The first stop on the tour is Demon Slayer World.

This was also the first world to be conquered.

The starship lands in Tokyo.

After unifying the world here, the island country was incorporated into the East Asia Administrative Region and accepted unified management. Looking down, the city was in order.

Judging from the timeline, this is only the early 20th century. Originally, quite a few countries were still backward agricultural countries, and there were still a lot of tribal primitives.

With the technological support of the sovereign nation, it now seems no different from the pre-space age civilization of the 21st century.

Even more advanced.

Railways, airports and other infrastructure equipment are all available, and there are locations outside the city for starships to take off and land.

In the port is the Bree fleet loading supplies.

Scattered omnipotent angels patrol the streets or in the air, responsible for maintaining order and security.

“I almost don’t recognize this place……”

Kanae and the accompanying demon slayer team rubbed their eyes.

In just a few years, my hometown has completely changed.

There is no shogunate and no ghosts. This is just a vassal state under the rule of the Star Sea Empire.

Hearing the roar of the starship, the crowds in the city raised their heads and looked in awe at the Wannian Fengxue that blocked the sky and the sun.

The eyes are full of envy and reverence

“Oh, look at the expressions of those natives, they look like the common people who met the emperor’s parade in ancient times.”

Gudazi suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of pride.

As a member of the suzerain country, he was born to be one level higher than them.

When he came to the vassal country, he just enjoyed worshiping him. 767

“A fox pretends to be a tiger, don’t you know who we are afraid of?”

Richelieu smiled and scolded her.

After landing, the ship girl and local natives in charge of reception had been waiting for a long time.

The red carpet extended all the way to the door of the starship. There were hundreds of guards on both sides holding swords and shields. The omnipotent angels, with their wings half-opened, their faces solemn and dignified, carrying an aura of sanctity.

Next to them were tens of thousands of onlookers, shouting slogans noisily, and many of them were holding flowers in their hands.

No. Do you know if it’s a spontaneous act or if it’s an actor who was found?

——Gudazi thinks he is probably an actor.

The atmosphere was solemn and the momentum was huge. It seemed much more grand than welcoming the head of state.

As soon as they got off the spacecraft, the crowd burst into cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami, almost frightening Kanae and the others to the point where they could not stand still.

“Hiss——Commander, this scene is a bit big.……”

Kanae quietly poked Lu Chen. This was the first time she received such a gift.

“As the leader of the suzerain country, this is what he should do. The necessary pomp helps maintain his majesty.”

Zhenhai explained softly.

After everyone followed Lu Chen and got off the spacecraft,


The ship girls stationed here took the initiative to greet them.

The Demon Slayer World is now in charge of Hood, the Duke of York, and some other royal ship girls.

They wore uniforms of black and red uniforms and looked impressive.

Standing behind them A group of (cefg) ordinary people wearing formal attire and trembling with fear.

They are all heads of various administrative districts.

They are all older than Lu Chen, but they are a little frightened unconsciously when they see this young man. With their absolute strength advantage, they have been in a few years I have seen him once before.

At that time, Lu Chen led the fleet of ships and used his maritime superiority to crush all countries and complete the unification of the world.

At that time, many countries were not convinced and sent their fleets to fight with him.

Now facing the starships that cover the sky and the sun, I don’t even have the slightest will to fight.


Lu Chen glanced at it.

I can read a lot of emotions in their eyes.

Respect, awe, curiosity, and a hint of fear as you walk on thin ice.

Very good, it is the attitude you should have when facing a sect leader



After the welcome ceremony.

The ship girls knew that the commander had no intention of nagging the natives, so they did not arrange a banquet.

Jump directly to the link of inspection work results

“Commander, this is our recent work report.”

In the administration building, Hu De reported to Lu Chen the governance situation of the Demon Slayer World.

“At present, all the countries here have been promoted to the pre-space age, and we have shared with them some of our agricultural, industrial, and people’s livelihood technologies.”

“This is a specific statistic.”

Jian Niang’s work was rigorous and conscientious, and she summarized various data at a glance.

Lu Chen examined it.

The output of resources such as minerals, timber, fisheries, agricultural products, etc. has made a leap after the unification of the world, relying on advanced technology. growth.

The concept of sustainability and fishing from the lake has been implemented very well.

Correspondingly, the tributes I have received from it have also increased.

“Is anyone here rebelling? For example, asking to declare independence or something? Gudazi asked curiously

“Occasionally there are small-scale disturbances, but the rebellion you mentioned has never happened.”

Hood replied with a smile.

“The commander has said before that the basic logic of governing a vassal state is to maintain grassroots stability.”

“The wishes of civilians are easily fulfilled. We have brought them hospitals, schools, railways, and modern medicine… The commander is an alien savior in the hearts of ordinary people.”

“As for the rich and powerful…hey, there is no need for nobility here, and there should be no big landowners or big capitalists.”

The vassal state is a pure source of resources, and there is no need to retain those worms who are not engaged in production.

Economists believe that 20% of the people occupy more than 80% of the wealth, and this proportion will be even more exaggerated in modern society. (Watch it cool. For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Power is also concentrated in the hands of a very small number of people.

Lu Chen directly used a method of violent deification to destroy the old order and redistribute wealth and power. It is reasonable for high-level officials to cause trouble , Almighty Angel will solve them.

As long as ordinary people who occupy the vast majority of the population have no objections, the management of the entire vassal country will be very stable

“Hmm…it doesn’t look like���After that, this world can also develop cosmic resources.”

Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction.

Owning a vassal world is not as simple as acquiring several tributary countries.

With the improvement of technology, they can also explore the space here and obtain more resources from the universe.

Vassal countries The stronger the vassal, the more resources can be extracted from it.

The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is to control the strength comparison between the two parties.

Just like in the game, if the vassal is too weak, you can’t squeeze much money from them.

If the vassal is too strong, it will happen again every three to five seconds. If there is trouble, careerists may have some unreasonable ideas.

“We have demilitarized the entire world. The navy, army and air force of each country have all been disbanded, leaving only a small number of security forces.”

“In addition, omnipotent angels conduct round-the-clock inspections to ensure that there are no problems”

“The technology provided is also strictly limited to the civilian field and does not involve the advanced technology and military industry in the port area.”[]

Hu De continued to report the situation to Lu Chen.

After the commander entrusted her with the responsibility of managing the vassal state, this royal ship girl managed everything in an orderly manner.

“well done.”

Lu Chen patted Hood’s shoulder.

“Thank you, Commander.”

The blonde-haired and blue-eyed ship girl lowered her head, happy to be praised by the commander.

“As expected, you are the British ship girls. You have a way of dealing with vassal countries and colonies.”

Gudazi sincerely praised


Hood has a black line on his head

“Please don’t take your seat. I am now a member of the Royal Fleet and have nothing to do with Britain in my previous life.”

“And this knowledge was all taught to me by the commander. Thank you.”


Gudazi looked at Lu Chen as if he had seen a ghost.

“Commander, why are you so skilled?!”

“What a fuss, collecting dogs is a compulsory course for P Club war criminals, watch it carefully and learn it carefully.”

Lu Chen knocked her on the head.

“Do you want me to take charge of the world? Give me a fiefdom?”

Gudazi tugged on Lu Chen’s clothes.

She felt that it was a very satisfying thing to dominate in front of the natives, and she was eager to try it.

“manor?! Do you still want to break the earth and become king?!”

The accompanying ship girl laughed angrily at her.


Lu Chen thought for a few seconds and agreed.

“I designate you as the governor of Chaldea. You will be the governor of special points and strange news, and lead all military affairs. You will be the same as the three divisions when opening the government. You will not go to court during holidays, you will not pay tribute to your name, and you will wear swords and shoes on ships.”


“Why do I feel like this title sounds dangerous?!”

(Pictured: Hood).

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