in front of the screen.

Blonde hair and green eyes.

A man with a handsome face named: Otto Apocalypse.

He is the actual person in charge of the current Honkai world, who is openly fighting against the largest organization of Honkai forces - Tianming.

Even Anti-Entropy, which is also an anti-Hengkai organization, is much inferior to Destiny.

As for why he, who is far away on the Destiny Floating Island, has all the video data of Changkong City in the extreme motion area. it's actually really easy.

As a destined bishop.

He has great power.

As long as it is within any jurisdiction under the influence of destiny, he has the right to inspect it.

As long as he thinks about it, no corner of the world can escape his gaze.

Even if it is reverse entropy, there are many chess pieces that he has placed.

So Otto actually knew about Cocolia's plan for a long time.

But he has no organization.

He has always believed that on the road to success, some sacrifices are inevitable.

Compared to the lofty goal in his heart, the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Changkong City are nothing to mention.

Even if the silver branch did not appear, even if Cocolia successfully gave birth to the Herrscher, it ended up making a wedding dress for Otto.

But Otto also never expected the appearance of silver branches.

However, the appearance of Silver Branch did not disrupt his plan.

Leiden Meiyi, who became the Herrscher, is still within the control of Tianming.

However, the strength of Silver Branch and the power used by the little girl named Keli are completely different from Honkai Energy. It is a new form of power that has never appeared before.

This interested Otto very much.

Even after Yinzhi and Keli left, the composition of the light curtain was a brand new element that had never appeared in the history of the collapse.

All this made Otto very interested.

Fold your hands and support your chin.

An inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of Otto's mouth

"Silver Branch...Kelly...two interesting guys……"

"In addition, it seems that Kiana... no, there are many secrets about experimental subject K423 that I don’t know, and they are worth digging into.……"

Otto's words fell.

A girl who had been standing behind him, with an upright figure, wearing diamond-shaped goggles, and a white braid, couldn't help but say:

"Lord Bishop, do you need to take K423 back to the floating island?"

Her name is Amber. She is the secretary of the Bishop of Destiny, and she is also the existence of the whole Destiny. As a person who understands and sincerely understands Otto. She obeys Otto's orders.

Even if Otto asks her to give her life, she will not There would be the slightest hesitation.

As for Amber's proposal, Otto just waved his hand.

"Need not"

"Keep watching and see how many surprises K423 can bring us..."

Otto Apokalis said


The scene returns to the real world.

The next day came quickly.

Yin Zhi got up on time as always, washed up, and made breakfast.

But just as he went out, he happened to meet a strange guy.

A beautiful girl in JK was carrying a lot of things and stacked them at the door of the room next to him.

It seems like he has a new neighbor again.

Yin Zhi thought so.

After all, the room next door has always been vacant.

And now a new person has moved in.

When Yin Zhi closed the door, he and the beautiful girl in JK looked at each other unexpectedly.

Facing the beautiful girl's gaze, Yin Zhi responded with a gentle look and a smile.

But the beautiful girl seemed to be afraid of strangers. Her face turned red and she hid her face behind the box she was holding.

Yin Zhi didn't pay much attention to this, just smiled lightly and walked down the corridor.

As the silver branch walked away, the beautiful JK girl holding the box exposed her head, looked at the corridor where the silver branch had disappeared, and showed an inexplicable look.


Soon, Yin Zhi arrived at the tram stop and stood on the platform waiting for the bus.

After a while, the tram came into the station and stopped slowly in front of him.

Just when Yin Zhi was about to get in the car.

Out of the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but notice a scene.

At the door of another tram car, a petite girl with a white eyepatch on her right eye made some very exaggerated movements in front of the door of the tram car that was about to open.

It's like casting a spell and chanting.

When the girl's spell-casting action ended, the car door opened immediately.

Then the girl walked towards the tram with exaggerated steps.

But it seemed that before entering the door, she also noticed the look Yin Zhi looked at her.

The next second, she gave Yinzhi a proud smile, then walked into the tram with a graceful step.


Yin Zhi looked at this girl and felt a little familiar, but couldn't remember it for a while.

Just as Yin Zhi was thinking about it, the door of the tram started to close slowly.

Fortunately, Yin Zhi reacted in time and entered the carriage at the last moment when the tram door was about to close.

After entering, Yinzhi couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

If you miss this train and wait for the next one, you will be late for school.

As a pure knight, Yin Zhi will try his best to make everything as perfect as possible, so he doesn't want to be late because of this small problem.

After getting on the tram, it was almost as promised.

A slightly shy shout rang in his ears

"Mr. Silver Branch!"

When Yin Zhi heard the words, he knew the name of this person with almost no thought.

Sure enough, Yin Zhi turned his head towards the source of the sound.

The person who caught his eye was Gui Yanye.

But at this time, Gui Yan Ye, after looking at Yinzhi, immediately lowered his head shyly.

Yinzhi smiled, and then walked to the empty seat next to Gui Yanye

"I'd like to ask, can I sit here?"

Hearing this, Gui Yanye nodded immediately.

"Of course…"

"Mr. Yinzhi, don’t be so polite to me.……"

Listening to Gui Yanye's words, Yinzhi naturally sat down.

Only then did Yin Zhi say hello.

"Good morning, lovely Yanye"

"Well...Good morning, Mr. Yinzhi, too.……"

Gui Yanye said a little fluently.

Looking at Gui Yanye's appearance, Yinzhi suddenly became curious.

"Yan Ye, what's wrong with you?…?"

"It feels like you are... a little strange…?"

Faced with Yin Zhi's worried inquiry, Gui Yanye immediately shook his head like a rattle.

"No, no, no……"

"It's fine……"

However, Gui Yanye's behavior made Yinzhi even more confused.

He cared about his friends and couldn't help but continue to speak.



Seeing the silver branch so close to him with a worried expression, Gui Yanye's mind went blank for a moment and he didn't know what to say.


I don't know how long it took before these words came out of Gui Yanye's mouth reluctantly. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After a pause, Gui Yanye continued:


"Mom has already told me everything about the conversation with you...……"

"This one……"

Hearing this, Yinzhi couldn't help but recall the conversation with Katsura Manami yesterday night. He was also a little embarrassed for a moment...

Yinzhi was like this.

Not to mention the thin-skinned and introverted Gui Yanye.

Her mother told her yesterday.

Yin Zhi said that he would take responsibility... that is to say, as long as he is willing.

After graduation, you will become Yinzhi-kun's bride, right...?

The thought of this.

Gui Yanye couldn't help but emerge in his mind.

Yinzhi is wearing a white suit and she is wearing a white wedding dress, and she is married to the priest under the witness of the priest.……


Gui Yanye reacted and suddenly exclaimed in surprise, his face became even redder and hotter.……

"What's wrong, Yanye?"

Listening to Gui Yanye's soft exclamation,

Yinzhi immediately worried.

0Please give me flowers[]

However, Gui Yanye shook his head quickly, his two index fingers were tightly intertwined, and his head was lowered, making people The face could not be seen clearly.

Yinzhi wanted to continue asking, but he did not know why and could not speak.

For a moment, the atmosphere between the two of them was somewhat silent.

However, at this moment.

Gui Yanye's cautious, soft and weak A weak one suddenly sounded


"Mr. Silver Branch, are you telling the truth?……"


Hearing this, Yin Zhi was a little confused.

Gui Yanye arrived next


"Yin Zhijun said that he would take responsibility……"


Finally, I heard Gui Yanye's words clearly.

Yinzhi also understood the reason why Gui Yanye looked like that when he saw him.

In this regard, Yin Zhi was a little silent at first.

Looking at Yin Zhi saying nothing.

Gui Yanye's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Both hands nervously grasped the hem of the skirt, rubbing it restlessly.

Just when she didn't know what to do, and even started to blame herself for why she suddenly asked this question.

The voice of silver branches finally sounded


"Believe in [Pure Beauty] and follow the spirit of chivalry"

"A pure knight will not avoid any difficulties and responsibilities"

"Since I did that kind of thing, as long as Yan Ye wants to, then I will take the corresponding responsibility!"


Listening to Yin Zhi's firm words and tone.

Gui Yanye froze on the spot and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Regarding this kind of thing, Gui Yanye's mind went blank from the beginning.

I even asked this question on impulse.

As for what happened after asking, she never thought about it.

And after getting such a firm answer from Yin Zhi.

Her heart was instantly filled with extreme joy and shyness.

There is nothing that makes people feel more secure than him or her admitting in front of you that they will definitely take responsibility!

The excited Gui Yanye didn't know what to say for a moment.

Of course Yin Zhi didn't ask further questions.

After all, if he continues talking, Gui Yanye's CPU will burn out.

Ever since, the atmosphere between the two fell into silence again.

It's been a long time.

Until the tram arrives at the station, Yin Zhi is preparing to get off

"Yanye, I'm here, goodbye."

Yinzhi just finished speaking and finally stood up.

However, as soon as he walked out of the car door, Gui Yanye's voice sounded behind him.

"Mr. Silver Branch, wait a minute…!"

Hearing this, Yin Zhi stopped and then turned around.

But he hasn't reacted yet.

There was moisture on the lips.

Of course, it didn't last long and was gone in a flash.

After Yin Zhi reacted.

Gui Yanye had already run back to the carriage with a blushing face.

At this time, the tram door just closed and headed to the next stop.

Silver Branch just looked at the tram, slowly disappearing at the end of the track.

Touching his lips, Yin Zhi felt a little confused.

He was actually raped by Gui Yanye?

With a strange mood, Yin Zhi left the tram station.

After leaving the tram stop, Silver Branch arrived, on the way to school.

However, we didn't go very long just now.

As soon as he reached the figure pushing the bicycle, he stopped in front of him.

Turning around, I found that it was Sawamura?

Sawamura happened to see Yin Zhi's back on the way to school.

Thinking back on what he did yesterday, Sawamura felt a little tangled in his heart.

After a while of hesitation, she decided to go say hello to Yin Zhi.

So, she rode her bicycle and stopped in front of Silver Branch.

However, she just smiled and was about to say hello to Yin Zhi

"good morning silver……"

The words are not finished yet.

Sawamura saw the obvious red mark on the corner of Yinzhi's mouth.


Suddenly, her eyes widened!


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