"The godhead of the Westward Demon is only illusory, more just the power of faith. "

Staring at the cherry blossom tree in front of him, after Yuyuko's soul unconsciously absorbed his power, the night breeze began to act.

He first put Yuyuko's detached soul back into his body.

Then he opened his palm, and a deep, dark godhead that seemed to be able to devour the light of the world flew out of his palm.

This is the "Moon God Godhead" he obtained at the beginning, after months of tempering.

He has removed all the divine power and authority from the Godhead.

Instead, he injected his own concepts of "darkness" and "eternity" into it, reshaping it into his own godhead.

And because the Godhead is not strong enough, it can only accommodate these two conceptual authorities.

However, even if it is only integrated into two, it is much stronger than the ordinary godhead.

Because he has a godhead, the power of faith that has gathered in him has also been integrated into it.

After this period of analysis, Night Wind knows what the power of faith is.

This is a very idealistic spiritual power, and it can also be said to be the power of the wishes of all beings.

Often, beliefs come with strings attached.

Many believers have mixed beliefs when they pray.

Most of them have to pray for blessings and pray for themselves.

Only believers like fanatics produce the purest faith.

And the power of pure mind can be said to be quite omnipotent. 443

Create things out of thin air, transform them into divine power, move mountains and reclaim the sea...... As long as the power of faith is enough, it can be done.

But absorbing the power of such faith raises a problem.

Pure faith is fine, but faith is mostly mixed.

The power of desire mixed in it is like such a thing as karma.

If you don't help him do it, then this faith will turn into the power to rebel and poison your mind.

That's why most of the gods, they have to do their job and carry out their own priesthood.

By fulfilling their priesthood, they are satisfying the believers who pray to them, and thus transforming faith into pure spiritual power.

After Night Wind has an in-depth understanding, it also analyzes the entire god system cleanly.

Of course, this is just the god system of this world, and the night wind of other worlds can only be said to be similar, there are always differences.

But this is not in the way, and now he has to rely on this godhead to solve the situation of Yuyuko and the Westward Demon in front of him.

The faith that the Westward Demon got was basically related to "death".

Night Wind directly manipulated his dark godhead to plunder and absorb the illusory death godhead of the Westbound Demon.

The westward demon who has no autonomous consciousness at all is a piece of meat on the chopping board.

The night wind severed the power of faith in his body, absorbing all of it into the dark godhead.

"Death and darkness are still somehow connected after all. "

He whispered silently, linking the two.

He then forcibly eliminated most of the mixed power of faith, leaving only the purest power of death and the power of the heart.

This can be said to be quite a waste for the gods.

If the original power of faith was a hundred, then there would only be five left in the operation of Night Wind.

But for Nightwind, these powers of faith are completely useless.

He now has a bunch of beliefs like an ocean, and he doesn't bother to absorb them.

He would only absorb the power of faith provided by his dependents for now, because it was pure enough.

If the power of the mind is non-toxic and harmless, it is of great benefit to the soul.

After absorbing the power of faith provided by the dependents during this time.

Not only has the small universe expanded by one-tenth, but the number of magnetic field rotation horses has risen to one million and fifty thousand, and the complete realm has directly soared to level fifty, and the traffic has also skyrocketed to level 30,000!

After this wave of harvesting, it is really satisfying.

After muttering a few words in his heart, Night Breeze continued with his current project.

Just now, Yuyuko's soul has accepted the power of the Westward Demon,

Now the night wind is to integrate the purified power of death and the power of the heart into her soul.

Under his control, Yuyuko, who was still dying, fused her soul and body again.

Originally human, she began to transform into a half-human, half-spirit existence.

Unlike the Soul Demon Dream, Yuyuko's current state is more similar to the kind that can transform herself into both human and ghost identities.

And in a sense (bged), the current Yuyuko is also his own oracle.

It's just that he, the Lord God, doesn't have the idea of commanding the oracle to do anything. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Miss Yuyuko, she ...... You okay. "

At this moment, the soul demon dream also returned to the courtyard and saw that the night wind was rescuing Yuyuko.

She also vaguely felt that Yuyuko wanted to kill herself recently.

She was deliberately taken away before, but she also wanted to let Night Wind be alone with Yuyuko, so that she could have the motivation to live.

"Don't worry, although she committed suicide, I can still save it. "[]

The night breeze that was busy and sneaking around, made an OK gesture to the soul demon dream.

Hearing this, the soul demon dream breathed a sigh of relief, and his gaze at the night wind was much better.

Although Night Wind is a villain, he is really reliable now.

The purple brilliance immediately enveloped Yuyuko completely.

The cherry blossoms of the cherry blossom trees fall one after another, converging into a whirlpool of cherry blossoms that hold Yuyuko's body up.

These countless cherry blossoms shimmer like butterflies fluttering, constantly blending into Yuyuko's body.

And the cherry blossom tree, which is a westward demon, is also constantly drying up and wilting.

The night wind is to transfer the vitality and power of the cherry blossom tree to Yuyuko.

I don't know how long it has been, but after everything has calmed down, Night Wind stretched out his hands and hugged Yuyuko, who was slowly falling from the sky.


With a grunt, Yuyuko opened her pink eyes.

In the clear pupils, the color of doubt flashed at the moment.

"Eh, Mr. Nightwind, are you dead too?"

"Stupid, I'm not dead, I'm pulling you back from the underworld!"

Night Wind reached out and pinched Yuyuko's fleshy face, revealing a doting smile.

"Miss Yuyuko!"

The soul demon dream also let out an exclamation of joy and tears, and stepped forward with tears in the corners of his eyes.

Hearing the voice of the demon dream, Yuyuko gradually came to her senses.

Later, through the description of the night wind, she also roughly understood what happened.

"Is the Westward Demon dead now?"

Staring at the withered cherry blossom trees in front of her, Yuyuko didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

Nightwind nodded but shook his head.

"Half-alive, half-dead, He lives in you now.

If you die, then the Westward Demon will live. "

"Ahh "

Yuyuko was stunned cutely, and then muttered.

This cute appearance made the night breeze laugh out loud.

After dying once, she hated death too.

That kind of loneliness, coldness, and darkness, she didn't want to touch it anymore no matter what.

Thinking of this, Yuyuko turned her head and threw herself into the arms of Night Wind.

Feeling the warmth of his body, Yuyuko's heart is full of happiness and stability.

And this time the soul demon dream didn't stop it, she also sighed resentfully, and stopped to look at the scene in front of her.

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