Baiyin Yuxing scratched his head in embarrassment and said, “So that’s it.”


“I’ve already reserved a seat at the Misty House. The driver should know that, right?”

The middle-aged driver sitting in front made an OK gesture.

Along the way, Shinomiya Kaguya looked quietly out of the car window, while Lin Yu lowered his head and looked at his phone, replying to messages from time to time. Neither of them seemed interested in talking.

On the other hand, Baiyin Yuxing felt like he was on pins and needles. He felt that he was not used to the luxurious car seat.

Fortunately, the traffic was relatively smooth today. When we arrived at Kiri no House, it was still half an hour before the agreed time.

“The time hasn’t come yet, but it doesn’t matter. Go in and sit and wait. It’s worth the wait to do Chef Hinatako’s craftsmanship.”

Shirogane Miyuki looked at the elegantly decorated Kiri House, his expression a little stiff.

This place didn’t look cheap. Lin Yu invited guests to a place like this as soon as he arrived. What would he do if it was his turn to invite guests back?

But now that I have come, I have to go in. With some complicated feelings, I followed Lin Yu and Shinomiya Kaguya into the store.

When he entered the store, he took a look at the menu in front of the counter and his face turned green when he looked at the prices on the menu.

The waiter was already familiar with Lin Yu and guided them to the box where Lin Yu often went.

Not long after he sat down, the door was opened and a woman with brown hair and blue eyes walked in.

“Ara, brother Lin Yu, I haven’t seen you here for a while. Did you bring a friend here today?”

Lin Yu secretly cursed the drama queen, but on the surface he said with a smile: “These two are my classmates. We encountered some good things today, so we just came to have a dinner.”

“I was tricked a lot last time at Lasarte. It depends on your performance as chef today.”

Miki Hinatako smiled and clapped her hands and said, “Don’t worry, I will definitely let you swallow your tongue today.”

“Then I’ll wait and see.”

After Hinata left, Shirogane Yuxing asked curiously: “Is that the boss just now? The president looks very familiar with her.”

“Well, because cooking is too troublesome and we live close by, I just come here for dinner often.”

Shinomiya Kaguya said calmly: “The person just now must be the cooking expert who was known as the Empress of the Mist. It is still a bit troublesome to eat the food she made by herself.”

“Empress of the Mist?” Baiyin Yuxing was a little confused. He had no idea about these things at all.

“That’s what happened. You know Yuanyue Sariao Academy.”

“Well, it is said that more than half of the culinary experts in Neon graduated from this school.”

Seeing that Baiyin Yuxing knew Yuanyue, he did not go into details: “There will be ten most outstanding students in Yuanyue in each class. They are called Yuanyue Ten Elites, and they have absolute dominance over other students in Yuanyue. .”

“The chef who was working just now was the second among the Totsuki Ten Elites. She was known as the Empress of the Mist, second only to the magician Kojiro Shinomiya who cooked vegetables.”

“Speaking of which, is there any relationship between Shinomiya Kojiro and Shinomiya-san in your family? The surname Shinomiya seems not to be very common.”

Shinomiya Kaguya said calmly: “I have heard of it, he should be a member of a certain branch of the side branch.”

“I once heard that the Empress of the Mist was originally a magician who liked vegetable dishes.”

Kaguya glanced at it, but there was no reaction, and he still looked calm.

“I didn’t expect you, President, to like this kind of gossip, but I can’t tell it at all.” Baiyin Yuxing continued.

“Well, I usually turn it over when I have nothing to do.”

As Miki Hinata said, she did not keep the people waiting for too long. Because Lin Yu arrived early, she served some dishes that had been prepared in advance.

The chawanmushi that Lin Yu specially requested was also delivered. In order to avoid the two of them thinking too much, he specially asked for three portions.

····Request flowers 0··

“Eat first, and then chat after eating. The only things in life that we cannot live up to are food and beauty.”

“I’m gonna start now!”

After that, other dishes were brought out one after another. Lin Yu and Shinomiya Kaguya acted very calmly because they were used to eating them on weekdays.

Baiyin Yuxing, on the other hand, forced himself to maintain his demeanor and followed the two of them to eat slowly. If he hadn’t been afraid of being too rude, he would have screamed a long time ago.

Shinomiya Kaguya put the tuna sushi into her mouth and said with admiration: “Empress Kiri’s craftsmanship is indeed well-deserved. It seems that you, the president, have a good relationship with the other party, and you were able to make an appointment directly.”

“Because there are more people here, I’m familiar with it, but recently I hired a cook, so there are less people here.”

……. 0 …

“Speaking of which, how did you do this afternoon?”

“It’s been pretty smooth for me here. All the clubs are giving me respect, and it didn’t take much time.” Shinomiya Kaguya said calmly, as if he had done an insignificant thing.

In fact, communication between various clubs has always been a big problem for the student union.

No one is convinced by anyone. If the student union is not capable enough, it will be difficult to suppress these societies.

It can only be said that Shinomiya Kaguya is indeed very capable. She deserves to be cultivated by a big family. Even if she can solve the problem in such a short time with the help of the Shinomiya family, her ability is indeed outstanding.

On the other side, Baiyin Yuxing felt a little ashamed: “Sorry, President, because there are many aspects involved, it may take a while.”

“It’s okay, Bai Yin-san, don’t put too much pressure on us. We’ve all just taken over. It will be much better once we get familiar with it.”

“By the way, I have something to tell you.”

“I checked the office in the afternoon and found that the quality of tea and coffee was a bit poor. I plan to use the club funds to purchase some. I will make a receipt for the specific amount when the time comes.”

Shinomiya Kaguya didn’t care about this, or she would do it even if Lin Yu didn’t do it, so she didn’t object.

Baiyin Yuxing had no objection to this. Now that Lin Yu was the president, he couldn’t just come up and offend the other party’s face.

What’s more, he is a short-tongued man now.

238. King of grilled fish

While several people were chatting, there was a knock on the door, and then Miki Hinata opened the door and walked in with a tray.

The tray contained a grilled fish. Different from the brown color of other grilled fish, this fish turned a golden red after being grilled due to its own color.

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