“Don’t worry, at least if I pull you out, you will still be responsible for the current situation.”.

Shaking his head slightly, Wei Ming looked serious.

“You may not believe it if I say it casually, so let’s solve the problem from the root.”

The space fluctuated.

In the blink of an eye, several people disappeared in place.

When they appeared again, it was no longer a neat, clean and empty opera house.

It was a place as quiet as a void.

Looking around, everything in the space was calm and silent, without any sound. ~ fluctuations


But the sudden churning of water waves hit Fu-Carlos and Navilet firmly.

The space at the moment was not a void, but an endless sea, a sea of tranquility.

What was rolling was the waves, and what was leaping out of the sea was A huge whale


Compared to Fukalos and Navilet who knew some inside information, Funina was already frightened and shrank behind Wei Ming.

“The primitive fetal sea…the star-eating whale…”

Fukalos murmured incredulously.

The primitive fetal sea in front of him was the culprit that was prophesied to ‘wash away’ the sins of the Fontaine people.

All this originated from the birth of the Fontaine people.

Fundamentally speaking, the Fontaines are not human, or their essence is different from ordinary humans.

Are the Fontaines transformed from pure water elves?

This process involves stealing the power of the water of the original womb sea.

Although the Fontaines People have become humans in form.

But their essence is still pure water elves.

Fertility of the Fontaine people even needs to be completed through specific rituals.

In addition.

This state of the Fontaine people is considered to be against the laws of nature.

Because the real Humanity has almost disappeared in Fontaine.

As a result, the pure water elves and Fontaine people are burdened with the original sin of destroying mankind.

This is the sin of the Fontaine people mentioned in the prophecy.

The essence of the Fontaine people has the power of the original womb sea..So after coming into contact with the original original seawater, the Fontaine people will dissolve.

Although there are many questions to ask, Navigation can no longer help Navigation as the Star-Eating Whale leaps in front of him with obvious anger and hostility. Wright thought more.

He raised his hand and tried to use his power to stop the progress of the Star-Eating Whale.


However, only the indifferent words uttered from Weiming’s mouth were heard.

The huge body of the Star-Eating Whale seemed to be oppressed by some kind of pressure, and it fell straight from the air.

It smashed into the primitive sea of wombs and set off huge waves.

What is even weirder is the Star-Eating Whale. He didn’t even make a whimpering sound, like an honest and obedient dog floating on the sea.

“how did you do it?”

A clear, steady and doubtful voice suddenly sounded.

Although it was a female voice, it was not Funina and Fukalos.

It was a girl with silver hair and red eyes who walked out of the narrow space of broken space.

She could freely travel into the primitive sea of fetuses. , her identity must not be simple.

Her next words confirmed this point

“How did you make it so honest?”

The girl’s eyes glanced at the Star-Eating Whale and then stared straight at Weiming. Weiming was not surprised by the girl’s appearance. Weiming chuckled:”Absolute strength”


These words made the girl narrow her eyes.

“A power from outside the world?”

The atmosphere solidified instantly.

“Etc., etc!”

Fukalos waved his hand to interrupt the current atmosphere.

Obviously, as the current Water Goddess, she should be the one who knows the truth.

Why doesn’t she know anything at this moment?

The man who suddenly appeared said that he would save Funina and himself.

Again I don’t know how I came to the primitive sea of wombs, and the suddenly honest whale that swallowed the stars, and the mysterious woman who appeared.

“Could you please introduce yourselves and explain the situation?!”Fukalos is a little confused.

Navillette is even more so.

“You can call me Silk, and the Star-Eating Whale is my pet.”The silver-haired girl said concisely.

Her eyes swept over several people.

She couldn’t help but be surprised:”Your combination is really strange, the water god, the water dragon king, the created one, and a…person from outside the world.”

“Water God…the one who was created…”

Two titles were spoken.

Looking at Fukalos and Funina who looked the same, it confirmed Navilet’s guess.

He guessed their true identities, but at this moment it was obviously not when talking about this

0 ···Asking for flowers· ··

“pet? Are there such dangerous pets?”Fu Nina revealed a head from behind Wei Ming.

It seemed that when she was around Wei Ming, she instinctively stopped pretending to be the water god and acted like a little girl.

“The original womb sea is the prophecy’s reason for cleansing Fontaine. That star-eating whale…are you instigating Fontaine’s destruction?”

Navilet frowned and stared.

He didn’t know much about the specific situation and could only guess like this.

“Although it is weird to raise a pet with different levels of power, poor interaction, and greedy food with the help of the original fetal sea.”

“But it is not the culprit that destroyed Fontaine. It is better to say that only the original sea of fetus can wash away the sins of the Fontaine people.”

…………. 0

Si Keke told the truth calmly.

The star-eating whale is not the culprit, the source of everything is always the primitive fetal sea

“So as long as the original sea of fetus disappears, the Fontaine people will be saved, but this is not simple”


Fukalos and Navillette were speechless.

This is a fact.

Even if Fukalos is the water god, he cannot control the original womb sea.

All she can think of is to make Navilet the Supreme Justice of Fontaine and return him the power that belongs to the Water Dragon King, so as to relieve the people of Fontaine of their sins.

“It is very easy to erase the original sea of fetus, but my house seems to lack a pond.”

Weiming pinched his chin and said seemingly frivolous words.

Silk frowned.

She could feel that Weiming seemed to be someone outside the world, but she couldn’t tell���To what extent the power reaches.

Is it an exaggeration or does it really have such power? She didn’t know. moment.

Wei Ming stretched out his right hand:”Since you all despise the original womb sea, I will take it away.”

The words fell.

Silk and the others have not yet reacted.

An indescribable devouring feeling filled the whole body.

It was as if there was a black hole absorbing all light in his palm.

They just felt that everything in front of them was dark for an instant. A short but long time passed, and there was still nothingness in front of them.

PS: Happy New Year! Thank you for your support! Please ask for monthly passes, evaluation votes, and flowers! Ding.

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