After the three Senzuo doormen left, there were only four people left in the shop.

Yuuto Kamisaka as the store manager.

Kasumigaoka was already drunk.

There were also two young men who were eating quietly.

The man on the left looks dorky in appearance and demeanor.

There is no expression in the round eyes.

The hair is a bit thinning.

He's obviously quite handsome, but his hair is thinning....well...

The man on the right looks melancholy and sad.

Holding the beer and drinking continuously.

There is a kind of social animal temperament that makes people pity and speechless

"Saitama, are you still exercising?"

Kamisaka Yuuto stands in front of the dull-looking man on the left.

This man's name is Saitama.

From the time Kamisaka Yuuto opened the business two months ago to now, Saitama has been coming here to eat every night.

Now the two of them can be considered Friend


Saitama nodded.

His expression was more dull than calm.

It looked really....a bit silly....

Fortunately, Kamisaka Yuuto is used to it

"It's really amazing. I really can't stick to the kind of exercise you mentioned. It's really painful without turning on the air conditioner."

Kamisaka Yuuto admires Saitama's physical training method.

100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10 kilometers of long-distance running every day.

These are not the key.

The most important thing is that you can't do it all year round. Turn on the air conditioner!

"In fact, I felt quite uncomfortable at first, but I persevered and persevered. Well, as long as you persevere, everything will be fine."

Saitama was really silly when he laughed.

The exercise method the two talked about was said by Saitama when Saitama and Kanzako Yuuto accidentally talked about fitness.

At that time, Kanzaka Yuuto was still following Saitama's training I practiced for a long time.

100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats were no problem.

The problem was the ten-kilometer long run.

I finally persisted, but when I got home, I couldn't blow the air conditioner to cool down.

It was too painful.

So Kanzaka Yuuto chose to give up.

It would be better for him to be a quiet chef

"but....Saitama, have you discovered something?...."

Kamisaka Yuuto thought for a while and decided to tell the story!

Saitama's round eyes looked at Kamisaka Yuuto, with big question marks flashing inside.

"What's going on?"

Kamisaka Yuuto took a breath and looked at Saitama quietly.

"Saitama, your hair....Less and less...."

Kamisaka Yuuto finally said it!

Hair loss has always been a shameful topic among contemporary young people.

Kamisaka Yuuto didn't want to say anything before because he was afraid of irritating Saitama's mood.

But in recent days...

Saitama's hair is getting less and less...

If this trend continues, I will probably lose all my hair in two weeks.....

After hearing Kanzako Yuuto's words, Saitama was stunned.

He has been practicing hard, and he really hasn't paid much attention to his hair.

Saitama thought back to the last time he looked in the mirror. ah....

It seems like half a year ago....

He remembered that he had quite a lot of hair at that time.....


Saitama looked at Kamisaka Yuuto in confusion.

Kamisaka Yuuto sighed and took out a mirror with his backhand.



Saitama's mood collapsed instantly!

The man in the mirror with hair like sparse vegetable leaves turned out to be him!!!

He finally realized something was wrong!

No wonder his hair always feels smoother and smoother when he washes it recently!

No wonder others look at him more and more strangely recently!

"how so?!"

Qiyu, died

"or....Are you considering a hair transplant?"

Kamisaka Yuuto couldn't bear it.

He had witnessed with his own eyes the whole process of Saitama's hair from not very luxuriant to thinning.

In a sense, it was like witnessing a period of history.


Saitama muttered to himself.

Kamisaka Yuuto nodded in agreement.

"The hair transplant you mentioned, it....Is it expensive?..."

Saitama raised his head and looked at Kanzako Yuuto with a sympathetic look in his eyes.

Kamisaka Yuuto probably thought about it for a while.

"Probably more than 600,000 yen."

Kamisaka Yuuto gave a price.

Saitama, died again

"Otherwise, just buy a wig....."

Kamisaka Yuuto gave another solution.

But Saitama was completely burned out at this moment, and his whole body was already gray.

"Goodbye, Kamisaka, I'm going to calm down....."

Saitama stood up in a low voice, took out a few steel coins from his arms and handed them to Yuuto Kanzaka.

Then he walked slowly towards the door.

Like a lost person who has lost everything and is homeless.

Just looking at the back, Yuuto Kanzaka felt a sense of sadness. yes...

Baldness is really scary for young people....

When Saitama walked out of the store, his figure disappeared.

Kanzako Yuuto looked at this scene with a normal expression.

As a restaurant owner, it's normal for him to entertain people from other worlds, right?


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