Looking at the full moon reflected in the lake, Yakumo Zi also took a deep breath and stepped forward.

In fact, she had only tried once before, and now she doesn't know if she is sure.

She had already speculated that when the moon was full, it seemed that the moon would have some kind of connection with the earth.

Otherwise, with the power of her realm, it would not be enough to create a passage to the moon.

"The realm of illusion and reality!"

Yakumo took out her parasol and tapped the surface of the lake with the tip of the umbrella.

With her low groan, the power of the realm also escaped with the ripples.


The reflection of the full moon~, which was originally bright, became brighter and brighter.

A moment later, the reflection of the full moon on the lake connected to the moon in the sky.

"It's now! It's time for us to take the moon!!"

After Yakumo Purple knew that he had succeeded, he immediately shouted at the many monsters.

Immediately, she took the lead and jumped into the full moon.

Her figure disappeared into the reflection in an instant, and there was a ripple in space somewhere on the moon.

Yakumo Zi's pretty figure immediately jumped out of the ripples.

Soon her toes were on the land of the moon.

Not only is there air here, but at a glance, Yakumo Murasaki can see a lot of buildings beyond her imagination!

Towering tall buildings, and some turrets and enchantments that she didn't recognize, but felt dangerous.

Immediately after, the night wind that quietly came to Yakumo Zi's side also saw this scene.

When I used to look at it with super vision, I showed a surprised expression more than once.

When the monsters and humans on the ground were still in primitive society, the moon had already entered interstellar travel!

It's really a general level of science and technology, and with Yakumo Purple and that group of monsters alone, they are definitely not the opponents of the moon people.

But just before he came, he secretly did something.

He lightly touched a few people and made a few dolls.

Now, the puppets are about to spread.

And the youkai who is transformed into a puppet is also equivalent to being killed by him.

Now his energy point is rising slowly!

And after realizing that there are also people on the moon that she can't afford to mess with, Yakumo Purple immediately secretly hid.

The subsequent swarms of youkai who appeared on the moon were quick to divert their attention even if they wondered where Yakumo had gone.

"Kill, take here!"

I don't know which youkai roared like this, and all the youkai instantly attacked the moon capital.

Youkai don't have a lot of brains, and 90% of them are stupid people who act on instinct.

Only a very small number can understand the world and live a sane life.

They are accustomed to killing, and all they have in their minds is to kill, and then occupy.

The Moon Capital is there, and it's the best target for the monsters.

The night breeze fishes in troubled waters and constantly develops its own army of dolls.

He also looked at the Moon Capital, wanting to see how they could defend themselves.

As the mastermind behind the scenes, he definitely can't be like those monsters, shouting and rushing in his mouth.

There must be some cannon fodder to go up and test a wave, and talk about the reality of the other party first.

Face the youkai who suddenly appear and launch a fierce attack.

The people of the Moon Capital, they are completely defenseless.

Even if the moon people have only a very little filth left, they will not grow old and will not die.

But they are not really immortal, and if they die of injuries, they are also really dead.

The current leader of the Moon Capital is no longer the former Moon Sage Bayi Yonglin.

Because of the sin of Bayi Yonglin and Penglai Mountain Huiye making the elixir of immortality, she was demoted.

The current leaders of the Moon Capital are served by the two Mianyue sisters.

They have only just taken office, and they are also caught off guard in the face of the sudden attack of monsters.

In the end, Bayi Yonglin still came over to guide them, and first asked the Moon Rabbit to organize an army to protect the Moon Capital.

"Let the Moon Rabbits take up arms and fight against this group of monsters from the ground. "

As soon as this command went, the Moon Rabbits, who had never participated in the battle, had no choice but to take up arms to fight.

The inhabitants of the Moon City are divided into Moon People and Moon Rabbits, and Moon Rabbits are in charge of their work. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The people of the moon, also known as the people of the moon, are the existence above the moon rabbit.

And the moon people are absolutely unwilling to fight the monsters.

"This group of sinners and thugs from the ground is covered in filth, and we must not touch it!"

"Lord Mianyue, please lead us to fight back!"

...... []


One after another, the orders were quickly passed to the Mianyue sisters.

They were completely confused and didn't know what to do.

Strictly speaking, the Moon Capital actually has an absolute advantage.

The Moon City itself is a fairly complete city, and the level of technology is far ahead of its time.

Balkan artillery, ultra-small Planck bombs, lunar combat vehicles, lunar reconnaissance vehicles, and other weapons and equipment, they have everything.

The problem is that there has never been a war on the moon.

The Moon Rabbits are the most, and they are usually only responsible for security work.

Although they are trained, in order to ensure that they can fight the earthlings at critical moments.

But they are trained, and when they really get to the battlefield, they are just recruits with no experience at all.

The tyrannical and killing monsters, the horror they gathered, frightened most of the moon rabbits and moon people.

The Moon Rabbits, who had never been prepared for defense, were defeated and retreated.

Even without Yakumo's leadership, the monsters are now in an absolute advantage.

On top of that, the Moon Capital's side has just changed its leader.

The Mianyue sisters didn't know how to give instructions at all.

Seeing this situation, Bayi Yonglin also temporarily resumed the position of commander.

Wearing a nurse's hat + magician fusion costume, embroidered with a gossip array on the skirt, silver hair and gray pupils, and a delicate and beautiful appearance, Bayi Yonglin immediately put on a serious expression.

Originally, as a sinner, she was demoted, and she stood in front of Sister Mianyue, and Sister Mianyue, who was the boss, immediately shrank her head.

The person in front of him is not only the sage of the moon, but also his own master!

Both of them are students of Bayi Yonglin, and they are also his distant relatives, and they both have respect for Yonglin.

"Yiji, you go to organize the Moon Rabbits, and you are responsible for training them to fight.

You lead, now go and fend off the attack of these monsters!"

"Lord Eight Meanings, yes!"

Mianyue Yiji, who got the order, set off immediately, not daring to slack off.

"Master, what about me?"

Next to her, the blonde hair and golden eyes, the sweet and lovely Mianyue Fengji asked Bayi Yonglin out loud.

"Feng Ji, you first go and activate the defensive barrier of the Moon Capital, and then find out where these monsters come from and who is behind them. "

Eight Yi Yonglin, who knows Mianyue Fengji's ability, has been given a task that suits her.

After getting the task, Mianyue Toyohime also set off immediately.

ps:The picture is the Mianyue sisters.,The purple-haired and red-eyed one on the left is the younger sister of Mianyue Yiji.,The blonde and golden-eyed one on the right is the sister Feng Jijiu.。。

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