The night wind crashes into the sun's atmosphere with the demon of darkness.

The powerful physical impact instantly triggered a series of reactions in the coronal layer.

Boom, boom, boom!!

The terrifying explosion of the nuclear reaction constantly echoed in their ears.

Bursts of solar radiation frantically hit the body of the night wind.

And all of this made the night breeze moan comfortably.


In an instant, the two crossed the coronal layer to the chromosphere, and quickly passed through to the photosphere.

The temperature soared to hundreds of thousands of degrees in an instant, and the pace of the night wind has not stopped.

With a plop, he crashed through the photosphere and into the troposphere, which was truly close to the core of the Sun.

An endless solar storm swept in, and huge columns of hot gas (hot columns) rushed to the surface of the sun, like boiling water in a pot boiling to the surface of the water.

And the night wind and the dark demons that were crushed by the bombardment of these hot columns were subjected to millions of degrees Celsius every minute and every second!

Night Wind also let go of his hand at this time, and stood in the solar storm, staring at the dark demon in front of him.

The shattered body of the Dark Demon is also crumbling little by little.

He couldn't handle the heat here, most importantly.

He could not find a trace of darkness in the sun, only an infinite amount of light and heat.

Night 937 Wind didn't even pay attention to the dark demon, he couldn't bear it himself, and his body was completely shattered and destroyed.

And the darkness that envelops the whole world on the earth has also completely dissipated and returned to normal with the death of the dark demon.

[Ding!Power Points +1,000,000!]

【Ding!Do you choose to specify the plunder?】

"Select Designated Plunder. "

Hearing this voice, Night Breeze had no idea of refusing.

The Dark Demon is a root demon, and this does not specify the ability to predate, so wouldn't he be a big loss.

glanced at the extra energy points on his panel, and the few tricks he had just thrown on the earth.

I guess I killed a lot of people.

Originally, Night Wind only expected three or four million energy points, but now there are eight million!

Could it be that he just accidentally slaughtered millions of people?

Yes...... It doesn't matter, but I saved the world, and the millions of people who died were considered unlucky.

Nightwind didn't feel any guilt, and immediately began to specify the ability to choose.

The Dark Demon's series of abilities were quickly placed in front of his eyes.

[Fear Absorption, Dark Enhancement, Dark Immortality, Dark Realm, Absolute Darkness, Five Senses Annihilation, Darkness Nullity, Bell Knife, Dark Spell, Dark Teleportation, Demon Contract, Concept Immortality (Darkness), Demon (Ahag) Parasitism, Concept Darkness!]

Rows of capacity passed, making the night breeze gasp a few times as they watched the solar storm.

No wonder it's hard to fight, ordinary demons are not even scum compared to him.

Night Wind has a lot of options.

Eight million energy points, one two million, he can choose four abilities.

However, the Night Wind took out, and the root of the Demon of Darkness was still his [Conceptual Darkness].

As for the other abilities, they are all derived from His own strength.

You can deduce and learn by yourself, and of course, you can directly spend energy points to learn in advance.

After thinking about it for a while, Night Wind incorporated [Dark Spell] into his choice.

[Dark Spell] is not so much an ability, but a set of skills that the Dark Demon himself has summarized.

It includes killing people with your gaze and summoning corpses...... And so on.

Through darkness, the power of spells can be infinitely magnified.

This whole set of spells, if you want to deduce it yourself, it must be very troublesome.

Immediately, he spent four million energy points to pocket all the [Conceptual Darkness (EX)] and [Dark Spell (EX)].

[Concept Darkness (EX): You are the darkness itself!]

[Dark Spell (EX): Many strange spells, released through the darkness. 】

A cloud of dark matter appeared out of thin air, and then it disappeared into the heart.

The small universe that is constantly expanding in the body is also eager to absorb this dark matter.

Darkness is also one of the most basic elements that make up the universe.

Night Wind can clearly feel that his small universe has improved a lot for a while.

And this small universe was built by rotating according to the magnetic field and constricting the four basic forces.

If it weren't for the Dark Demon shielding his five senses and allowing him to tap out his sixth sense.

Then the progress of creating a small universe by yourself is likely to be a long time coming.

This small universe may be somewhat similar to the small universe of Saint Seiya in my impression.

This is a magic version, and it is built with a system of magnetic field rotation.

It can be said that this small universe is still incomplete and incomplete.

It's not a separate space, or something corporeal.

Night Wind himself, is the small universe!

Literally, his body is a small universe!

Every cell, every inch of skin, and every drop of blood is the stars and space of the small universe!

Piece it all together, it's a small universe he opened up!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

In my true conception, what I created was not a small universe, but a large universe!

A universe that can devour the outside world and devour everything!

After all, I made something out of nothing, and I didn't have any experience to open up and create.

Now the situation can be regarded as the best.

Demon power, spiritual power, magnetic field power, and solar energy are all integrated into the small universe.

The universe is all-encompassing, and no matter what energy it is, it can be accommodated and integrated.

Night Wind looked at the sun in front of him, a greedy look in his eyes.

He wants to use his small universe to swallow the sun.

The sun, which is sucked into the small universe in this way, will endlessly provide him with energy and make him constantly evolve!

It's just that the extent of my current small universe is not enough to accommodate the sun, which is 1.3 million times larger than the earth.

But now his small universe is still expanding, as long as he continues to improve the rules of his own small universe.

Let it be a truly independent, one-of-a-kind universe.

Then it can really expand outwards endlessly, like the universe.

And as it transforms into a small universe, the magnetic field power in Night Wind's body is also fixed at 950,000 horses.

After having just been forcibly promoted to a million horses, he was soon able to evolve to that level and surpass!

The night wind that incarnates the universe has turned the rotation of the magnetic field into a part of the rules of its own small universe!

The power of the magnetic field will only grow infinitely, constantly strengthening his physical body!

Therefore, he didn't have to worry at all, a million magnetic fields would burst his body.

The night breeze that stands in the sun gradually calms its restless power.

After completely containing the power and converging all the aura to perfection, Night Wind skimmed the [Dark Spell] in his mind. []

At the same time, as the darkness receded, the night wind and the dark demon disappeared at the same time, and everything seemed to be calm again.


Machima whispered and looked around.

To be honest, she couldn't understand how the Dark Demon had disappeared.

And the sound of the night wind just now echoed in his ears, which meant that he had taken the dark demon away.

Are they all perishing together?

She was expecting this ending in her heart.

Without the obstruction of the night wind, their plans can be perfectly realized.

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