
When the message in the L Star Gate was deciphered, the companions who were accompanying them were all shocked.

“‘Gray Storm’?! Sounds like a natural disaster?!”

“The maker of Star Gate L was also a super civilization, right? Was he destroyed by the artificial intelligence he created?!”

Yixian looked at Lu Chen worriedly.

“Commander, do we really want to open the L Star Gate?”

“Just in case something inside is hostile……”

Lu Chen was hesitating whether to transfer another fleet from home or go back to develop another wave.

Lucoa spoke.

Da Long Niang showed a rare serious expression

“bring it on”

“I also want to know, what is the so-called ‘highest masterpiece of engineering and physics’?”

She was very interested in the information left in the L Star Gate.

It sounds like the civilization inside the gate created an incredible technological creation, and then lost control and killed itself.

Lucoa wondered what this rumor could mean Who is the ‘Gray Storm’ that destroys the Creator and sweeps the entire galaxy?

Thor, Eluma, and Mio are also eager to try

“I must maintain the peace of the universe and the world. Anyone who attempts to bring destruction will be brought to justice.”

Eluma took out her trident and assumed a battle stance.

“Destroy the entire river system? I think she’s a little more capable of destroying the planet than we are?!”

Thor had no reason to think that he and the ‘Gray Storm’ might have something in common.

Maybe they are both good friends on the Chaos side.

Buzz –

As he spoke, with the vibration of space, the L star gate was completely opened.

From the black hole-like celestial body Inside, a bizarre scene is reflected.

On the other end is the galaxy that the Creator used to live in – the L star cluster.

The L star cluster has no hyperspace connection with the Milky Way, and it is unknown how many thousands of light-years away it is.

“Everyone is ready!”

Lu Chen gave the order, and the ship girls were ready to fight. After waiting for several hours, no hostile spacecraft flew out of the star gate, and there was no movement at all.

Everyone was slightly relieved.

“It shouldn’t be the Gray Gu fleet, let’s go.”

Lu Chen is very familiar with the situation of Star Gate L.

Wannian Fengxue took the lead and sailed into Star Gate L first.

The moment the ship contacted the celestial body, a dazzling white light flashed and disappeared directly into the starry sky.

When I opened my eyes again,

I came to a strange galaxy.

When I saw it, I saw the giant celestial body in the center of the star system.

It was a black hole with a diameter of more than a hundred astronomical units, and the accretion disk extended all the way to the outside of the planetary orbit, which was hundreds of millions of kilometers away..

Different from the impression of a black hole that is pitch black, interstellar matter will erupt with intense light and heat during the process of being pulled, compressed, and rubbed by the black hole. From a distance, it looks like a halo is placed on the black hole. Same

“So spectacular……”

Observing the most terrifying and mysterious celestial body in the universe at close range, the ship girls were in a trance.

There are a few scattered planets orbiting outside the black hole’s gravitational reach.

Most of them were dilapidated, as if they had been damaged by external forces, and even the core of the earth was exposed.

As the fleet passed over the surface of the planet, it could see some building debris and a thin layer of gray material covering the planet.

“This was the battlefield between the ‘Gray Storm’ and the Creator.”

Lu Chen glanced at it.

Both sides used a large number of star-destroying weapons. High-energy rays broke the planet into pieces. There were also starship wreckage scattered in the universe.

He even suspected that the celestial body in the middle of the galaxy should have been a star. , because the war was artificially collapsed into a black hole.

After all, normal civilization would not want to settle next to a black hole.

The intensity of the war is far beyond imagination


The ship girls and dragon girls were all tense, fearing that they would encounter the rumored”grey storm”.

Elves and heroic spirits are completely powerless.

They found that their power was too weak in the face of real natural disasters.

Destroy stars, destroy river systems, wipe out an advanced technological civilization of the space age?!

Most people can’t even blow up a planet.

The fleet patrolled the L star cluster.

All the star systems here are riddled with holes, and even a complete planet is difficult to find.

The Creator was completely destroyed, leaving not a single survivor or spaceship.

Bree extracted some gray matter covering the surface of the planet, which were dead nanorobots, like sand.

With the current level of science and technology, it is difficult to analyze their structure.

The more they looked at it, the more frightened the ship girls became.

Lucoa kept squinting his eyes with a serious expression, as if he was deducing in his mind what kind of war could lead to such an outcome.

The intensity of the large-scale interstellar war was even more exaggerated than the battles she had seen in the Dragon Maid world.

“It’s great that there are no enemies in the cluster……”

Aurora patted her face.

Slightly relieved

“It’s just that there are no resources here, so we can only slowly do archeology.……”

The lolita felt a little pity and wanted to send out a few scientific research ships to take a look. suddenly

“alarm! alarm!”

“There is a violent spatial disturbance ahead!!!”

“An unknown battleship entity is approaching!!!”

An overwhelming alarm sound came from the AI.

At the other end of the star system, space was violently torn apart. A starship larger than the Wannian Fengxue, with a dark green body and dark lines etched on the surface, appeared on the opposite side..

Its shape and structure are different from any known battleship type, and its appearance looks very sci-fi.

“There are enemies!!!”

Kaala lala – the nervous ship girl immediately changed direction, the whole ship opened the armed modules, corrosive missiles entered the launch state, and all aimed at the starship. What appeared in the L star cluster was not Gray Storm. Who is it?!

But seeing that the opponent only had one spaceship, and not the overwhelming natural disaster fleet as rumored, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Lucoa raised and lowered his hand, pinched off a magic spell, and decided to observe first What’s going on


Lu Chen saw that the starship on the opposite side was not hostile and signaled the ship girls to relax a little.

“Who are you? Richelieu asked with a frown.

“Oops, fellow human beings are really unfriendly if they start a fight with me whenever we meet.”

A strange signal suddenly came in.

The other party deciphered the fleet’s encrypted communication system in an instant. From the voice,

970 sounded like a naughty girl.

“Compatriots? Who are your compatriots? Don’t tell me you’re human?”

Sister Li raised her eyebrows


“Then I change my appearance?”

The dark green starship emits a burst of gray mist.

It begins to twist and deform before our eyes, and the nanorobots that make up it begin to rearrange themselves.

First, they shrink into a gray nanocluster, and then the nanocluster gradually turns into a blur. Human form.

Growth of limbs, head, clothes…

A few minutes later.

A girl with gray hair and blue eyes, wearing a uniform similar to that of the fleet, appeared in the starry sky.

She had a handsome appearance, a curvy figure, and a fair face. There is a hint of playful style on it.

Although she is in space, the girl is not affected by the vacuum environment at all, with her long hair floating leisurely behind her.

She steps in the void, heading towards the Wannian Fengxue at the front.

With every step, a burst of gray mist emitted from behind her body, as if she was teleporting. In five or six steps, she actually crossed a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers and stood on the bridge of the Wannian Fengxue.

The girl stretched out her hand , knocked on Lu Chen’s cabin door

“Hi, my dear commander, do you want to mate with me?”

“Um, but my sleep cycle is almost over, could you please hurry up?”




(The picture shows Xiao Hui, AI picture)

(The author has to stay in the hospital for a week and is groggy every day. During this period, he will update twice for the time being. After recovery, he will update normally three times.).

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