The city library was not far away, and the two arrived at their destination not long after chatting.

Getting out of the car, Lin Yu asked the driver to find a place to stop nearby and wait for his notice, and he followed Nakano Sanjiu into the library.

Nakano Sanjiu, who entered the library, was very skilled in finding the historical area located in a remote corner, and it seems that he is quite familiar with this place, and he must have come to it on weekdays.

Lin Yu wandered around the library at random, looking for books he might be interested in.

Occasionally, if you see one or two books with interesting names, you will take them and flip through them as if you were looking at them, and record the contents in your mind.

On average, each flip through takes no more than 30 seconds.

This is the result of his slow flipping, and if he was fast, a book would not take a few seconds.

A highly developed brain is able to imprint everything that the eye sees into the mind like a rubbing, just like a computer scan.

But even then, he caused some noise because he was flipping through it too quickly, which led to a warning from the librarian.

Similarly, his actions have attracted the attention of some of the others in Library 643.

After stuffing a book back into the shelf, Lin Yu suddenly spoke: "This young lady, although you are very beautiful, but this is the library, and you have been hanging around me in the form of a bunny girl, even I will be very troubled." "

It stands to reason that she shouldn't be dressed like this in a place like the library, and she should be in something more mature.

For example, sexy ...... Ahem, it's far away.

What is strange is that the sexy-dressed bunny girl in front of her is walking around Lin Yu in the library without attracting the attention of others at all, which is very puzzling.

The rabbit girl who was called by Lin Yu didn't mean to be shy at all, but asked in a somewhat surprised tone: "It's incredible, can you actually see me?"

"I'm not blind yet, such a big beautiful girl appeared in front of me, even if I wanted to pretend that I couldn't see it, it wouldn't be possible. "

"Oh?" the girl couldn't help but look at him twice when she heard this: "A word of advice for you, forget what you saw today, and don't have anything to do with me." (aibj)"

"Is there any connection between this, or Miss Mai Sakurajima, do you think your presence might cause me some trouble?" Lin Yu tilted his head, and his face flashed with the same gentle smile as ever.

In his eyes, Mai Sakurajima at this time was shrouded in a unique aura, and it was this aura that made her impossible for others to detect.

Of course, this kind of thing is not very profound, but it will be more troublesome compared to ordinary people.

For Lin Yu to reveal his identity, Mai Sakurajima didn't feel strange.

She is still confident in her popularity, even if most people don't see her now, and they have forgotten her name and existence.

But since Lin Yu would remember, it would prove that Lin Yu knew her information.

As a well-known child actress and model, Mai Sakurajima, even if you don't want to know, will remember some impressions under the daily overwhelming publicity.

"I don't know exactly what happened, but obviously it's not good for you to get involved with me, so be it. After saying that, Mai Sakurajima turned around and left directly.

During the whole process, she didn't care about the meaning of her movements, and even deliberately touched the chair to make a loud noise.

However, except for Lin Yu, no one in the entire library was aware of the situation just now.

Only after Mai Sakurajima left, the librarian found out that the chair was in the wrong position and reset it, and that's it.

It seems that all the things about Mai Sakurajima will become unnoticeable.

It didn't take long for Sanjiu to come to Lin Yu's side with the book.

When he noticed that Lin Yu's attention had been at the door, Nakano Sanjiu called softly: "Lin Yujun, we should go." "

"Uh-huh! Let's go. "

Nakano Sanjiu's voice interrupted Lin Yu's train of thought.

However, left and right are not a big deal, although Mai Sakurajima is beautiful, but the attraction to Lin Yu is limited, although his own situation is very strange, but Lin Yu has no intention of taking the initiative to help.

If Mai Sakurajima begged him, he wouldn't mind passing the time.

Back in the car, Lin Yu looked at the information found by Nakano Sanjiu: "Don't you read it in the library first? Siye shouldn't be over so soon, it's hard to say whether Er Nai started at this time." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Nakano Sanjiu shook his head and said, "I don't like reading books in the library, in contrast, let's find a cold drink shop." "

"It's okay, Kondo, you search for the famous cold drink shops in the neighborhood and put us down. "

At the end, Lin Yu added: "I want the kind of place where you can sit." "

"Yes. "

The car drove all the way to the main block of Ginza and stopped. []

When they got off the bus, Lin Yu and Nakano Sanjiu saw the jam-colored buildings at first sight, and there were all kinds of shops such as bars, restaurants, dessert houses, and coffee houses.

The two of them sat down at a random shop, and after ordering a strawberry buffy each, Nakano Sanjiu began to look through the books he had just borrowed.

Lin Yu was bored and began to recall what had just been imprinted in his mind.

Remember, remember, after reading carefully, there may be more gains, with this in mind, Lin Yu began to re-examine the content recorded before.

As if there was a tacit understanding, neither of them said anything, and they were doing their own things.

Nakano Sanjiu only felt that the mood of this afternoon was extraordinarily happy, and even the history books became more interesting than before.

But then, the tranquility of the afternoon was shattered.

A crisp and somewhat annoyed voice came from the front desk: "Please give me a big blessing!"

The voice is crisp and beautiful, and the timbre is as clear as the spring water of a mountain stream, but unfortunately the angry tone in it spoils the beauty.

But no one in the store, including Mikushi Nakano, noticed the existence of the sound at all, and they still did their own thing.

Lin Yu looked at the sky ahead, and secretly said in his heart, what a coincidence, who is the person standing at the front desk who is not Mai Sakurajima?

By this time, she had changed out of the bunny girl outfit and put on her JK uniform instead, her slender calves wrapped in glossy black velvet stockings.

Compared with Nakano Sanjiu, there is a little less flesh, but there is a little more beauty, which can be regarded as having its own merits.

And at the same time that Lin Yu saw Mai Sakurajima, as if sensing Lin Yu's gaze, Mai Sakurajima also turned his head.

The eyes of the two met again in the dessert house.

PS: Today, I help my brother prepare for marriage, and the time is relatively late.

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