Night Breeze looked at the glowing bamboo in front of him, and soon sensed a psychological fluctuation.

"If you can't kill me, banish me to the earth!"

"When I get back, I must take revenge. "

"Why did anyone come?"



And the voices generated by this psychological fluctuation are all coming from the glowing bamboo not far away.

"The glowing bamboo, it's pretty good. "

Looking at the bamboo that shimmered softly in front of him, Night Wind stepped forward and stroked it.

Then he felt the life inside the bamboo, like a newborn baby.

From the other party's voice just now, Night Wind roughly understood what had happened.

Mt. Penglai Kaguya has the ability to manipulate eternity and necessity.

In other words, she will be able to do all of the Eternal Demons, and she will be able to do it if she won't!

Kaguya, who has eternal power, is absolutely immortal.

Because even if she died, she could be reborn immediately, and she could not actually die.

Night Wind, who is gradually developing the authority of [Concept Eternal], can also understand this power.

And Kaguya, because of a whim, asked Bayi Yonglin to create a forbidden drug, that is, the medicine of Penglai that makes people immortal.

And she also personally participated and took Penglai's medicine.

This violates the taboo of the Moon Capital, and even if she is the Princess of Moon 113, she will be executed.

Because she has eternal power, she cannot be killed.

After taking Penglai's medicine, the immortality is even fuller.

Under the combination of the two, as long as there is a little soul dregs left, she will be reincarnated and resurrected.

Therefore, it is impossible to kill Kaguya as a punishment.

In the end, it was Toyohime Mianyue who personally intervened, and at the moment when Kaguya was killed, he was transferred to Earth.

This made Penglai Mountain Hui Ye directly reincarnated in this bamboo forest.

"The power of eternity can also be said to be the power of eternity, and I didn't think about developing this aspect in the past. "

The night breeze touched the bamboo in front of him and muttered in his heart.

He develops abilities, generally for the combat side.

And the Penglai Mountain in front of her is more conservative and defensive.

"But the filth of this earth...... What's that?"

From the heart of Penglai Mountain Kaguya, the night wind could hear that throwing her to the ground was to let her experience the torture of filth on the ground.

This is also the thing that the people of the Moon Capital fear and resist the most.

The night of Penglai Mountain in front of me is also mentioned repeatedly more than once.

But he didn't know what this filth was.

He didn't bother in this regard, and after reaching out to break the bamboo in front of him, he carried it on his shoulder and prepared to take it home.

The newly reincarnated Penglai Mountain Hui Ye little Lori is in this bamboo.

This pink and cute appearance, the night breeze is not ready to keep her here.

After taking it home, Night Breeze didn't rush to cut the bamboo.

Now Kaguya has just been reincarnated, and she is still very small and thin.

The night breeze is ready to be nourished a little, and it is not very reassuring at home now.

As soon as he woke up in the morning, Night Wind saw that Tsuiko was training the feathered fox.

Compared to last night, the night wind could clearly feel that the feathered fox had grown up again.

"If you want a husband, then show your skills.

Your potential is more than that, first skillfully use the demonic power in your body!"

Tsuiko sternly reprimanded the feather-clothed fox in front of her, as if she was in a palace.

The feather-clothed fox looked unhappy, but he was helpless under the pressure of Cuizi.

It's the first time I've seen Night Breeze see Tsuiko behaving so harshly.

After some inquiry, he also knew why.

"The feathered fox is too hard, and she can't do it if she doesn't put pressure.

Even if she has an idea of her own, I think I need to guide her. "

Compared with the soft character engraved in the bones of the eyebrows, Cuizi is soft on the outside and rigid on the inside.

She doesn't mind her multiple rivals, but she doesn't want to see the feathered fox too "degenerate".

Now the feather-coated fox has nothing but giving birth to a child in his mind, that is, giving birth to a child.

Tsuiko knows that she also needs to have enough value to stand out in front of the night wind.

It's okay to be a vase alone, but it falls to the bottom of the floor.

As for Tsuiko's thoughts, Feathered Fox couldn't refute it.

Under Tsuiko's teaching, her strength is also increasing day by day.

The feather-clothed fox with a good foundation soon had the strength of a high-level monster.

And Night Breeze is now dealing with the bamboo he cut down last night.

Even during the day, this section of bamboo is shining.

The butterfly girl and the snow girl were all in front of the bamboo, watching curiously. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Your Excellency (Lord), you are here. "

Seeing the night breeze coming, the two of them first respectfully asked for peace.

Then they asked what kind of strange spiritual thing this bamboo was.

This bamboo, which can emit light, is not ordinary.

And faintly, they could hear the cry of a baby in the bamboo.

"My lord, this ...... Is this bamboo a fine one?!"

Yukihime quickly made her own judgment and looked at Night Wind in surprise.

It's the first time she's seen bamboo into essence.

However, she was not surprised, she had heard of the elixir of flowers and plants before.

The main reason is that I haven't seen bamboo into essence, so I'm very curious.

"Of course...... No, when I went out for a stroll last night, I happened to see it, and I cut it back. "

Night Breeze shook his head and talked about his experience of getting this bamboo.

[Sneak into the bamboo forest dozens of kilometers away, you are a monster!]

Inside the bamboo, the newly reincarnated Penglai Mountain Huiye, that can't help but complain in my heart.

But she looked at the night wind and picked up the bamboo she was reincarnated into, that is, she ran all the way for dozens of kilometers.

Seriously, if he hadn't known about his reincarnation and banishment, there would never have been anyone on earth who knew about it in advance.

Otherwise, she probably thought that the night wind was deliberately squatting in the bamboo forest.

I was just reincarnated, and I was taken away by him, which is really a coincidence.

And the night breeze in front of her was not the same as the people on the ground she had known.

Unexpectedly, she didn't see "filth" on Night Wind. []

This filth can be said to be a concept, and they can see and feel it.

In the simplest and most intuitive way, this defilement is the limit of the lifespan of all things.

Food will rot if not eaten as soon as possible, and the creatures raised will also have a limited lifespan.

As a people of the moon, she is afraid of the filth of the earth.

This defilement is not only acting on the physical level, but also on the spiritual level.

She took Penglai medicine, so that herself, who had almost no desires and emotions, had human desires and feelings.

In the eyes of the Lunarians, she is "defiled" and will infect other Lunarians, and will need to be executed or banished.

And the night breeze in front of him, from the perspective of Kaguya, the whole person is quite pure.

Even the moon people carry a very small amount of filth, so they only live long and not live forever.

The night wind in front of him is completely different, he is truly immortal!

[He's not human, absolutely not.] 】


Listening to Kaguya's evaluation of himself, Night Wind was silent for a while.

It sounds like he's scolding me, but it's like he's praising me again.

ps: The picture is Penglai Mountain Huiye.

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