"Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky..." Under

the storm, a teenager wearing a gray linen coat with snow-white hair lay on the snow, his bare skin frozen red.

The mantra of "Uncle Dragon" is shouted in his mouth.

Bai Ye supported his arms and wanted to get up, but his whole body was numb from freezing, and just waving his arms became extremely luxurious.

"Roar. A

tyrannical roar sounded behind him, and a huge brown bear nearly twice as tall as Bai Ye approached him on all fours.

I intend to use this guy who has no ability to resist as a late-night snack.

Without looking back, the disgusting fishy smell had already spread to his nose, causing Bai Ye's stomach to spasm, and he didn't spit it out.

His brain went blank, and he couldn't think about how he had appeared in this ghost place.

When the brown bear stretched out its claws and was about to tear his weak body apart, a sound of breaking air came from a distance.

The sound of flesh being torn apart by the blade sounded in Bai Ye's ears.

In the blink of an eye, the brown bear's head fell to the ground, collided with the snow, and blood gushed out from the empty neck like a fountain.

The snow-white earth was instantly dyed bright red.

Turning his head with difficulty, he looked at the dog bear who had been separated from the corpse with a palpitation, and Bai Ye's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Dead !!"

The murder weapon that killed the brown bear was inserted in the snow not far away, not some magic weapon, but an axe with a missing corner on the blade.

Who can cut off a bear's head with precision and strength in the distance

, or in the dim night!

A short figure appeared from the white snow, anxiously running towards Bai Ye against the blizzard.

Sensing that Bai Ye was alive, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"How can there be children in the mountains?"

Tanjiro lifted Bai Ye up, only to finally see his face clearly, the person who died on the mountain was actually only a child about eight or nine years old.

'Why did this kid come to the mountains at night?'

Tanjiro wondered, let alone a child, even adults would not dare to wander around the mountain at night against the blizzard.

That's just looking for short-sightedness.

"Ahem, Tanjiro, take this kid away, he can't live in the snow dressed like this." With

a weak voice sounded beside it, in the howling of the north wind, it seemed incomparably clear.

Bai Ye leaned on Tanjiro and narrowed his eyes before he could barely see that there was a skinny middle-aged man beside him.

With the same appearance and hair color as Tanjiro, it is not difficult to see the relationship between the two.

He crossed the decapitated brown bear, bent over his back and picked up the axe stuck in the ground, and staggered in the direction he came.

With every step of his weak posture, it felt like he might fall at any moment, but eventually disappeared into the vast snow.

The snow under his feet did not even leave a footprint, like a fluttering ghost.

"If you are hurt, let me carry you back."

Tanjiro shrugged his nose and smelled a mixture of exhaustion and fear from Bai Ye.

"Well, it's really bothering you, my body has been frozen to the point of immobility.

Bai Ye nodded incredulously, obviously the other party's mouth was speaking Japanese, but he was miraculously able to understand.

However, he also probably knows the identity of the red-haired boy in front of him, the protagonist of the anime "Demon Slayer Blade" in his previous life, Tanjiro Stovemon.

Even if it changes from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, the characteristics are so obvious that it is not difficult for those who have watched anime to recognize them.

People with red hair and red eyes are rare in the real world.

Carried by Tanjiro, Bai Ye came to the wooden house of the stove family.

Tanjiro was busy in the kitchen for a while, brought out a bowl of hot mushroom soup, handed it to Bai Ye, and said with an apologetic face:

"Sorry, there are not enough ingredients at home, so I can only use mushrooms to deal with it first."

"No, I should just say sorry, I was the one who was rescued, and I have to bother you to cook."

Bai Ye poured the mushroom soup into his mouth, and he didn't care about burning his mouth.

After expending a lot of physical strength, he urgently needed some food to recover his body.

Although he had long known Tanjiro's character from the original work, Bai Ye was still very moved.

Being able to cook for a passerby he didn't know in the middle of the night, Bai Ye thought he couldn't do it.

Tanjiro separates his futon, and he huddles with his younger brother Shigeru.

Bai Ye originally wanted to refuse, but was forced into the quilt by Tanjiro, with a relieved smile on his face:

"It's okay with me, you are frostbitten, and you need to cultivate well." "

Together with Bai Ye, this small room was crowded with a full nine people, making it even more crowded.

For Bai Ye, who has been dressed in jade since he was a child, it can be regarded as a novel experience.



"What, you guys are going to adopt me!" Bai

Ye looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with a white turban on her head and purple eyes.

Said with some surprise.

"That's right, didn't you say that you are an orphan, you can't survive by yourself." Looking

at Aoizhi with sincere eyes, Bai Ye was silent.

He is not the male protagonist of the anime in another world, he has a big heart that can quickly adapt to a new environment, and the sudden crossing made him not sleep well last night.

Last night, he had been thinking about how to use this child's body to live in this era.

Unlike modern society, Fuso in the Taisho era did not even have an orphanage, and without the advantage of physical strength, he really couldn't think of what he could do.

It is impossible to live alone in this era, and it may be good to be captured by human traffickers like Kanahu and treated as livestock.

It is more likely that he could not even get out of the mountains and died cleanly in the wild.

What's more, there are man-eating creatures called "ghosts" in this world.

Is it possible to learn from the Tanjiro trio in the future, selling themselves into Youguo in women's clothing and seeking a good future?

Joining the Stove Family does keep him alive, but...

About less than a year, the biggest villain of the Ghost Destruction World, Ghost Mai Tsuji Wu Misery, will attack the Stove Gate family.

In addition to Tanjiro, who lives outside, Yadouko, the only surviving member of the Stove family, has also become a ghost.

"Ahem, our economic situation... As you can see, it's not great, but raising one more teenager is not impossible, and the children will agree.

It's just to let you and Tanjiro work harder.

Tanjuro, who was lying sick, tilted his head, looked at Bai Ye, and said intermittently.

The terminally ill appearance is difficult to associate him with the ruthless man who cut off the giant bear last night.


The sound of pulling the door sounded, and Bai Ye turned his head to look at the door, and saw five pairs of big eyes full of curiosity about strangers.

They are all children of the stove family.

Tanjiro, You Beanko, Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru...

There is also a fourth son "Sixth Wife" who is still asleep due to his young age and sleeping for a long time.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Ye made up his mind... To stay at Tanjiro's house.

It's to repay the favor, or to live.

Moreover, he really didn't want this kind family to be killed by Ghost Mai Tsuji Wu Mi.

If he had the qualification to learn the ancestral breathing method "Breath of the Sun", the Stove family, he might be able to survive from the hands of Oni Mai Tsuji next year.

"Then please take care of the rest of your life."

Bai Ye got up and saluted the couple at the stove door, and responded with gratitude.

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