Standing in front of the night wind is none other than the Root Demon, the Demon of Darkness!

He has the appearance of a pterodactyl-like alien head with a pair of horns, and his body is composed of multiple human bodies.

The torso is divided into four human heads, distributed vertically, each with a different shape.

At the very top, a pair of arms with sharp ends extend to support its dark cloak.

This strange and eerie gesture makes everyone who sees Him feel fear in their hearts.

At this time, the demon of darkness looked down at the night wind in front of him.

His hands were not cut off by himself, but only half-broken.

The wound was open, and there was not even blood coming out.

Because the speed of healing is so fast, the wound regenerates as soon as it appears.

Even if he already knew about the existence of the Dark Demon, when he really looked at him, Nightwind instinctively gave rise to a trace of fear in his heart.

It's a biological instinct, a fear of the unknown and the dark.

Unless he has no soul, it is almost impossible to avoid it.

It's just that as the two look at each other, the fear in Night Wind's heart disappears.

The first meeting was really scary, but after getting used to it, it was leisurely.






The cry of 420 volts came out as the light reappeared in front of him.

Himeno and the others also found that their arms had been cut off.

The arms flying in the air formed Machima's handwriting, and finally scattered like a pile of garbage.

Looking at Pawa and Dongshan Xiaohong, who were already stupid, Night Wind frowned slightly and turned his head to look at them.

The Dark Demon also withdrew his gaze and looked at Torriga, who was standing aside and had lost his arms.

They all had their own things to do, and they didn't interfere with each other for the time being.

"Don't call Pawa, listen to me now, obey me with all your heart, and I'll take you to safety!"

"Ahh "

At this moment, Pawa showed unprecedented well-behaved and nodded hurriedly.

Night Wind looked at the others, and they also made eye contact.

They immediately relaxed, and the night breeze directly transferred them to the small world.

Seeing this, Guangxi immediately came up.

"Please send my women away, I don't care.

I'm willing to do whatever you do in the future, as long as we can survive. "

Guangxi's expression calmly communicated with the night wind, trying to negotiate the conditions.

Night Wind glanced at her and said lightly, "You already said this when you surrendered before. "

But having said that, Night Wind still waved his hand and sent Guangxi and her four demon wives to his own small world.

Now her wife is her own.

Since it's your own thing, of course the night breeze has to protect it.

As for their broken arms, it's easy to regenerate.

And on the side of the night wind, when all the women are sent into the small world.

Torriga, on the other side, was already on one knee, kneeling in front of the Dark Demon.

Having been made into a perfect puppet, he calmly said to the dark demon:

"I'm a puppet demon, and according to the contract, I brought the contractor of the chainsaw demon here.

Please give me ...... The power to kill Machima. "

He glanced in the direction of the night wind, indicating that he had made a deal with Him.

The simple chainsaw demon didn't dare to catch Santa Claus ten dares.

But as long as the contractor's night breeze is sent, her mission will be accomplished.

As long as there is a contractor, the rest is up to the Dark Demon himself.

As a demon, he was well aware of the relationship between the contractor and the demon.

I also know that as long as I use the night wind, I can catch the chainsaw demon.

The Dark Demon looked up at Nightwind again, then nodded.

In the real world, an arm is stretched out from the darkness.

And in that arm was a dark mass of dark matter.

This small mass of dark matter, still wriggling and emitting a deep darkness.

Seeing the arm carrying this dark matter to him, Santa Claus immediately showed a happy smile on his face.

"Dark Demon's Slice ......"

She opened her lips and swallowed the dark demon's flesh in one gulp.

The power of the Dark Demon immediately melted into her body, causing her to stand (agbh) excitedly.

And in Hell, after giving away a slice of his own flesh, the Dark Demon took off Torriga's head.

Standing behind the Dark Demon, the lower part of the sun secretly used the blood that flowed down his cuffs to draw the magic circle of the Stone Demon.

Then he opened his mouth and blew a petrified breath at the Dark Demon. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The petrified breath brushed the dark demon's head, not petrifying it.

Attached to the Dark Demon's torso, the palm holding up the dark cloak suddenly moved.

The withered arm twisted back, then slammed into the void.

The next moment, a stone demon with a hideous appearance that resembled a gargoyle was pinched in the air by him with one hand.

"Quack, quack!ah!"

The eyes of the stone demon are full of MMP's emotions.

It hates its own contractor, the Hisaka Division, how dare you!

You provoke such a big boss for me, you're so sweet (TM) damn it!!

But the Demon of Stone didn't have a chance to speak.

The Dark Demon's arm was slightly stronger, and it directly pinched the Stone Demon into stone slag.

And the lower part of the sun, which is the contractor, was also petrified and shattered at the same time, turning into a pile of rubble.

This scene made the other demon hunters fall to their knees weakly.

There's no way to fight, there's no chance of winning at all.

The Dark Demon simply turned and calmly looked at the kneeling crowd behind him.


Scarlet blood flowed from the mouths and noses of several people on the spot.

Just the gaze of the dark demon, as a human being, even an angel demon who is a demon, can't bear it at all.

They all fell to the ground weakly, and for a moment only the night wind was left standing.

The dark demon's gaze immediately fell on him. []

As His gaze came, the night breeze seemed to be crushed by a mountain, both mentally and physically.

But he can still afford a mountain!

"Wait a minute, I'll do a little thing. "

Night Wind politely waved a pause, then walked towards the Angel Demon.

The Dark Demon just watched, not stopping the Night Wind.

He seemed to wonder how this human could withstand his own strength.

The night breeze is like the loving Father, who has walked up to the angels and demons.

He reached out and gently touched the head of the angel demon.

The moment he touched the Angel Demon, his lifespan was irrepressibly absorbed.

One month, two months, one year, two years...... In a short period of time, the lifespan of the night wind has diminished rapidly.

"Extracting lifespan is a really good ability. "

Night Wind smiled, and then whispered:

"The magnetic field rotates 500,000 horses!

The powerful magnetic field power instantly surged towards the angel demon.

His severed arms, as well as the damage to his body from the gaze of the Dark Demon, were all reconstituted at this moment.

Leisurely, the angel demon immediately woke up, with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Didn't I pass out? Why did I suddenly wake up again?

ps:The one in the picture is the demon of darkness.。。

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