Time moves towards late night.

There are still only two people in the restaurant, Kamisaka Yuu and Kasumigaoka.

Kasumigaoka is still sleeping.

It seemed that the child was not going to wake up.

Kamisaka Yuuto sat leaning against the door frame between the kitchen and the front desk.

He carefully counted the two months it took to open the store.

Although there are not many customers, fortunately some customers give more money.

Like the Senzamon Guard.

The other party has eaten here fourteen times so far.

A total of nearly 700,000 yen was given to Kamisaka Yuuto.

The funds contributed by the Senzuo doorman alone are enough for the daily consumption of the store for several months.

Being able to live a peaceful life in this way was Yuuto Kanzaka's deepest wish.

He is the same as Saitama and Suzuki Satoru.

They are all people from other worlds.

The world he once lived in was somewhat similar to Suzuki Satoru's world.

It's just that in his world, a war has really broken out that is sweeping the world.

Everything turns to scorched earth under the shining and blazing flames of death.

The number of humans has decreased sharply, and there are only tens of millions of surviving humans.

It's like returning to primitive society.

The social order completely collapsed, and the irradiated natural environment became a hell for surviving humans.

Biology also mutates due to radiation, and most humans live underground in search of stability.

Kamisaka Yuuto was just an ordinary underground chef at that time.

It only took two years from the stable underground life to the rebellion at the final safe house.

The peace that was finally achieved was shattered once again.

On the verge of death, Kamisaka Yuuto made his last wish

"If there is a next life, please give me a simple, peaceful and peaceful life."

When he closed his eyes and opened them again, he came into this world.

Then he became the owner of this mysterious little restaurant, and then he opened the restaurant for two months.

After experiencing he explosion and rebirth, He was not too surprised that the guest came from another world.

His own experience was magical enough.

It didn't matter what the other world was like.

He was originally worried that someone would find something unusual.

After all, those from other worlds The appearance and disappearance of customers are very shocking.

But what surprised Kamisaka Yuuto is that the customers who come to this small shop seem to subconsciously recognize the situation.

Kasumigaoka also saw Saitama disappear with his own eyes The scene.

But the other party seemed to be used to it, and even felt it was reasonable. He didn't ask any difficult questions.

The same was true for other customers.

Such a magical phenomenon can only be attributed to the magical function of this small shop.

Already Kamisaka Yuuto, who has experienced a lot, doesn’t want to think about too many things.

Now that he has such a peaceful life, let’s focus on the present.

Maybe there will be answers in the future for these things that cannot be figured out now.


The restaurant door was finally opened.

Kamisaka Yuuto stood up

"Welcome, do you still want flower cakes today?"

The person who came here is a 'regular customer' of Kamisaka Yuuto.

He just said that he was a regular customer, but Kamisaka Yuuto didn't know the other person's name.

This is a very beautiful girl. Her short green hair is like jade and crystal clear. As smooth as jade.

Her delicate and indifferent facial features carry an air of immortality like that of a fairy from the Moon Palace.

She was wearing a red dress and a white shirt underneath.

The girl didn't speak but nodded calmly.

Yuuto Kanzaka knew that the other party had an indifferent temperament. So he didn't care.

He met the girl a month and a half ago.

It was about sunrise, and the girl walked in with a little sunshine.

At that time, Kanzaka Yuuto was making a flower cake.

That was The memory of his hometown.

When he saw the girl, he couldn't help but be amazed.

If he wanted to describe Kanzaka Yuuto's first impression when he saw the girl, it would be as if he saw the most beautiful flower in the world.

It came in the clouds, quietly.

And What the girl wanted at that time was the flower cake that Yuuto Kanzaka made at that time.....

From then on, the girl came here often.

Occasionally I come every day, occasionally I come every once in a while, the frequency is also very high

"Make it with this."

A bright and lush sunflower appeared out of nowhere on the girl's hand.

This flower was extremely beautiful, and Kamisaka Yuuto was a little hesitant.


To make flower cakes, you need to crush the petals, which means that this beautiful sunflower will disappear.

The girl nodded.

Seeing that the girl was so determined, Kamisaka Yuuto said nothing.

He took the sunflower and turned around Walking to the back kitchen.

The girl sat down quietly, her emerald green eyes were like a lake wrapped in maple trees in autumn.

Calm and beautiful.

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