Compared with the knife he has never used, it is still an axe that has been by his side for many years, and it is more convenient to use.

"The reaction is quite fast, but if you only rely on the axe, you can't even enter the ugly ghost's body."

Bai Ye watched the battle between the two, commenting from time to time.

The ugly ghost missed the blow, kicked his feet, and appeared in front of Tanjiro in just a few seconds.

The limbs quickly opened like a giant net, attacking Tanjiro.

Tanjiro's body swayed left and right, barely fending off the attack of the ugly demon with the axe in his hand.

Like a fallen leaf in the wind and sand, it may not be able to support it at any time.

Tanjiro in his whiteboard state, wanting to defeat a ghost who can use blood demon magic, even if only instinctive, is whimsical.

"To breathe... To breathe..."

Tanjiro's mind kept recalling the points that Bai Ye had explained about Hinata's breath.

Opening his mouth to imitate his father's posture when he danced Kagura, his breathing rate became regular.

Tanjiro felt as if he had become stronger than ever, and the hand holding the axe became more powerful.

In an instant, the axe seemed to cut through the air.

"Kagura Round !!Dance, God of Fire"

with a sharp whistling sound, slashed towards the ugly ghost's head along a certain trajectory.

"Gaa Just

as the axe was about to hit the ugly ghost, Tanjiro's eyes widened suddenly.

The sound that comes out of his mouth is like a duck that has been choked.

Seeing this, Bai Ye shook his head and asked the ugly ghost puppet to bring Tanjiro over.

When the physical fitness does not reach the most basic conditions for the use of daily breathing, the forced use of breathing method can be mild and difficult breathing, like altitude sickness.

Seriously, Tanjiro is now like this, and his lungs are damaged.

If not treated promptly, death by asphyxiation can occur at any time.

Since Tanjiro was seriously injured this time, Bai Ye's return path was also more than one step stronger than before.

Tanjiro's entire Turi power was soaked in emerald green.

The face color also gradually changed from red pig liver color to normal.

With Bai Ye's level of return, he can also be called the top in the fourth team.

Otherwise, he would not be valued by the captain of the fourth team, "Orochimaru", and was directly promoted from an ordinary team member to the eighth officer.

"Ahem. After

Bai Ye's all-out treatment, Tanjiro finally woke up from his coma.

"Aye, I... I remembered, I failed. "

In terms of the power displayed by the ugly ghost, normal humans cannot be his opponents.

Even so, according to Bai Ye, the strength of ugly ghosts in the ghost world cannot be called strong.

Thinking of what Bai Ye was about to do, Tanjiro couldn't help but worry.

"I didn't think you could win, but I was pleasantly surprised by the breathing technique you used in the last few seconds.

Bai Ye did not deny Tanjiro's talent, and said affirmatively: "With the help of Hui Dao, at most one year, I can make you proficient in using the breathing method." "

Humans will be tired, they will get injured, even if they want to become stronger by training, they need to consider the limits of the body.

In contrast, the advantage of ghosts is obvious, they will not get tired, their physical injuries can recover quickly, and they can hide in the house during the day to train.

Even the swordsmen of the Ghost Killing Team have some undetermined people who choose to join the Ghost Gang.

With the breathing method, the swordsman who turns into a ghost can quickly become more powerful.

For example, in the original work, my wife Shanyi's senior brother joined the ghost camp under threat to his life, and it took less than a year to replace the dead brothers and sisters, and the counterattack became a new winding land.

Tanjiro, on the other hand, has a recovery speed comparable to that of ghosts, plus the strongest breathing method.

Bai Ye also wanted to know how far Tanjiro, the original protagonist, could go under the intersection of the two.

In this way, for the next half month, Tanjiro fell into a reincarnation.

In the morning, I do physical training, and in the afternoon, I practice against ugly ghosts.

Not to mention anything else, the axe plays tiger and tiger, and it can already support tens of meters without falling into the wind by relying only on the hands of instinctive ugly ghosts.

"So what the hell are you and your brother training, it always feels dangerous." "

Midouko witnessed the training process of Tanjiro and the ugly ghost because she was going to bring food to the two today.

So he climbed onto the boulder where Bai Ye often sat and asked hurriedly.

She knew that her brother would go out to train with Ah Ye every day, but she never thought that her life would be in danger.

The monster that didn't look like a human at all kept hitting Tanjiro, and Tanjiro was also shooting at the other party's head every time he swung his axe.

Recruits take human lives.

"Forgot, today is Midouko, you came to deliver something, I already knew that it would be better to let Tanjiro rest for a while."

Bai Ye patted his head perfunctorily, pretending to be distressed.

"Don't be sloppy, it's not good to look at it over there!"

Midouko pointed anxiously at Tanjiro, his battle with the ugly ghost had entered a white-hot stage, and his body inevitably had some injuries.

Looking at her appearance, if Bai Ye didn't explain again, she would definitely jump into the battle without thinking about it and "rescue" her brother.

"Relax, Tanjiro has gradually adapted to this high-intensity battle since three days ago, and there is no need to worry about his life.

Bai Ye gently grabbed Mi Douzi's little hand to prevent her from rushing into battle.

"But... Brother, why the hell did he train so horribly?"

asked Midouko looking at Bai Ye's calm face, gradually calming down, kneeling beside him, and looking at the bloody Tanjiro asked distressedly.

"Actually, your family has been targeted by a creature similar to the one below, but his strength is far more powerful than that ugly thing.

Bai Ye pointed to the ugly ghost who had already packed Tanjiro back and said.

"Your brother's purpose is naturally to become stronger and avoid harm to his beloved family.

Midouko watched in silence as Bai Ye treated Tanjiro.

The head turned slightly, and he saw the ugly ghost with a terrifying face, his body trembled, and he slowly moved his body and stuck it to Bai Ye.

After all, she is still just a little girl, and when she sees an ugly ghost up close, she is inevitably a little scared in her heart.

Feeling the trembling behind him, Bai Ye immediately withdrew the ugly ghost into the slashing knife.

After a while, the sound of Midouzi the size of a mosquito reached Bai Ye's ears.

"Ah Ye, I don't want to hide behind you and my brother all the time, and if there is danger in the future, I also want to face it with you. There

was a hint of pleading in her tone.

Hearing this, Bai Ye turned his head in some surprise and looked at Mi Douzi with a firm expression.

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