"You're a subordinate of the Night Wind Lord, and there's a big problem behind you right now. "

Machima, who walked out of the building elegantly, said hello to the three demons outside without the slightest surprise.

They immediately frowned and looked at Machima hostilely.

They both know very well that the relationship between Nightwind and Machima is just taking advantage of each other.

The appearance of this bad woman is obviously nothing good.

Wait, big trouble?

Scarlet quickly realized something, and Santa's figure smashed through the wall and rushed out.


Santa Claus, who crashed to the ground, appeared in front of them with a look of intoxication.

"Now we're working together to deal with this monster.

Let me explain to you her situation, this is our common enemy. "

In a few sentences, Machima pulled them into her camp.

At the same time, she also told them Santa's information "five, six, seven".

Despite their reluctance, Scarlet and the others stood by Machima's side.

Machima alone, with the resurrection contract, had to let them take action.

Because he also lives on this continent, who knows if he will be the next target to die violently.

Scarlet Ju was the first to rush forward, and the boy in his hand, Che Angang, exuded a deadly chill.

Santa Claus waved his arms and rained them down, but they were all deftly dodged by Scarlet.


Bursts of cold light exploded in the air.

In an instant, Santa's body was torn apart and broken into several sections.

"Do it!"

Scarlet didn't let her guard down, but immediately shouted behind him.

"Water Dragon!"

Jingshui Jiu started to do it for the first time, and a huge water dragon was born out of thin air, wrapping all the stumps of Santa Claus.

Bingli also took this opportunity to quickly exhale extremely cold and freezing air.


The cold air whistled, and the water dragon was suddenly frozen into an ice dragon.

And Santa's torn body was all inside the ice dragon.

"Good fit. "

Looking at the cooperation of Scarlet Ju, Bingli, and Jingshui Jiu, a trace of surprise flashed in Machima's eyes.

She then manipulates a random human and asks him to call out the name "Santa Claus".

She began to crush Santa Claus with both hands, completely crushing Santa's limbs to pieces!

Bang bang bang!!

The ice dragon also shattered into ice slag under the terrifying crushing force.

Now at a glance, Santa Claus is completely nowhere to be seen.

Her body, along with the ice dragon, was completely crushed.

But there was no joy on their faces, but a deep fear on their faces.

"Oh no, it's going to be night......"

The last rays of the setting sun faded away, replaced by endless darkness.


Santa's laughter echoes through the night, and the city lights up the streetscape.

Santa Claus, with a blackened body and two demon-like horns growing out of his head, climbed up from the ground with a satisfied face.

More than a dozen arms danced like cilia, and the hideous body swelled more and more, and now it was nearly five meters tall.

"This is the power of darkness, you are no match for me. "

Santa Claus grinned horrified at the corners of his mouth, mocking the Scarlet Bow group in front of him.

Scarlet Ju's face was ugly, but he just clenched the blade in his hand.

In the next moment, Santa Claus, who was huge, approached at an unbelievable speed.

A dozen arms were like a dozen whips, violently blasting the air and pumping towards everyone.

Scarlet Ju hurriedly lifted An Gang to resist, but was instantly pulled out dozens of meters.

Bingli also stood up with an ice shield to defend herself, dodging most of the attacks in a graceful manner.

Still water is even more water elemental, dodging Santa's attack.

Only Machima, unexpectedly, turned her head into a headless corpse with another convulsion.

The next moment, Machima stood up again, and the expression on her face did not change at all.

"At least until daytime, so it's easy to deal with. "

She looked at them unhurriedly, and said that there was only one way to solve it.

"Stay up until daytime, what a joke!"

Scarlet's pupils turned into animal pupils, and cat's fangs appeared in his mouth.

The tyranny in her heart makes her want to cut off and chop up the Machima in front of her along with Santa Claus in desperation!

Her fingertips grew, and just as she was about to grow her claws, the sky suddenly lit up.

"Huh?" (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Everyone looked up at the sky, and the "shooting stars" that burned with fire pierced the sky and finally stopped in the sky over Kyoto.

The silver-white cloak danced in the wind, and the night wind wearing the silver and black superman suit appeared in everyone's sight.

His eyes indifferently glanced at Santa Claus, who had turned into an alien, and slowly fell from the sky.

Looking at the night breeze like a god descending, Machima couldn't help but hold her breath0 .......

He's still alive! He's not dead!

This means that he has slain the Demon of Darkness!

Is he still an existence that she can defeat and dominate?

Machima's heart couldn't help but put a big question mark.

Now even she doesn't believe that she has the possibility of winning.

Even Santa Claus, who is in great strength at the moment, has a smile on his face as the night breeze descends.

Instead, there was a look of horror and jealousy in her eyes.

Could it be that the Demon of Darkness has been defeated?

A situation that she could not imagine and comprehend at all now echoed in her mind.

"Your Highness, Young Lord. "

Seeing the night breeze coming, Scarlet Ju immediately fell to one knee on one knee, and the cat's ears and fangs were withdrawn. []

Bingli and Jingshui Jiu also leaned forward immediately.

"Get up, Scarlet, don't be so solemn. "

Night Wind raised her hand slightly, allowing Scarlet to stand up.

He walked up to the third girl, glanced at Machima beside him, and asked casually:

"What's going on?"

While speaking, he also released all the women in the small world.

The frightened women, they are still stuck in the memories of their previous contact with the dark demon.

Nightwind shot out a magnetic field from the palm of his hand, reconnecting all of their broken arms.

Looking at the extra crowd, the atmosphere present suddenly eased a lot.

Scarlet Ju then explained Santa's situation.

Listening to Scarlet Ju's narration, Night Breeze 0.9 nodded slightly, and Santa Claus, who was silent for a moment, did not want to stalemate any longer.

She suddenly burst into flames and swept against the night wind.

It wasn't until Santa Claus was moving for a long time that Nightwind turned to look in her direction.

And at this moment, Santa Claus, her movements are still frozen in the air.

What seemed swift as the wind to others seemed slower than a snail crawling in his eyes.


The night breeze snorted softly, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Stripping. "

He just said these two words lightly.

In the eyes of everyone in the outside world, more than a dozen of Santa's arms are brushing towards the night wind.

But in the process, her limbs continued to shatter and burst.

In the end, Santa Claus, who lost the shell of the doll, became the image of the original black-haired royal sister.

She swung her pink fist and lightly hammered it against Night Wind's hard chest.

This embarrassing scene instantly made everyone's eyes widen.

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