With everything arranged, Miko exhaled and put the microphone back on.

"Don't worry, this house and the evil spirits on the streets outside have been cleaned up by me, so don't worry about being eaten by them."

Bai Ye turned on the TV and found that Miko looked at the dim location in the room from time to time, and couldn't help but remind.

"Sure enough, it's no wonder there are a lot fewer evil spirits outside, and I thought I couldn't see those monsters anymore."

Seeing that Zi was sitting beside Bai Ye, a sense of exhaustion suddenly surged in his heart.

In just two hours, the original worldview collapsed, and it was really not so fast to shape a new worldview.

"Can I get rid of evil spirits like you, I will pay you, and there is still a lot of pocket money."

Miko said, picking up the satchel that was on the floor and pulling out a pink purse from inside.

Bai Ye stretched out a hand and placed it in front of her, stopping her behavior.

"First of all, I am not short of money. Second, if you want to reach the point of self-elimination, you must go through at least six years of systematic study. "

Six years is actually the completion time of the True Yang Spiritual Academy, and only by completing enough credits can you successfully graduate and become the God of Death.

It's just that Bai Ye can sense that Jianzi's spiritual power is really not much.

In other words, it is the level of Lingwei, which is probably only the level of barely being able to enroll.

Even if you only learn the ghost path, it will take more time than other students.

In other words, Miko is not suitable for the Shinigami system.

With her psychic ability, she is actually more suitable for becoming a witch, borrowing power from the gods she serves.

The higher the spiritual sense, the stronger the power that can be borrowed, and the level of spiritual vision can even allow the gods to rely directly on the body.

Unfortunately, the orthodox gods of this world don't know where to hide, and even if Miko really becomes a witch, he can probably only borrow the remaining power from the shrine.

Wait a minute...... Perhaps with the special yin and yang eyes of Miko, you can find hidden gods.

An idea suddenly appeared in Bai Ye's mind, finding the gods, it was likely to understand why there were so many evil spirits in the world.

"Yes... Yes, it is not easy to gain power.

Miko absentmindedly put her wallet away.

Also, how can people who can take a taxi casually lack money, they still underestimate the mysterious power.


Miko sneezed, feeling a little cold in her body.

"You go take a shower and rest first, I'll go and tidy up the guest room downstairs, you can sleep there for the time being."

Bai Ye's eyes narrowed, and spiritual pressure burst out from his body, enveloping his whole body.

The clothes on the upper body are gradually covered by pitch-black kimonos.

It is the standard costume of every Grim Reaper, the "Death Suit".

The normal Death Boss costumes are all standard costumes made by Shutara Senjumaru of Team Zero.

And the "Death Suit" created by Bai Ye was forcibly condensed with huge spiritual power.

If enough spiritual power is not injected in time, this "death suit" will become smaller and smaller, and eventually disappear.

Bai Ye took off the "Death Suit" and threw it to Miko who was haired and said: "

After taking a bath, wear this dress first, it is built of spiritual power, and it must be used against ordinary evil spirits, so that they dare not touch you."

The seeing son who took over the death overlord costume was like a treasure, and looked at Bai Ye's gaze like a reborn parent.

Dressed in a death suit, he walked briskly in the direction of the bathroom.


"Wait, if this dress is made of his energy, doesn't it mean that he can also see my body directly!"

In the bathroom, Miko looked at the dead man clothes that she had put aside and wrapped in plastic bags, and shyly thought of something.

I slapped my face hard, not wanting to think about that kind of thing anymore, but my face was still hot and scary.

The other side.

After Bai Ye cleaned up his room, he walked straight out of the house.

Stand on the street and look at the great evil spirits that have not been crushed by the spirit in the morning.

More than a dozen huge evil spirits that were more than ten meters tall were wandering on the road, and after feeling Bai Ye's line of sight, they turned their bodies to his side.

"You... Can you see me? Obviously

there were only a dozen evil spirits, but they made overlapping sounds that seemed to be thousands of people, and the uneven moans made Bai Ye can't help but dig his ears.

Pulling out a shallow beating, a huge spiritual pressure shrouded every evil spirit.

The air shook with it, and the stagnant water near Bai Ye was also evaporated by the majestic spiritual pressure.

In the bathroom, Miko, who was wiping her body, suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression, and her heartbeat began to gradually increase.

Hands on chest, gasping heavily.

It's like a fish out of the water.

Bai Ye's figure instantly disappeared from the place, and the next moment appeared on the head of a fifteen-meter-tall evil spirit.

From heaven, it slashed down the head of the evil spirit at great speed.

The white blade flashed, and the body of the evil spirit split in two.

When he fell to the sides, he stabilized his body, and a head full of blood grew from the wounds that were cut off by the shallow beating, and he looked at Bai Ye with a sinister smile.

But under Bai Ye's spiritual pressure, they were completely unable to move, and could only be beaten passively.

"It's worthy of being an evil spirit more than ten meters tall, it's really terrifying."

Although relying on the ghost path could sweep away all these evil spirits, Bai Ye suddenly wanted to try another slashing knife.

Holding the shallow beating tightly, Bai Ye pronounced a completely different liberation language:

"Endless life, ten thousand wood zheng Rong!"

The originally strong spiritual pressure has once again increased by a large margin.

The shape of the shallow fight changed again, and a few branches extended from the handle of the knife, wrapped around Bai Ye's knife-holding arm, and grew into wooden arm armor.

The handle became longer, the grip had a delicate pattern of trees, and the blade had become wider and thicker.

From the original tai knife to the chopping knife.

After the appearance of Wan Mu Zhengrong, the trees on both sides of the street gave birth to buds visibly, and the leaves on the branches became more emerald.

"The wood attribute slashing knife, I hope the power will not disappoint me."

The head of the knife pointed at the evil spirit that was split in half, and a large number of thick branches broke through the asphalt road, rising from the ground and turning into a sea of trees tens of meters high.

Like an ocean, evil spirits are entangled, and no matter how hard they struggle, they can't break through the trunks of trees that are several people thick.

Those pure spirit sons were also absorbed by the branches, and more branches grew on the original branches.

"It seems that I can also imitate the original Hokage."

Bai Ye jumped to the roof and looked at the street that was almost completely covered by tree branches, remembering the man who beat the Nine Tails like a cat.

If it weren't for the fear of destroying the entire street, Wan Mu Zhengrong could still unleash even more powerful power.

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