“From the day it started, I knew that this day would come sooner or later. The characteristics of the Lihavine family are so obvious that they would attract attention sooner or later. I was mentally prepared for this from the beginning.”

Yose Xiansheng’s tone had no fluctuation, as if he was telling something that had nothing to do with him.

Then he turned to Yeze Xiayin and said: “I am not your father. According to blood relationship, I should only be regarded as your uncle. In the future, you will follow His Highness La Fulia. Kingdom of Alcidia, living with the royal family there.”

“Father, what are you talking about…”

Ye Lai Xia Yin’s voice was very gentle, but it was inevitable that she was anxious at this time. After living together for more than ten years, she had long regarded Ye Lai Xiansheng as her father.

Now she was about to be taken away just because of a word. How could the girl accept this?

However, Ye Lai Xiansheng remained unmoved at all, and kept his calm tone, as if nothing could make him have the slightest emotional fluctuation.

“The Lihavine royal family is very prestigious all over the world. You should have a good life there. Speaking of which, you and the princess’s mother are of the same generation. In terms of seniority, she is still a senior citizen. Your niece.”


La Fulia was stunned for a moment when her name was suddenly called, and at the same time she had an inexplicable feeling about this suddenly extra elder.

“There is no need to doubt Fulia. She is indeed your blood relative. She is the illegitimate daughter of the previous King of Alcidia. She is indeed qualified to call you niece.”

“But this is too sudden. Even Mr. Lin Yu…” La Fulia was a little bit dumbfounded at this moment. She just came out for a run and there was an elder or something. Just kidding. It’s also too big.


“Xia Yin, come here first. Big brother has something to tell your father.”


Yeze Xiayin, who didn’t know how to refuse, walked to Lin Yu with a slight grievance after looking at his father.

The moment she approached, Lin Yu suddenly took action.

A hand was directly inserted into Yeze Xiayin’s body, and with a strong pull, a spiritual center with special power was pulled out.

At the same time, a red electric light flashed, healing the wounds on Ye Lai Xia Yin’s body.

The whole process took less than a second, and before Haze Xia Yin could realize what happened, the wound was healed.

Due to the suddenness of the incident and the speed, everyone did not react until Ye Lai Xia Yin was cured. At this time, except for a little blood on the ground, no traces could be seen.

The spiritual center was tightly grasped by Lin Yu in his hands. Although he struggled constantly, he was still unable to break free.

“Dr. Kensei Haze, I believe you are familiar with this thing. Can you explain it to us?”

From the first time he saw Hain Yeze and felt the ‘spirit’ from her, he knew that Kensei Yeze had begun his transformation.

He tried to artificially introduce the high-dimensional sacred breath into the spiritual center for control through artificial magic engraving, thereby upgrading Yeze Xiayin’s existence to a higher angel.

At this time, Ye Lai Xiansheng’s face was even gloomier than before.

Originally, he wanted to play a hard-to-get game and gain trust by actively giving up Hain Yeze.

Based on his understanding of Ye Lai Xia Yin, Ye Lai will definitely not leave him in the end, but will choose to reject the Lihawain royal family.

In this way, he has an explanation for the royal family, and it becomes justifiable to adopt Xia Yin, and the risk of subsequent transformation will be much smaller.

However, he never expected that the mysterious black-haired man in front of him would actually pull out the fuel from the cauldron and directly remove the spiritual center of Ye Lai Xia Yin’s body that was used to introduce the ‘divine energy’.

And the action was so fast, others didn’t even have time to react.

La Folia’s face suddenly darkened when she saw the spiritual center. This technology first appeared in Alcidia, but it was rejected because of its flaws. Therefore, Kensei Hayase resigned from his previous position. Came to Xian Shen Island.

What she didn’t expect was that Kensei Yeze actually found the bloodline left behind by the Lihawain family and continued this cruel experiment.

“Dr. Kensei Yeze, I think you owe our royal family an explanation!” La Folia said in a deep voice.


“I have nothing to say.”

Although Yose Xiansheng’s face was slightly gloomy, his tone remained calm, as if nothing could cause his mood swings.

“Lord Lin Yu, please forgive me for overstepping my bounds.”

Lin Yu waved his hand and said, “It doesn’t matter. It’s your family’s business. I happen to know about it and I just happen to know you.”

“Thank you for your understanding.” La Folia said with a sweet smile.

The brain of Yeze Xia Yin on the side was already in chaos at this time, and her little brain had not yet realized what happened.

Although she knew that her adoptive father, Kensei Hayase, had done something to her body, she, who was naturally gentle, did not feel any resentment towards her adoptive father and instead regarded this as a kind of repayment.

But she didn’t understand why Agulola’s brother and this sudden blood relative knew about this matter, and seemed to want to question his adoptive father about it.

Seeing the menacing La Fulia, Xia Yin also shrank her head. Although La Fulia was still underage, the royal education she received since she was a child and the environment she lived in gave her a natural ~ Power.

She turned her attention to Lin Yu for help, hoping that Lin Yu could help out for Agulola’s sake. However, all she got was Lin Yu’s smile and a look that made her wait with peace of mind.

“Dr. Kensei Hayase, if I read it correctly, the things on Xia Yin should be based on Lihavain’s psychic properties and the core technology of imitating angels.”

Yose Kensheng pushed up his thick glasses and said: “Yes, unlike the prototype technology at that time, my theoretical model has been perfected. As long as it succeeds, Xia Yin can become a higher-dimensional existence…”

“But Xia Yin will disappear by then.” La Fulia interrupted him rudely.

It is very impolite to interrupt others while they are talking. As the princess, La Fulia has been taught this way since she was a child, even if she is disgusted in her heart, she must wait for the other person to finish speaking.

However, she didn’t care about this at this time, and directly and rudely interrupted Ye Lai Xiansheng’s speech. You can imagine how angry she felt.

“It is not that it disappears, but that it is upgraded to a higher-dimensional existence, serving the gods, and gaining supreme glory. If the goal is achieved, I think Xia Yin will definitely obtain dreamlike happiness.”

“You are simply unreasonable. Have you ever asked Xia Yin how she feels? Is she really willing to leave everything in the world behind and rise to a high position in solitude?”

“What’s more, it’s just a theoretical result and there is no actual success case. You are using her as a guinea pig!”

However, in the face of La Folia’s questioning, the man named Kensei Hayase remained unmoved and could only say one sentence.

“Xia Yin is still young, she will understand my painstaking efforts in the future.”

At this time, Lin Yu’s voice suddenly broke into the conversation between the two, interrupting La Folia’s continuous output.

He finally figured it out. The man’s words sounded very warm, and he revealed his good intentions for Ye Lai Xia Yin in and out of his words, but what he did did not consider Ye Lai Xia Yin’s feelings at all.

Facing such a person, no matter how much you say, it is useless. Only by destroying the spiritual pillar that he relies on to persist can you defeat him verbally.

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