"Alas, you are getting yourself into trouble."

Kasumigaoka slapped her head after listening to Kamisaka Yuuto's story about last night. The girl was extremely worried and nervous.

"It shouldn't be a big problem."

Kamisaka Yuuto doesn't care much.

The essence of demonic power given to him by Yuxi makes him different from ordinary people in all aspects.

Moreover, he has dynamic vision.

As long as he concentrates, he can clearly see any movement of ordinary people.

In the end, Those bald heads are just ordinary people.

If the opponent really comes to your door,

Kamisaka Yuuto is confident that he can punch them one by one.

"What do you mean it's not a big problem? You don't know the craziness of those bad boys. They are like mad dogs and will never let go of those who provoke them. You beat those bald fairies yesterday and they will never let go. I will give up and give up."

Kasumigaoka's face had a bit of sullenness.

The look he looked at Kamisaka Yuuto was also extremely helpless and nervous.

"My place is so remote, how could they find me? Don't worry, even if they find me, it will be fine."

Kamisaka Yuuto understood why Kasumigaoka was angry at this moment.

He just smiled and comforted the girl.

But the anger on the girl's face still did not subside.

"Really, you really worry me to death. Let’s call the police. I’m afraid of what might happen...."

Kasumigaoka's eyes changed several times, losing a bit of his anger, but his worried look remained unabated.

Kamisaka Yuuto sighed softly, and walked to Kasumigaoka with a gentle and helpless smile.

He stretched out his hand and put it on the girl's shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'm absolutely fine."

He looked at Kasumigaoka solemnly, his eyes full of seriousness.

A blush appeared on the girl's face.

"Really, then I don’t care about you."

When the girl spoke again, she lost her original voice.

Instead, she muttered as if talking to herself.

"Don't worry, it's okay. Thank you Kasumigaoka-san for worrying."

Kamisaka Yuuto took his hands off Kasumigaoka's shoulders and expressed his gratitude to Kasumigaoka with a smile.

Saitama on the side took a sip of tea silently.

"Kamisaka, can you help me?"

Saitama is very enthusiastic about his friends.

And he has always been grateful for Kanzaka Yuuto's special udon noodles.

If Kanzaka Yuuto needs his help, he will never refuse!

"No, thank you Saitama."

Kamisaka Yuuto also smiled and rejected Saitama's words.

He didn't take those bald heads to heart at all, and it was unnecessary to ask Saitama to help.

What's more, from the surface,

Saitama has no fighting ability at all..Kamisaka Yuuto will only feel guilty and worried if he involves the other party.

"Well, if you need anything, be sure to ask!"

Saitama nodded but expressed his position once again.


Kamisaka Yuuto nodded.

"Alas, I have to leave."

Kasumigaoka sighed. She stood up and said that she was leaving.

Kamisaka Yuuto looked at the clock on the wall.

The time is now 8.23.

There is still a gap from the usual time when Kasumigaoka leaves.

On weekdays, Kasumigaoka is busy. I will sit here until nine o'clock.

Of course, except for the special situation where the other party was drunk last night

"Did you go back so early today?"

Kamisaka Yuuto asked with some doubts.

"Aren't you angry at someone's behavior? I want to go home!"

Kasumigaoka rolled her eyes slightly at Kamisaka Yuuto.

Obviously it was clear who the person in these words was referring to.


Kamisaka Yuuto was speechless for a moment, and in the end he could only shake his head with a helpless smile.

Kasumigaoka snorted, and then asked:"How much?"

The girl raised her chin slightly, with a somewhat free and easy expression.

The gesture of paying the bill must feel calm and unhurried.

Although the girl’s financial resources are not very sufficient....

"I tried a piece of braised meat, free, and a piece of rose cake, 800 yen."

The girl started to look through her wallet.

Fortunately, she still had 800 yen.

"Wait, I'm not done yet."

But Kami Saka Yuuto stopped Kasumigaoka's movement.

The girl looked at Kami Saka Yuuto in puzzlement and surprise.

"Anything else?"

Kasumigaoka was confused.

But Kamisaka Yuuto shook his head.

"In order to celebrate that Kasumigaoka-kun finally has her own editor after all the hard work, we have a special discount today. The flower cake originally priced at 800 yen is only 1 yen today. Thank you."

Kasumigaoka's nose trembled slightly, and her eyes were slightly sour.

But she quickly suppressed it.

"Really, you know how to scare people!"

"Does Kasumigaoka-san mean that she doesn’t want this discount anymore?"

"No withdrawal allowed!"

"OK, thank you for your patronage"


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