Chapter 69 Unknown: I will fight the slave master to the end!!!

With waves of sounds and vibrations, the new Bone City has been built

“Then, the next step is to put in the miners.”

Weiming resurrected all the hundreds of millions of people in the afterlife in the mining area.

He also instilled all the rules of the underground city and the mining area into everyone’s minds.

“Mom, I’m not dead, hahaha, I’m not dead!”

After seeing themselves resurrected, some people burst into tears with excitement.

“What a bullshit dungeon! I want to go home, damn it!”

But there are also most people who don’t believe in the rules of the underground city.

The blood-red sky thunder fell without any surprise.

Thousands of people who spoke fiercely were turned to ashes on the spot.

Now many people became honest.

There is nothing worse than killing a chicken to scare the monkeys. It works.

Then Weiming designed a system for all miners.

Similar to adventurers, he has personal information and a shopping mall.

The living conditions in the mining area are not that bad to the naked eye. They have their own residence.

Miners will also receive a little salary every month. They can use the wages of these magic stones to buy items in the mall.

Unlike adventurers, they can only buy whatever they want. , water and other common daily necessities, as well as the necessary tools for mining.

The reason why the mining area is set up in such low conditions is because he will set up a large screen in the mining area to cycle through the environment of the outer city and the welfare of the adventurers. Make progress and strive for the top 100.

Forming a very”good” competitive relationship is very reasonable and clever.

These are the tricks he learned from his previous life.

Just say a word.

There are many people mining.

The most indispensable thing in the mining area of Dead Bone City is miners.

There are still many people who have not started mining.

It is only a matter of time for them to start mining..

He set his sights on the second level.

He designed the [Ancient City] in a style consistent with the ancient battlefield environment, with the same structure as the Death Bone City, except that the center tower was set as a castle.

“Xin Ya, Xin En, the second level and the ancient city will be left to your supervision.”

“Yes, master!”

The two promised in unison.

The first floor was given to Ella, and the second floor was given to the sisters. He was very relieved.

With the ancient city, they also need their army.

After looking at the remaining magic stones, there were 57,800 left. Point.

He decided to use these magic stones to create new monsters.

The primitive embryos unlocked in the second level were not subdivided like the first level. , there is only one kind of beast.

The primitive embryo hatched by the beast will produce random beast monsters.

He directly consumes 3000 magic stones to hatch 3000 monsters from the ancient battlefield.



The ancient battlefield immediately became lively, and a group of beasts screamed.

And there are monsters in various beast forms.

There are lion shapes, wolf shapes, deer shapes… too many to describe.

But except for the shape and species characteristics, their information is similar.

For example

【Monster】:Wild Wolf

【Rank]: first level

【Title]: None



Level F: Feral (Level 1)

Feral memes.

A memetic ability that increases flesh and blood at the cost of sanity.

It is also commonly referred to as the explosion of seeds, but the increase does not seem to be strong, otherwise it would not be just an F-level meme.

Then he started merging memes


He unexpectedly discovered that, except for the source of infection, all other memes were compatible with the original embryo of all beasts.

He wanted to see how the corrosive venom and the original embryo of all beasts would react.

【Ding, do you want to spend 100 magic stones to hatch the original embryo? 】

Wei Ming hatched 20 without hesitation

【Ding, the monster hatched successfully, you have obtained the [Poisonous Beast] monster template! 】

The monster that appeared surprised him.

Venomous snakes, venomous frogs, and even very large venomous scorpions and venomous spiders.

He can understand poisonous snakes and poisonous frogs

“What is the deal with poisonous scorpions and poisonous spiders? Aren’t they insects?”

Weiming didn’t understand how broad the definition of beasts was.

After thinking about it,

Weiming opened up oceans, lakes and mountains in the ancient battlefield.

Since they are animal monsters, they should be able to swim in water and fly in the sky.

Then he tried again Other memes.

The [Swift Beast] template that costs 100 magic stones to be fused with the Speedy Meme, 20 pieces.

The [Armored Beast] template that costs 100 magic stones to be fused with the Flesh Strengthening Meme. The [Beast Warrior] template with magic stone, 20 pieces.

The [Swift Beast Warrior] template with the fusion of speed and body strengthening meme, which consumes 1,000 magic stones , 10 pieces. [Fighting Beast Warrior] template, 10 pieces.

The [Venomous Beast Warrior] template that combines corrosive venom and body-strengthening memes, and consumes 1,000 magic stones, sees that there are not many magic stones left.

The C-level meme infection he chose this time. The source, and D-level physical enhancement and armor three memes, the added target is the most suitable zombie prototype.

This time, there is no upper limit for adding memes.

【Ding, do you want to spend 10,000 magic stones to hatch the original embryo of this monster?】

“Sure enough it can!”

After the second level of Wei Ming Xin Dao was unlocked, the upper limit for the number of monster fusion memes also increased.

He tried four more memes, and the results showed that the upper limit was still reached.

“It seems that currently only a maximum of three memes can be fused for a normal protoblast.”

10,000 magic stones… Wei Ming thought for a moment and chose:”Hatch””

【Ding, the monster hatched successfully, you have obtained the [Sorrowful Matrix] monster template! 】

The mother body of mourning violence was born in the graveyard of dead bones.

It is said to be a maternal body, but its body shape is not feminine or anything like that, it is a simple monster.

However, he has broken away from the stereotype of a zombie. He is five meters tall, not heavy in body, and is blue-purple in color, with strange thorns growing on his body.

It has six scarlet eyes, a ferocious face, huge mouthparts and sharp claws, and is barely humanoid.

【Monster]: Violent Matrix

【Rank]: third level

【Title]: Rare

【Race]: Undead


Level F: Infection (Level 2)

Level D: Hard Armor (Level 3), Strengthened Body (Level 3)

Level C: Source of Infection (Level 3) and its appearance immediately destroys the zombies around the Bone Cemetery Monsters swarmed toward it.

These changes are caused by memes with a source of infection.

【Meme]:source of infection

【Level】:C level


【Infection Control]: Control and direct the lives of infected people

【Biochemical infection area]: Releases biochemical infection ability to create an infectable area.

As it grows, its wisdom will become better and it can direct the lives of infected people such as zombies.



Equivalent to a captain and commander in the legion

“These 10,000 magic stones are not in vain.”

There are only 6800 magic stones left.

I glanced at the undead army.

After this world invasion.

War and killing are like experience, prompting them to grow rapidly.

The undead army has all grown to the limit.

Ordinary monsters have reached the second level.

The rest have The level of D-level monsters has been raised to the level 4 limit, and they cannot continue to grow.

In this case, the first few levels of the dungeon will be at least level 2 monsters, which seems a bit too difficult for some people. At present , he is also short of money for level 3 monsters, and what he needs may be E-level memes.

Unfortunately, he can only spend 2,000 magic stones to hatch 2,000 zombies, mummies, and skeleton soldiers.

The magic stone has been drained. He just hopes that his miners will work hard for him.

“It’s time for the dungeons to reopen too.”

Weiming raised his hand gently.

A new screen appeared in the square.


The adventurers were also summoned to the square.

Weiming saw that Gao Cheng Saya was completely slumped, and it seemed that he had been hit hard.

This is not possible, Why are adventurers so depressed?

【My dear adventurers, I have good news for you two.】

【First, dungeons will reopen】


After hearing the news, Butterfly Ninja and others were already eager to give it a try.

The reason for being so positive.

It was because they thought that their own world might also be invaded after the poisonous island world was invaded.

Only by becoming stronger can we help our world in the future.

Dungeons are undoubtedly the best and fastest way for them to become stronger.

【Second, look at an interesting picture. 】

The light curtain showed the picture as before.

In two areas of the mining area, one side is full of men and the other side is full of women. They all picked up mining tools and dug into the black ore.

“these people……”

Nan Lixiang frowned, she saw familiar military uniforms

“etc! Is this a person from our world?”

Takagi Yuriko was shocked.

After hearing this, Gao Cheng Saya raised her head and stared at the picture in front of her.

【I prefer letting others work for me than killing them】

【Your world has been devoured, and the civilized humans on it are now underground city miners, spending their lives mining. ]

Doesn’t sound like good news.

This is clearly enslaving all human beings.

But for Takagi Saya and others, this is indeed good news.

Because at least humans are still alive!

Saya Takagi even cried with joy.

Busujima Yako and Miyamoto Rei looked at each other and smiled.

They were glad that their master was not simply cruel and cold-blooded.

Although slavery is not a nice word.

But after all, life survived.

With this news, Saya Takajo should be recovering.

And Wei Ming’s last words rekindled their hope.

【Of course, I will also give you the chance of redemption. As adventurers, you can conquer all dungeons and you can still restore your world with your wishes.】

“!!!!” hope!

Takagi Saya and others see hope.

This can motivate them to attack the dungeon with all their strength, why not?

This is Wei Ming, the evil dungeon master, who must keep their ideas under control.

【PS:The picture shows Xin En’s corpse]

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