Bai Ye didn't have much hope about whether he in the other two worlds would stay in the gray mist space.

After all, everyone is doing their own thing, and the probability of two Bai Ye wanting to enter the space at the same time is not very large.

However, he thought wrong, and when he walked to the position in the center of the gray mist space, he found that Bai Ye, the god of death, was already sitting there at some point.

"Sure enough, it seems that we still need to do more research on the gray fog space."

Seeing Bai Ye appear, Bai Ye did not seem surprised at all, but nodded his head in understanding.

"Wait, what do you understand?"

Bai Ye looked puzzled, walked to Bai Ye, the god of death, and put his hand on his body to obtain his memory.

In an instant, Bai Ye of the stove door was clear about Bai Ye of Death's thoughts.

He suddenly wanted to test how long someone would appear if he stayed in the gray mist space.

As a result, in less than a minute, Bai Ye appeared in the gray mist space.

"That is to say, in fact, the time flow speed of our respective worlds is different, as long as one person comes in, the other me will soon enter the gray mist space."

Bai Ye suddenly realized that if the characteristics of the gray mist space were developed.

In the future, there is no need to worry about the appearance of new people, and there is no one in the gray fog space, so that the new people are missed.

"Oh, here it comes."

As soon as he heard this hanger's tone, Bai Ye of the stove door knew that the passerby Bai Ye was also behind him and entered the gray mist space.

Perhaps the original world has been treated as "air" for too long, and since entering the gray mist space, passers-by have become more and more rampant.

I can't wait to sneak directly to the top of the gray mist space.

If there really is a roof in the gray fog space.

Occasionally, Bai Ye couldn't help but want to beat him.

Seeing Bai Ye stretching out his hand towards him, passers-by immediately habitually took several steps back one after another.

Bai Ye, who had the memories of passers-by, knew that before he entered the gray mist space.

Because passers-by Bai Ye had a cheap mouth, I don't know how many times he was beaten by death.

Even if the two shared the same memory and pain, Bai Ye, the god of death, was also painful and happy.

"Wait, don't be rude, I have good health in my hands."

Passerby Bai Ye immediately raised his hands above his head and said from the heart.

"Okay, is it a new game? Don't make it mysterious, hurry up and give me Kangkang." Bai

Ye of the stove door was unsurprisingly assimilated by passers-by, and suddenly became sandy.

In essence, they are actually themselves, and their personalities are incomparably close.

"Pick it up, stove door, that's my last memory."

"Stop playing terriers, hurry up and bring me over!"

However, Bai Ye of the stove did not hold back in the end, and a friendship breaking fist smashed into the face of the passerby, so strong that his own fist turned red.

Bai Ye covered his face with grinning teeth, only then did he know how cruel the god of death was to himself, and he even wanted to beat "himself" even if he endured the pain.

"Hey, you actually succeeded in solving the slashing knife, you look at the memory slowly, although after having the slashing knife, I feel that you can no longer use this memory." I'll go back to my world first and experiment with your ability to slash the knife. Saying

that, passers-by covered their noses like Bai Ye and left the gray mist space with excitement.

Even if he was punched, not only the passerby Bai Ye, any Bai Ye would actually not take revenge, and hitting himself was more like fighting left and right.

Bai Ye silently browsed the memories of passers-by these days, which was actually almost the browsing record of the computer.

Unexpectedly, he found someone to create a website similar to "bar post".

Specifically discusses how to quickly and effectively kill Ghost Mai Tsuji in "Demon Slayer Blade".

I hope to brainstorm from many netizens and open up my mind.

He even plans to directly find the author of "Ghost Slayer"--- Wu Zhi Hu Sensei, and ask about some set scrap cases.

Maybe it can provide some clues for Bai Ye's side of the stove door.

He had to admit that although passerby Bai Ye could not make himself stronger, this kind of direct access to the original author's side helped many Bai Ye could not be ignored.

In the event that any Bai Ye crosses into a work that he does not understand, the role that passerby Bai Ye can play is even greater.

It would be better if he could be at the right point.

Passerby Bai Ye has already selected a few that are slightly valuable from the suggestions given by netizens.

For example, directly bombard the Asakusa area with mushrooms, after all, Oni Mai Tsuji no Misery once appeared there in the original book.

Good guys, is this trying to make Tokyo full of "acquaintances"?

Moreover, there is no such thing in this era.

Even if there really is, if the radiation hits the ghost and produces a magical reaction, it does not blow him up, but makes him mutate again.

There are also all kinds of bizarre ideas about what threw Onimatsuji into the deep sea, putting him between life and death.

Eventually he gave up his ability to think.

The most outrageous thing is to find a way to make Wu Miserable fall in love with himself and solve the problem from another angle.

Bai Ye supports his forehead, worthy of being a sand sculpture netizen, and his brain hole is simply breaking through the sky.

That is, the last suggestion, maybe he still has a chance to do it.

Ghost Mai Tsuji is now genderless, but male and female, but his essence is still a man.

Bai Ye of the stove door got goosebumps when he thought of kissing me with a creature that was neither male nor female.

"These methods are also too unreliable, it's better for me to march with the dead first and rebel all the twelve ghost moons."

The so-called prince will look like a prince, and Ning has a kind of care.

The position of the ghost king of Ghost Mai Tsuji has also been sitting long enough, and it is time to change people to sit.

"Hey, hey, your idea is very dangerous, not to mention that you are not a ghost at all, but more like the god of death, and even the slashing knife awakened earlier than me."

Death God Bai Ye blinked his eyes and said speechlessly.

I remember that there seemed to be two people with similar ideas in their original world, and it seemed that they died quite miserably

: "As long as all the ghosts are subject to me, I am not the ghost king, and who cares if I am the ghost king?"

Bai Ye of the stove gate said with confidence, completely forgetting that after the first solution, the slashing knife could only control up to four puppets at a time.

"Okay, based on what I know, I'm sure you must have suddenly decided to do something big, I wish you success."

Death God Bai Ye got up, waved his hand with his back to the stove door, and turned to leave the gray mist space.

Don't look at him pretending not to care, in fact, he wants to return to this world more than the passerby Bai Ye and solve the slashing knife.

Whoever called him the Grim Reaper has been the Grim Reaper for more than ten years, and he has not yet known the name of his slashing knife.

Now that he could finally understand it, the excitement in his heart was clear only to the other Bai Ye who shared the memory with him.

"This is leaving? I haven't shared my plan yet. Bai

Ye grabbed one of his white hair and said a little helplessly.

He has now finally figured out why the villains in previous film and television dramas always liked to tell the protagonist about their plans.

It's hard to keep a plan that can change the whole world in your heart!

"Excuse me, do you know what this place is?"

The childish voice sounded from the depths of the gray mist, making Bai Ye's eyes light up.

Great, finally a new man, he is about to become a reliable old-timer.

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