Time passes imperceptibly.

Bai Ye took the map and compared it to the environment below.

After determining the correct location, it was like a black meteor falling from the sky.

When he was about to land, his figure suddenly stopped and landed steadily on the ground.

"There is a great force in the mountains, but not on the top of the mountain, but inside the mountain?"

Bai Ye was holding a dark tree trunk, and the scorched marks on it were not caused by lightning and the like.

The power of the Yang Zhigang did not remain on the trunk, but Bai Ye felt that a yin and evil force was eroding the spiritual power layer on his skin.

And the speed is not slow, if ordinary people are allowed to touch this tree, the part that comes into contact with the trunk may quickly fester.

The "mountain god" in the mountaintop shrine could not alienate the tree into this form with a small amount of power.

It is estimated that the powerful evil spirit inside the mountain revealed the seal, and the trace of power revealed eroded the tree.

"The seal here is much more fragile than the seal set by the huge evil spirit, the power has penetrated from it, and there is not much time to maintain."

Bai Ye pointed the slashing knife on the ground and called softly:

"Life is endless, ten thousand wood is strong."

With Bai Ye as the center, a circle of azure spiritual power ripples spread on the ground, spreading throughout the mountain range.

The trees closest to Bai Ye began to grow rapidly under the nourishment of spiritual power, and in the blink of an eye, they grew into giant trees tens of meters tall.

The other plants in the mountain range are also under Bai Ye's control, and they can be controlled at any time if necessary.

Bai Ye was a little surprised, including the plants on the entire mountain, the spiritual power consumed was not very much.

Not even half as much as the last time I summoned trees in the rotten building.

Bai Ye plunged the knife into the earth, his eyes closed slightly, and in this sea of trees filled with his spiritual power, a special realm that belonged to him was formed.

Each plant will become his eyeliner, and at the same time, it will have the ability to detect spiritual energy.

As the scope of exploration gradually expanded, the outline of the entire mountain also appeared in Bai Ye's mind.

After exploring the whole mountain, different visions appeared in the five directions of "east", "west", "south", "north" and "middle".

Strange energy appeared in the four-square position, showing gray-white lines in his perception.

The four threads intertwine each other, binding the position in the middle of the mountain range, distorting the space of that place and causing it to appear a vacancy.

This is also known as the enchantment.

Ordinary people and even spiritual beings, even if they search for the entire mountain range, will directly cross from one side of the enchantment to the other due to problems such as spatial interlacing.

But I couldn't find any problems, because that space shouldn't have existed in the first place.

After seeing the doorway, the way to break the enchantment became extremely simple, allowing the mother-in-law of the three branches to come and manipulate it perfectly.

At most, it will consume a little more time.

In addition to this, he found that deep in the woods, there was also a boulder wrapped in white rope.

Unlike the bells and whistles of the four-square enchantment, this stone suppressed the evil spirits in the mountain without leaving the slightest loophole.

But after hundreds or thousands of years of wind and sun, the surface of the stone has cracked a little, and the evil spirits inside are about to break free.

That was an existence that was countless times more terrifying than the mountain gods and the like.

Bai Ye manipulated the trees near the node, turning into an iron whip that struck the monument hard, and pumped it into pieces.

After the node was broken, the originally solid enchantment began to become disordered.

Everything that exists in the enchantment is squeezed out by the space that should not exist, and it is integrated with reality.

Hundreds of evil spirits appeared in Bai Ye's ears with roars of pleasure.

These are evil spirits that exist in the enchantment, and after being imprisoned for hundreds of years, they have finally seen the light of day.


The roaring voice made Bai Ye's ears uncomfortable, and this time he was not as good to talk as before.

The tip of the slashing knife shimmered.

The branches near the evil spirits suddenly became extremely sharp spears, penetrating their bodies, and the dissipated spirit sons were also absorbed.

Suddenly, a fierce wind blew from the depths of the mountain range, blowing Bai Ye's death tyrant pretending to be rattled.

The branches of several giant trees stretched out in front of him, wrapped into a wooden wall to keep out the wind.

After the enchantment was broken, a dilapidated shrine appeared at the top of the mountain, and the broken stone steps stretched from there to the foot of the mountain.

When the sunlight shines into the courtyard of the shrine, the color tone drops significantly, not only does not show any sense of solemnity, but presents a bit of eerie eerie.

Bai Ye raised his head and looked, and the trees in front of his line of sight magically moved, leaving him enough passage for several people to pass through.

He could vaguely see the red color at the top of the mountain.

It is a tall torii gate standing in front of the shrine.

"It is said that this shrine seems to be very magical, what will happen if I make a wish to let the mountain god help me remove the side effects of the dream ocean?"

Thinking like this, Bai Ye himself couldn't help but laugh.

It's just an evil spirit disguised as a god, and even if it helps to fulfill wishes, it's not like Aladdin's lamp.

The wishes that can be fulfilled are still within the limits of their own strength, and most wishes are fulfilled by physical or hypnotic means.

For example, in the original book, Miko made a wish to get rid of the harassment of evil spirits, but it was only to help her repel three attacks by evil spirits.

There is no fundamental solution to the problem, and it can be seen that the level of professionalism is just like that.

How could he possibly help him solve the troubles of the dream ocean.

Person... No, God, in the end, you have to do it on your own.

Bai Ye stepped on the stone steps with one foot, and two short figures appeared in front of him in vain, stopping him.

They have short shoulder-length hair, the same kimono and two fox ears on their heads.

But it's quite cute to look at, but if you add it, it's not cute at all and even a little scary.

The facial features are also fox-like, which looks unusually ugly.

“! @#¥%......."One

of the evil spirits oozed a finger, aimed its slender and sharp claws at Bai Ye, and said something of unknown meaning with a hideous face.

Judging from the excited tone alone, it should be quite ugly.

The other fox-faced evil spirit was not so manic, holding his hands in his lower abdomen, quietly looking at his companions.

There was no emotional fluctuation, as if after the enchantment disappeared, it had no effect on it.

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