of the body.

The majestic dragon's eyes flashed with a hint of pain and confusion, and then quickly locked on to the direction of the night wind.

"Roaring !!!"

Realizing that the night wind in front of him was the one who had harmed it, the frost dragon let out an earth-shattering roar.

In an instant, the wind swept into the clouds, and this dragon roar turned into a frozen storm and swept over!


The force of the Arctic Storm froze the earth again in an instant.

Even the karmic fire that burns on the ground is covered in this solid ice!

The whole world, as if at this moment, sank into eternal ice.

Even though they were far away, the Red Hitomi were struck by the aftermath of the frozen storm.

The faces of the people changed suddenly, and they ran out as fast as they could.

But the speed at which they fled could not keep up with the speed of the frozen storm. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing that they were about to be torn apart by the freezing of the storm, the night wind snapped its fingers lightly.

The weapons they wore emitted a glimmer of light, teleporting everyone into his small world.

Before the bewildered women could react, they saw a group of mature women with hot bodies watching around a screen.

And this screen is the scenery of the outside world, and the figure of the night breeze is also in it.

This is part of the permission that Night Wind gives Ziyu, so that she can contact herself when she is fine.

And this permission also includes peeping into the outside world.

Now the world outside is engulfed by the roar of ice, the mountains and rivers are frozen, and even the sunlight has become dimmed.

The temperature is close to absolute zero, which slows down the movement of light particles!

The night wind, located in the outside world, took the initiative to withdraw the Eternal Force field, exposing itself to this absolute cold.

Even the strength of his current body was almost frozen by the frost at that moment.

However, the super powerful Destruction Sun Cell began to adapt in a short period of time.

The level of [Freeze Resistance] began to soar, and at this moment, an overwhelming dragon claw slapped towards the night wind.

The night wind with a stiff body didn't have time to dodge for a while.

He was hit by a dragon's claw on the spot and slammed into the ground.


The entire Far North trembled, and bottomless cracks spread from beneath the frost dragon's feet.

Just as the Frost Dragon, feeling that he had dealt with a bug, was ready to continue his sleep.

A giant human hand opened a crack in the ground, and the other hand kept raising against the dragon's claws.

The figure of the night wind rises from the ground, and the figure continues to rise to 999.99 meters!

This is the limit of [Change (B)], but it is still far from the size of the Frost Dragon.

There was no fear in the eyes of the night wind, and it instantly detonated the "'~nine-tailed demon power" in his body.

His arrogance skyrocketed nine times again, and he grabbed a dragon finger with both hands and dragged the entire dragon in a posture of pulling mountains and rivers with force.

The Frost Dragon, which is ten kilometers long and nearly four kilometers tall, wanted to press the night wind again.

But suddenly there was a huge force in his hand, and it was suddenly knocked to the ground.

The next moment, its huge body was dragged up by the night wind.

With just one twist of the Frost Dragon, the entire glacier mountain range in the heart of the Far North was flattened and shattered!

As the earth cracked, the entire continent was shaken.

Even in the capital of the Empire, a strong tremor was felt over there.

Look up in the direction of the Far North, and you can see a tornado forming in the distance that reaches the sky!


The night wind rounded the frost dragon and threw it upwards in an instant.

Bang bang bang!!!

The Frost Dragon, which weighs hundreds of millions of tons, rises like a rocket and breaks through the sound barrier and flies into the starry sky.

If it weren't for the biological force field attached to its body by the night wind, the speed at which the Frost Dragon was thrown out alone would have been enough to cause untold damage to the planet's surface!

Night Wind looked up at the sky, surrounded by countless rubbles and ice crystals.

He thumped his arms down, and his figure instantly rose into the air.

The night wind that catapulted off broke through the atmosphere at a speed hundreds of times faster than the speed of sound, and quickly caught up with the frost dragon that he threw out of outer space.

PS: The original dangerous species, which is probably what it looks like in the picture.

The strength strength may be higher than the original setting, mainly because the setting of the super dangerous species is basically not found, so I can only make it up myself.

If there is any problem, refer to this book magic change.

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