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None of the evil lizards distorted, struggled, evolved, and roared could not escape from the black hole.

That’s not a simple black hole.

Instead, it is a collection of unlimited concepts of devouring concepts.

But the evolution of the immortal lizard became the dumbfounded huge beast, which attracted the attention of the chat group ~.

[Ding! Detecting doomsday factor SCP682 forces evolved, doomsday level changes-!]

[Ding! Abnormal doomsday levels are adjusted from Samsung to four stars-!]:

This only represents the initial immortal lizard, followed by the tips of the Three Lianjun.

[Ding! Abnormal doomsday levels are adjusted from four stars to five stars!]



[Ding! Ding Ding Doomsday is adjusted from eight stars to nine stars!]

[Ding! Doomsday peers cannot change during the period, doomsday peers can choose to evacuate, re -derive the doomsday peers!]

[Ding! Doomsday peers to force the lift doomsday and get the reward bed points to the end of this level 10.

The doomsday of the six stars!

Nami: “???”

Wei Wei: “What hened, Samsung Doomsday Three Road Pu West Nine Stars?”

Anonymous: “So weird.”

Sakada Yinshi: “Shose trembling, is this the end of the world’s world?

Bai Yasha: “Huh? We didn’t find it abnormal last time.”

Angel: “I heard that I have said that his world has the existence of the twelve stars that cognitive doomsday. All non -cognitive things can only be aware of it when he can buy it.

Bai Yasha: “…………”

Hai Xiaomei: “Is there any danger?”

。 心: “Worry.”

Aisdes: “Oh, what can be worried, he will make a lot of money.”

Bronia: “But will the doomsday be improved again? ‘

[Ding! Ding Ding Doomsday is adjusted from Nine Stars to Ten Stars!]

? Xinnai: “???”

Akuya: “Ah hahaha, are you a crow’s mouth?”

Bronia: “Ah …”

Broinia’s words should be verified.

Unknown is waiting for this moment.

Crazy Lei Ben Lei.

Whirlwind whistle.

Bloody clouds surge.

The ground moves the mountain.


The widow is still struggling.

It has been seen that it has evolved into a trend of ‘dragon’.

The dragon wings cover the sky, and the glory of the sun has been covered.

Its eyes stared at unknown, endless anger burning.

The moment it was out of the black hole was the time when it revenge from unknown.

Unexpectedly, his eyes lighted up.

“Sorry, Uncle 682, now you are not a big picture.

twenty two

Unknown did not give it more evolutionary time, and now it is the moment of receiving the network.

Extreme power of infinite trees devour progress.

The evolution of the wicked lizard directly can no longer resist the swallow.

“Roar !!!”

The violent and immortal lizard has become a trend of ‘dragon’.

Unfortunately, this can only be so far.

Its roar has also become a mourning of weakness in the end.

The black hole suddenly inhaled it, and then diseared.

[Ding! Detecting abnormal doomsday factors SCP-682 The unpredictable lizard has been eliminated by unknown, and the end of the day is over!]

[Ding! Unknown obtained 5 billion doomsday points, Shizaki Kuang 3 obtains 0 doomsday points!]

The shape of the dragon that covered the sky diseared.

The voice of the world also returned to its original state.

The waves of space disear.

The chaotic crowd became calm.

It’s as if nothing hened just now.

But the maple and others who witnessed under the unknown asylum were scared.

The horrible monster and black holes are pulled, and the world of world color becomes the end of the world.

There is almost almost nothing with the current peace.

This made everyone think it was an illusion.

“Well, why is my reward 0.

Shizaki Kuang’s unhy pouting.

She suddenly spoken also made everyone look back.

I just feel that my mouth is dry and speechless.

Lian Hua, who was still in his heart, asked with curious eyes: “Are we just watching a movie? Monster movies are amazing!”


Originally they still felt that they had an illusion.

But now when Lian Hua said so, he was all kind.

it is true!

“Guru! No … Weiming Jun, just …”

Shihua swallowed a spit, and asked about the questions everyone wanted to ask at this moment.

Unknown just shrugged: “Nothing, just a dream that caused the end of the world to come out and solve it.

“By the way, Maple, are you afraid?,

“Ah?” (Seeing violent novels, just go to novelsknight Novel Network!)


· Seeking flowers · ……

The suddenly asked Feng, who was suddenly asked from the shock.

Without the other hand that was tightened by her, she laughed: “You caught a little tight.


Feng realized that she was really scared just, and hurriedly let go.

Others are still thinking about unknown ‘answers’.

Doomsday monsters!

Solve it!

What do you follow!

What is the monster?

What is the end of the world?

Who is unknown?

Only Liuhua looked directly at the dark brave of the world! You are the contractor of the evil king’s true eyes!


Others were surprised.【013606011 novelsknight 034562270】

Xia Hai asked carefully: “Liuhua, are you …”

One of the six flowers used the evil king’s true eyes to describe himself the strongest.

It seems that it is true now!

“Liuhua …”

Shihua couldn’t help thinking in this direction.

“No, she is just a small and secondary disease.”

Without explicit words, the fantasy of everyone was shattered.


Xia Hai was even more embarrassing. She thought Liuhua also had the power to save the world.

Shihua is a black line.

His sister is really the second disease!

This is obviously serious and cautious time, Liuhua is still second.

The mood who calmed down and asked seriously: “Unknown Jun, is everything just real?”

“It is true.”

Unexpectedly, the bustling crowd around him.

“It seems that you are not in the mood to continue shopping. Here is not a place to speak. Talk to you in another place.

“Are you going back now?”

Before leaving, he asked Shima Shizaki Mad Three.

Shiqi Kuang turned his eyes: “Do you think of me at this time? It’s a ruthless man.”

“I don’t stay here, and I have to help you to trick the stupid elf. This time, it is a short run.

No harvest.


However, she has nothing to do.

After that, she chose to return, and her body was eliminated in place.


Suddenly eared and suddenly diseared, Shizaki Mura Three shocked everyone again.

“Go to my house first.

[PS: The picture shows Shizaki Mad Three!

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