
"I also want to give birth to a little ship girl-"

After Mio finished messing with a bunch of elves, she went to familiarize herself with the environment with Shika.

In the office, Dafeng lay on Lu Chen's back and said in a long voice.

"It's unfair, Mio has only been here for a long time, you have had more than a dozen daughters with her, I have been with you for so long, and I still have nothing-"


Lu Chen felt the wonderful touch coming from behind him and sighed.

"First, except for the Night Sword God Shika, the other elves are all converted, isn't it a bit reluctant to say that it was born from me and Mio?!"

"Second, if we can't do it, we can't give birth to Xiaojian Niang, and different species can't give birth to offspring by conventional means. ~"

"And I think you are half a wisdom machine + Dharma Student-life......"

According to the previous system's answers, he and the ship mother are not - can give birth to a little ship girl.

So no matter what, it's okay.

There is no need to pay attention to safety at all.

Lu Chen thought this was good news before, but he didn't expect Dafeng to want Xiaojian Niang after seeing Mio and her "daughter".

"Commander Sama, this is different-"

Dafeng squeezed a little closer.

"You see, you and that Origin Elf do the same thing as us, right? And the spirit crystals on those elves also have a part of your power, which is equivalent to the crystallization of your union......

"If you think about it this way, the process is there, and the result is there, isn't it your daughter?!"


"Damn, what you said makes sense?!"

Lu Chen felt that there was something wrong with Dafeng's logic, but he couldn't say it.

He simply pointed to the side.

"Go and ask Gudazi if she's willing to be this daughter. "


Rika Fujimaru thought for a moment.

Standing next to Lu Chen, he stretched out his hand.

"Yes. "

"Dad, give me pocket money. "


"Did you sell so fast?!"

Lu Chen looked at Gudazi dumbfounded.

"Of course, I thought about it again, and I have nothing to lose except for cheapening you in terms of title......"

"And you can't abuse your daughter, can you?"

The coo spoke vigorously and stretched his hand a little closer.

"Give me pocket money. "


Lu Chen took out two torpedoes from the warehouse of the 10,000-year-old wind and snow and stuffed them for her.

"533mm space torpedo, put it away, take it back and play slowly. "

"Who wants this?!"

Gollum shoved the torpedo into the destroyer next to him.


Rafi, who was passing by, was holding two large torpedoes and looked confused.

"In the future, when the New Year is celebrated, remember to give your good daughter a little gift, oh, it seems that the Spring Festival is almost over, and I still have to press the New Year's money. "

"I don't care if you want more, just give me a Gundam, it just so happens that Barbatos has played too much, I want to change the model......"

Rika Fujimaru justifiably began to make demands as a daughter.

She felt that she had really come to the right place, in the past, on earth, she would receive a few red envelopes from her elders at most during the New Year's holidays.

Now you can use the commander as a wishing machine, there is nothing strange in the world.


Lu Chen thought about it and snapped his fingers.

"Fork it out and give it to Mio for training, just say that my daughter is disobedient, just give it a beating. "


Gollum was caught under Sister Li's arm and thrown out of the administration building all the way.


Sending off the undisciplined Chaldean Master, the topic returned to the little ship girl.

"You see, I've worked hard enough, we haven't tried anything, no little ship girl just don't. "

Lu Chen spread his hands.

"After all, you are the life born from the Rubik's Cube, the incarnation of the warship, even if I absorb the Rubik's Cube, I have a different form, but can the Gundam and the warship, the warship and the warship produce offspring?!"

He looked at the few Oath Ships beside him.

Said that he really tried his best.

"Hmm...... I don't care...... Just have the commander with me......"

"I'm originally a secretary ship, and it's not good to divide my energy to take care of the little ship's mother......"

Richelieu said as he played with his hair.

"The shipwives of the Donghuang fleet are all my children, there are four King Kongs, Ninghai and Pinghai are just together. "

Yat-sen also said that he was not very interested in this.

"No, I must give the commander a little ship girl-"

"Mio has it, and Dafeng wants it too—"

Dafeng pursed his lips and coquettishly.

"It's not something you can just want......"

Lu Chen hugged Dafeng and patiently coaxed her.

"You see, the core of the ship is the Mind Cube, and the Mind Cube, which is a pure technological creation, was created by Brie, and you can't give birth to a Rubik's Cube, right?"

"And you're not like the Origin Elves, who can separate the Rubik's Cube. "


Dafeng squeezed Lu Chen's break, and thought for a while.

"Rubik's Cube...... Rubik's Cube ......"

"That's right, Commander, you just said that you can't give birth to a little ship girl by conventional means, but we can try something else. "

"What are you talking about???" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Lu Chen asked a few question marks.

"Wait a minute, I'll go ask someone!!"

Dafeng suddenly thought of something, and ran out of the office like a fly



Ten minutes later.

Golden Horn, Siren Naval Port, Dock Anchorage.

White-haired and yellow-eyed, dressed in dead reservoir water, Lori with a big hairpin with animal ears on her head, is holding a comic book in her hand, and is lying on her ship's uniform blowing bubbles.

She was only 1.5 meters tall, but the octopus-shaped armor under her body was quite large, with a diameter of five or six meters, and the length of the gun barrel was even more exaggerated.

Around the ship's suit, there are also a few octopus tentacles-like things, and the tentacles roll a cup of Coke and hand it to Lori's mouth.

The observer took a deep breath, belched, and continued to lean back on the comics.

"Hmm...... It's interesting to import things from other worlds......"

"Look at this "Fleet Collection-Blowing Snow Struggle", it also tells the story of the ship's mother, but the deep sea over there doesn't seem to be as powerful as ours?"

"Hmm, the northern Qi Ji is very cute, I don't know if I can catch one and study it...... When will the Commander discover new worlds?"

Having a snack on the shore, the purifier basking in the sun pondered for a moment and spoke nonchalantly:

"If you want to see the ship's mother, aren't there a lot of them in the blue military port next to it...... Why do you have to go to other worlds..."

"Come on, let me see what you said about the Northern Habitat......"

Big-eyed Meng leaned over to take a look.

Immediately attracted by the little north.

"She's really cute, cuter than you?!"


"Damn it, I'm the first cutie of the sirens!"

The observer thumped Bigeye Moe into the water, and then pulled her to the bottom with the tentacles on the ship's mount.


Bubbles suddenly appeared on the surface of the water.



An aircraft carrier girl wearing a short, low-cut red kimono and a double ponytail stood in the doorway and poked her head out.

The mass-produced sirens patrolling next to her cast a surprised look at her.

"Yo, Dafeng?"

"What are you doing here?"

Observer Lori let go of her big eyes.

The purifier crawled out of the water, shook his head, twisted the wet sailor suit, and looked at Dafeng curiously.

"Uh...... I have a question I would like to ask you guys......"

"Or rather, I want to ask you for a favor. "

Dafeng squirmed and said uncertainly.


The two sirens looked incredulous.

When they were in the blue world before, they fought a lot, and Dafeng's fighting attitude of fighting without killing left a deep impression on them.

Now that the two sides are at peace, it's a bit strange to see former rivals come to visit.

"Say, want to see our new weapon? Although we don't have many people now, we still have a little bit of research ability..."

"Or do you want to visit siren carriers, siren submarines, etc.?"

The Purifier warmly entertained Dafeng. []

"Hmm...... It's not ......."

Dafeng looked a little shy.

"Aren't you very interested in the Mind Rubik's Cube? I saw that when the builder installed a dual Rubik's Cube on the commander, he could even energize the Rubik's Cube?"

"This ...... After all, we're actually the same origin, right?

Observer Lori replied.

"So? You want to invite us to study the Rubik's Cube?"

"It's not. "

Dafeng shook his head.

"I want to have a little ship girl with the commander, can you help?"


The purifiers, observers, and purging people watching the bustle from a distance were stunned for a few minutes.

The other sirens in the dock also stopped what they were doing.

After a while, the observer who was crouching on the ship's suit spoke faintly:

"This ship's mother, we are a siren experimental institution, not a siren kiln or siren obstetrics. "

"Please respect our profession and identity. "

(The picture shows the observer).

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