"Seleuc, Red Pupil...... Silver, you are now a member of this secret patrol team.

There are a few pieces of miscellaneous in your hands that you need to dispose of and recycle their imperial tools. "

Night Wind turned his head and chatted with the red pupils, and at the same time returned Xiaobi to Seleuc.

When he got up in the morning, he studied it by the way.

All the data is now in his head, and there is no need to study it anymore.

Nightwind then handed over the list of "Zanc", a murderer who had fled in the chaos, and some remnants of the former empire.

"There are such evil people, I promise to complete the mission!"

The hairs on Seleu's head stood on end, and he looked excitedly at the information on the list.

Zonke, a murderer, can be said to have a bad record.

Needless to say, the others don't have a few lives in their hands.

There is also the minister's forced son Sheila, who is also a key target.

His father is still waiting for him in the fourth rebirth pool, and Night Wind has to reunite their father and son no matter what.

After handing over the trivial matters to the red pupils, Night Wind also set off to do some small things.

For example, if you go on a night raid, you happen to know them.

"Speaking of which, Estes, you should know Najehitan, right, she's the leader of the Night Raid now. "

Hearing Nightwind talk about Najehitan, Estes was also a little interested.

"Has that naïve Najehitan become the leader of the killer group?"

She remembered Najehitan when she cut off her arm and blinded her right eye.

The other party is indeed a talent, and his appearance is also outstanding.

She saw the darkness of the empire and chose to defect to the side of the revolutionary army.

"Well, it's a former general, but the revolutionary army is obviously just using it as a tool. "

Night Breeze nodded slightly, and replied in a flat voice.

Najehitan was honest, as Estes said naïve.

At the same time, in Nightwind's view, Najeshitan's leadership and ideological level are very poor, and she is not a qualified leader at all.

To tell the truth, if the empire "has a lot of talents", but if it can support the edges, it will not be destroyed by the revolutionary army.

It belongs to the two lumps, which is worse than the other, and in the end the empire wins.

Nightwind didn't think there was anything to be gained from the two pieces, it was just that this one was better than the other.

He also planned to meet with him to see if he could talk away.

If it doesn't work, then go to the punch.

There are so many cute girl members in the night attack, not only are they outstanding, but they are also very good-looking.

"Wu Min, now that you are the Imperial Minister, come on, I'll go out. "

When he left the palace, Night Breeze gave encouragement to his secretary, the black-haired lady with glasses.

Wu Min didn't know whether to thank Yefeng for his trust, or be speechless for his hand-shaking behavior.

What is the difference between you and the little emperor of the former empire, and people will go to court anyway.

The night wind doesn't care at all, he, the emperor, is pure combat power, and the ceiling is on everyone's heads.

But it is precisely because of this that basically no one in the entire empire dares to rebel now.

"It turned out that he taught me so much knowledge just to wait for this day. "

Wu Min helplessly watched the back of the night wind flying into the sky, shook his head, and began a busy day's work.

If it is a corrupt minister who only enjoys, then she can do it easily.

But if she wants to be a minister who does practical things, then she will be busy to death.

She needs to coordinate the affairs of the entire empire and arrange the division of positions in various departments.

"We have to step up our efforts to urge the scientific research department to build computers, telephones, signal towers, and other things.

Only when information and communication are thoroughly spread out can there be a good solution. "

Wu Min looked at the dense papers on the desk and muttered to herself.

The laws that Nightwind ordered were simple, but the details needed to be supplemented by someone like her.

There is no way to starve to death, and it is impossible to really be executed directly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The people of the entire empire must be given time to adapt to the law.

Death row prisoners cannot be executed immediately, and they are also executed in batches.

What's more, a lot of scientific research also needs human materials, and these death row prisoners are the best materials for human experiments.

And there are some hopeless people, then they need to apply for Nightwind to send them to the rebirth pool.

Everything is placed in front of Wu Min, and she is asked to deal with and approve it.

The Night Wind, the Emperor who shook his hands, slashed through the sky above the imperial capital and searched for the address of the Night Raid headquarters.

Many people saw the figure of the night wind, and hurriedly knelt down and did not dare to raise their heads.

It's just their behavior, and Night Wind doesn't notice it at all.

After finding the location of the headquarters of the night raid, he flew directly through the sky and flew into the mountains ten kilometers north of the imperial capital.

"Ah, our Emperor seems to have gone out to play. "

"It's the first time I've seen such an emperor, but today I'm finally not afraid that every once in a while, some soldiers or thugs will come to my shop to collect protection money and make trouble, thank you to Your Majesty the Emperor. "

"Indeed, I finally dared to take my daughter out and show my face. "



Amid the chatting of the people of the imperial capital, Night Wind galloped all the way to the sky above the Night Raid Headquarters.

Looking down, there is a headquarters hidden beneath a boulder.

It is generally made of stones, so it can be said that it is well hidden in this area.

It's hard to find this area without looking closely.

The night wind fell from the sky with great fanfare, and without hiding his whereabouts at all, he walked straight towards the night attack headquarters.


The sound of silk threads tightening sounded at his feet.

And Night Breeze himself didn't seem to hear it.

I didn't take a few steps forward, and the tough filaments tightly wrapped around the night breeze's body.

These tough and slender silk threads have super cutting power, even steel can be cut into several pieces!

But the night breeze still walked forward unhurriedly, and the silk threads on his body were constantly tightened.

Finally, a crisp sound was heard, and the next moment, the sound of three threads cracking echoed in the air.

Bang bang bang!!

Inside the night attack, Lubbock, who had arranged a silk enchantment nearby, immediately came out to check when he heard the movement.

"'~ is the enemy...... How can (the king's) be able to!?"

Lubbo saw the night wind and walked forward in defiance of his silk barrier.

These silk threads are all arranged by his emperor [Ever-changing Cross Tail].

Not only is it strong, but it is also extremely sharp, and the strongest of them is called the "Boundary Broken Thread", which is far tougher than the other silk threads.

But even the toughest "boundary breaking line" was torn off by the night wind at this moment!

It is equivalent to saying that he, the emperor, was directly abolished by the night wind!

And when Lubbo was shocked, he caught the attention of Night Wind.

Night Wind looked up in the direction of the window of the stone building, and at a glance locked on Lubbon, with green hair and green eyes, wearing a hooded suit.

Lubbo felt a chill behind him, and his body began to tremble as if he was being targeted by a dragon.

And Night Wind's gaze was fleeting, and he took it back after a glance at Lubbock.

There is nothing worthy of his attention in this small role, and the footsteps of the night wind did not stop, but went straight into the night attack headquarters.

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