"So that’s it, I’m so sorry!"

Lily Chuanhua scratched her head in embarrassment. She thought that Mianzi was one thing on the outside but another behind the scenes. On the surface, she was an ordinary high school girl with a calm personality, but behind her back, she was a hot girl who squandered money and played with men's bodies wantonly.

"Let me just say, it must be a misunderstanding, Jianzi is not that kind of person"

"Haha, that’s not what you just said."

Miko Yotsuya wiped the sweat from her forehead.

She almost died socially just now.

Fortunately, Su Yuan and Yukino explained it to Yuri Kawaka in time.

"Then the three of you are just shopping."

"Yes, but see you, why don’t you pick one?"

Yukinoshita Yukino clearly remembers that she was very frightened when she met her son.

What else did Su Yuanjun say at that time,"Blow dry!"

Yukinoshita Yukino felt ashamed and angry for Miko just thinking about that scene.

Yukawaka hugged Miko tightly and shook her arms, begging for forgiveness.

Yukinoshita suddenly noticed that Su Yuan seemed to be staring at Yukawaka.

When she saw the surging waves, she lowered her head and looked at her toes.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yuan noticed Xueno's fingers secretly poking her waist.

"Su Yuanjun, it's very rude to stare at a girl like this. Besides, the chat group live broadcast hasn't been turned off yet!"

The soft breath made Su Yuan look sideways.

A series of comments appeared on the chat interface.

Sifangchuan Changpu:"Su Yuanjun!

Busujima Saeko:"So Su Yuan-kun likes it here!" Next time you come as a guest, I, the host, will entertain Su Yuanjun with all my heart!

Ma Yin:"Humph, pervert!""

Zhen Sheng:"Humph, no wonder you ignored me last time!

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Humph!"

Yotsuya Miko:" Hmph!" Su

Yuan:"Huh, your attention is really obscene. Lily Chuanhua's situation is very special. Her life energy is extremely powerful!""

Use magic to defeat magic!

Su Yuan's words immediately attracted the attention of Yotsuya Miko.

She spoke while dealing with Yuri Kawaka.

Yotsuya Miko:"What does it mean that the life energy is strong?

Su Yuan:"She will be targeted by evil spirits. One day in the future, when her life energy is exhausted, she will fall into a coma, and her life may even be in danger."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"It seems that you are safe if you can't see evil spirits."

Su Yuan:"That's for ordinary people.""

Lily Chuanhua's situation must be special.

Su Yuan guessed that she has a special physique.

But it is unknown whether it has appeared in the world of immortality.

Su Yuan's knowledge generally comes from the anecdotes he obtained during his time as a handyman..Special physiques and the like need special tools to test.

Even well-informed monks may not be able to identify special physiques at a glance.

Except for some that have obvious external manifestations.

Yotsuya Miko:"What should we do? Su

Yuan:"I will eliminate some evil spirits first, and the rest will be left to time. It also takes time for me to practice." Yukinoshita Yukino:"

Su Yuanjun, is your kind of cultivation easy?""

Bushima Saeko:"I also want to ask, how long does it take to practice to reach the level of Su Yuanjun, who can rival the ghosts and gods in legends.

Su Yuan:"Depending on qualifications, generally speaking, it may take an ordinary person about sixty or seventy years, or even longer. A small number of people can do it very quickly." Ma Yin:"

Real or false!" Sixty or seventy years! Hasn't a whole life passed by? Su

Yuan:"No, if you cultivate to my level, you can extend your life by three hundred years. Compared with ordinary people, your life span is quite long."

Ma Yin:"Three hundred years!""

Ma Yin at Zhanchi Base suddenly stood up, her eyes full of shock. The decadent empire where demons and monsters are rampant only has a history of a thousand years.

A life span of three hundred years!

That is a life span that Ma Yin could not imagine.

Sifangchuan Changpu:"Wait. Wait, it means, Mr. Su Yuan, you can live for three hundred years!"

Sifangchuan Changpu felt deep loss and panic in her heart.

Three hundred years of life is enough to watch herself turn into withered bones.

Changpu is not afraid of death, but she doesn't want her loved ones to watch her grow older.

Su Yuan:"Don't worry, I will find a suitable technique for you."

It's just a dual cultivation technique.

Zhen Seng:"Wouldn't it be possible to become a vampire without side effects?

Su Yuan:"Much better than vampires. It's hard to explain clearly in just a few words."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"It's really... I don't know what to say.""

She never thought that the man in front of her could have such a long life.

For him, maybe the other group members are just inconspicuous passers-by in life.

Ma Yin:"But, having such a long life, isn't it boring?.

Su Yuan:"After cultivating the nine realms, I only reached the second realm." Su

Yuan:"The world of immortality is vast and boundless. Above the nine realms there are even stronger ones who have reached the pinnacle of the nine realms. There is also an unknown world of immortality above the world of immortality."

Su Yuan:"It may be boring when you practice, but other times are quite fulfilling. I haven't mastered any of the various arts of cultivating immortality yet.""


Ma Yin:"Your world is so wonderful."

Ma Yin:"If I go there, will I live a happy life?"

Su Yuan:"This……"

This moment.

Countless images flashed through Su Yuan's mind.

Demonic monks massacred the city to refine the Ten Thousand Soul Banner.

The leader of the demonic path irrigates the wonders of heaven and earth with the blood of all spirits.

The giant of the demonic way sacrificed the blood of a world of creatures to temper the blood-transforming demon sword to the extreme.

Su Yuan:"There is a high probability... that he will die miserably."

Zhen Sang:"……"


While chatting, Lily Chuanhua took Su Yuan and others around.

Encountering many evil spirits along the way, Su Yuan killed them all with one blow.

The oozing appearance is really unappetizing.

After a long time, Su Yuan and others separated from Lily Chuanhua

"Su Yuanjun, how do you get rid of so many evil spirits?"

Yitani Miko was a little worried. The distribution of evil spirits was not very concentrated.

Seeing that it was getting late, Yotsuya Miko was unwilling to let Su Yuan go out to take risks.

Su Yuan raised his index finger, and a blood-winged soul-destroying ant landed on his fingertips.

"Tonight is its home field"


Asking for flowers, collections, and rating votes.

I will add a picture of Lily Chuanhua later.

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