Arya pointed at Sayu in Nightwind's arms, then turned her head and pointed the finger at the others.

Seeing that the more she talked, the more excited she became, Night Wind slapped her over and helped her physically mute.

Before Arya could scream, Nightwind slammed a backhand into her lower abdomen.


The powerful blow directly shattered her internal organs and intestines.

With a crunch, petrified legs snapped.

Arya, who had only the upper half of her body left, fell to the ground, clutching her stomach and cheeks and wailing in pain.

Nightwind saw that she was still screaming, and stepped on her face with one kick.

"Don't squeak at me and call me such a disgusting thing, it's the first time someone has dared to scold me for being so ugly.

With this, it's not so easy for you to die next!"

The muffled voice of the night breeze echoed in Arya's ears, causing her to shudder.

And the "six ninety" in the arms of the night wind was transformed into a general's dependents, and Sha You, who had woken up, had a trance on her face and quickly sobered up.

In a daze, she heard a lot of things.

Combined with Arya's screams at Nightwind's feet, Sayu realizes that it was Nightwind who saved her.

It's just that the current situation is not very suitable for saying words of thanks.

Thinking of this, she sniffed the scent of Night Wind.

The reassuring warmth is like the sun.

Sayou directly chose to pretend to be asleep, or it was better to wait and wake up.

At this time, Sailu's expression was already a little confused, and he was stunned in place and did not stop the night wind.

There is no doubt that Arya in front of her is the real sin.

"Father, let's move on to the next house. "

Red Hitomi has no intention of staying, and she is ready to continue to complete the task given by Night Wind.

Seeing this, the black pupil nodded immediately.

"Brother, we'll be back soon. "

After saying that, she grabbed the pitch-black short blade of her fingers, turned into a black shadow and jumped out in an instant.

Red Hitomi also followed, following a fixed route.

After they left, Nightwind grabbed Arya, turned her into his own family, and threw her into a prison area in the small world.

Normally, this area is not used, but today is the first time I have used it.

As for the purpose of imprisoning Arya here, it's to be a doll to vent when she's bored.

The night breeze was just a thought, and it decided Arya's fate.

Then the night wind looked in the direction of Seleuc, and she was still in a state of confusion.

"I'm going to overthrow this empire and rebuild an empire, and you're the right person. "

"Think about it, I'll be in the center of the imperial capital later. "

After the night breeze left two sentences, he left with Shayou in his arms.

Seleuc, who remained in place, fell into silence, looking at the figure of the night wind departing, and wondered what was in his heart.

As she walked through the forest, she cautiously opened her black eyes.

Night Breeze's side face came into view, and she muttered to herself in her heart.

[Those two powerful girls, are they his subordinates?]

[It's completely different from the boys in the village, is he also from the imperial capital?]

In contrast, Sayo has a sense of trompe l'oeil when a country girl meets Prince Charming.

"Now that you're awake, are you going to continue lying down?"

While Sayu was thinking wildly, Night Wind suddenly lowered his head and asked.

A face with a smile on his face immediately appeared in Sayu's pupils.

Sha You hung her head shyly, her heart uneasy.

Seeing her like this, Night Wind stopped and said comfortingly:

"Don't worry, I'm not a bad person, let's get to know each other, my name is Night Wind, and I can be regarded as a world traveler. "

Sha You also immediately replied: "I, my name is Sha You, I am a girl from the village, and I am very good at archery." "

Her voice was a little urgent, as if she was also trying to show her strengths.

After thinking about it, she said that she was good at archery.

In her village, her strength is also good.

Even if she is a second-level dangerous species, as long as she occupies a vantage point, then she can easily shoot and kill.

This is also one of the few things she can be proud of.

Looking at this little girl's nervous appearance, Night Breeze thought she was very cute.

"Hahaha, is archery very good? Then I'd like to see it later.

You don't have to understand it first when you come to the imperial capital, this world is very cruel. "

The words of the night breeze made Sha You's heart palpitate.

The picture of the warehouse just now, she also caught a glimpse.

There were almost no living people inside, and even those who were alive were hopeless.

If it weren't for the red pupils, they would probably end up like this.

Thinking of this, she grasped the clothes of the night breeze tightly with the palm of her hand, as if she wanted to grasp the sense of security.

The night breeze saw the fear on her face, and also stroked her hair and comforted: (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Don't worry, it's completely safe now, you can stay with me for the time being0...."

"Thank you, Lord Nightwind. "

Listening to the gentle words of the night breeze, Sha You's heart suddenly calmed down.

At this time, she thought of something and asked curiously:

"Why does my brother's black-haired and red-eyed woman call your father Lord Nightwind?"

Looking at Night Wind's young appearance, he is about the same age as Red Pupil.

Even though she might be a year or two older than herself, Sayu didn't think Nightwind would be her father.

Seeing her puzzled expression, Night Wind explained a little.

is a rough explanation of how he saved the red pupil in the first place.

Hearing this, Shayou's eyes were full of admiration.

Sayo, who came from the countryside, yearns for such a story of heroes saving beauty very much.

Glancing at Night Wind's face, Sha You also had the idea of wanting to follow him.

At this time, the night wind also stopped, and he had already arrived at the imperial palace.

Raise the half-dead minister and hang it on the highest place.

Nightwind then began the process of repairing the palace and made its way to the palace's treasury.

The eyes are full of treasures, and in the deepest part there is the most precious imperial storage room.

Night Wind didn't spare his hand, and directly transferred all these things to his own small world.

Considering that I may have to deal with some miscellaneous pieces later, if I want to bury them, I am afraid that I will have to prepare a big pit.

But if you simply bury it, it seems that they are a little too cheap?

He doesn't think of himself as a virtuous king, and his posture as a tyrant can quickly deter everyone and control the 2.9 empire.

So far, his mission to destroy the empire has not been completed, which shows that the empire has not really been subverted.

There are countless ways to torture people.

Lingchi, cut in half, peel ......

The Ten Tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty were the first to pass through Yefeng's mind.

Soon he remembered the light of Shenmu, and the damage of a moment was always worse than an eternal shock.

"Wait for the high-ranking officials of the empire, there are a lot of perverted murderers and the like, it's too cheap to kill.

It's not just about killing them, it's about making everyone a warning.

The empire I want to create, no one dares to sin!

Food is not a problem, now it is a matter of how to put an end to evil thoughts in the hearts of human beings. "

Nightwind fell into deep thought, and soon a thought crossed his mind.

ps: The picture is Arya.

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