"Hmm" Lin Chen responded gently, and looked at Erina Nagikiri as he spoke, and suddenly found that she was still wearing a JK school uniform.

Noticing Lin Chen's gaze, Erina Nagikiri covered her chest, her eyes full of scrutiny.

"What have you been watching me do, do you have some unclean thoughts? I advise you not to think about it, otherwise the Nagi family will not let you go.

"Why am I a person in your eyes who thinks about evil things at every turn?" Lin Chen rubbed his head, he didn't expect that just looking at Erina Nagikiri, she would have such a big reaction.

Actually, it's not surprising, after all, in an unfamiliar environment, people are always very sensitive, which is why Erina Nagikiri has such a big reaction.

Although he was confident that he could still do something if he wanted to, it was obviously impossible for him to do such a thing.

It's also thanks to his gentle temper and his liking Erina Nagikiri, if someone else is questioned for no reason, I'm afraid he would have been angry and kicked Erina out of the country.

After all, not everyone can tolerate her arrogance and even her brutal character, but Lin Chen knows that all this is inseparable from her "good father".

Such a kind and longing girl has become what she is now, and in a sense, it is also a kind of pity.

Since then, Lin Chen has made a note in his heart for his future father-in-law, and at the same time, he has also decided in his heart that he must change (train) the arrogant and arrogant personality of Erina Nagikiri.

But now it's time to take care of Erina's brutal character.

Otherwise, he is afraid that he will be warned by Erina Nagi at every turn, no matter how much he likes Erina Nagikiri, here he is the master, and Erina Nagi is just a person who asks for him.

He can leave Erina Nagikiri, and it's a big deal to think of it as a dream, but Erina Nagi has to rely on him to live a normal life at this time.

"I'm just thinking that it's probably not very convenient for us to wear this school uniform, the school uniforms of our people here are all single colors, and there is nothing like the one you wear." Lin Chen stared into Erina's eyes, with a hint of toughness and indifference in his tone.

Sensing the change in Lin Chen's tone, Erina Nagikiri suddenly realized that she was too sensitive, her eyes dodged, and she didn't dare to look at Lin Chen, after all, she was indeed a little excessive.

People kindly took him in, but they just looked at themselves and thought about themselves, but they misunderstood that he had evil thoughts for no reason.

Anyone would be upset with her behavior, and she realized that she was no longer the one who could end someone else's chef career with a single sentence and casually insult and despise others.

Here she is just an ordinary person, at most a chef who is proficient in cooking, she does not have the support of the Nagi family behind her now, and her divine tongue cannot help Lin Chen.

In other words, she has no capital to be proud of now, even if she has an unrivaled talent for cooking, but the problem is that this is not a halberd world.

The status of the chef here is far less than that of the halberd world, as can be known from Lin Chen's words just now.

But it is not easy to make this arrogant girl admit her mistakes, after all, it is not so simple to change (adjust) her personality.

"What's wrong with me, didn't I just say a few words?"

Erina Nagikiri is still hard-mouthed, and she doesn't know why she is still hard-mouthed, probably because of her pride and conceit.

Lin Chen was also relieved when he found that Erina Nagikiri's eyes were dodging, at least he knew that Erina Nagikiri had softened, although she was still hard-mouthed, but she was still cowardly.

It's impossible for a person to become fat in one bite, so you should take your time to change (train) Erina.

But doing a full set of dramas, the atmosphere has stiffened at this time, Lin Chen must not take the initiative to be soft, and men must not be soft when they should be tough, otherwise there will be infinite times.

And he was already in charge of this matter.,If he softened like Erina Nagi at this time.,Then don't talk about changing Erina Nagi in the future.,I'm afraid he'll look down on himself.

,Just licking girls can't get their sincerity.,Instead, it will make others look down on you.,A man dies for love.,But you can't be trapped by love.。

As soon as the words fell, Lin Chen hurriedly walked out, he needed to go to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables to put at home, and then buy some clothes.

Otherwise, it's impossible to really let Erina Nagi wear a JK school uniform all the time, although he is very willing, after all, Erina wearing a school uniform is very eye-catching, but this kind of thing just think about it.

Looking at Lin Chen, who walked out of the door without saying a word, Erina Nagi gritted her teeth, she wanted to call Lin Chen and then say sorry to him, but the pride and arrogance in her heart stopped her all the time.

"He's just a pauper who can't cook anything, didn't you look down on this kind of person the most? Why bother to bow your noble head to a person who eats low-grade food all day long for such a small matter.

At this time, two voices appeared in Erina Nagikiri's heart, one was asking her to persevere, and the other was persuading her to apologize.

"It's not right for you to do this, people care about you kindly, but you slander him for no reason, and everyone will be angry, and you beg him to take you in, not him to beg you to stay. So I feel like I'm going to apologize.

When Erina Nagi was hesitating, there was a bang, and a sound of the door closing pulled Erina Nagi back to reality, and she found that Lin Chen had left the house.

A sense of loss appeared in Erina Nagikiri's heart, and then gradually filled Erina Nagikiri's heart as time passed, along with deep remorse.

"Why, why didn't I go and apologize to him sooner? He must be very angry right now. Erina thought remorsefully.

She is not in the mood to read her future story now, and somehow her heart has been filled with a sense of loss.

She had never been treated like this before, and since she was born, everyone treated her with respect.

She awakened the tongue of God since she was a child, her grandfather was proud of her, and her name was known throughout Yuanyue, and she was like a star, an existence beyond the reach of others.

She is a genius in the mouth of others, and she is an existence admired by others.

But today she met Lin Chen and felt the loss and remorse, which she had never felt since her father was expelled from the Nagi family.

Obviously, Lin Chen was just a waste who couldn't cook, and the person she looked down on the most in the past was now making a little splash in the heart of her, a new star in the culinary world, and finally gradually rolled over the huge waves.

She waited quietly for Lin Chen's return, time passing so slowly at this time.

Obviously, she used to spend a whole day in the cooking room and didn't feel anything, but now, she feels like a year.

"Why did time pass so slowly, why didn't he come back?" Looking at the clock on the wall, Erina Nagikiri couldn't help but complain

Back to Lin Chen, at this time, Lin Chen had already bought the ingredients and was about to buy a set of clothes, why only buy one?

Because Lin Chen wanted to wait until later to buy it with Erina Nagikiri, to put it bluntly, he wanted to leave a reason for the future to go on a date.

But at this time, he encountered a problem, he didn't know the size of Erina Nagikiri's underwear, and if he bought a small one, Erina Nagikiri would definitely be strangled uncomfortable.

It's not good if it's small, but how big should you buy?

So he went to the lingerie store and bought a set of underwear by feeling.

Then he went to a women's clothing store to buy a dress, and just these few clothes cost Lin Chen almost a thousand yuan.

I have to sigh that the money of lesbians is really easy to earn. Obviously, the materials are almost the same, but the prices are very different.

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