Under the complete crushing of technology and strength, Lu Chen’s tactics for the Blue and Blue Ship Girls were very simple. The starships opened the way and carried out key strikes on the strongholds and large fleets of the deep-sea amphibious ships.

To discover is to strike, to strike is to destroy.

The Almighty Angel followed behind the fleet and carried out sporadic cleaning work, sinking all the fish that had slipped through the net and the deep-sea ships scattered on the sea.

Along the way.

The blue ship girl ate hot pot and sang songs, destroying the surrounding deep-sea ships with unimaginable efficiency.

In the face of the interstellar fleet, the deep-sea destroyer has no resistance

“Dwelling ghost! That’s a mooring ghost!”

“Its armor is so hard that even Sister Kong’s main gun can’t hit her!”

Passing by a sea area, the thunder and lightning at dawn introduced Xuefeng to the powerful enemies of the garrison.

“We organized an expedition three months ago and fought fiercely for a day and night with the Akiji, before we managed to eliminate the two Exorcists around her.……”

“The King Kong-class main cannon hit her with no effect.”

Whoops –

On the Yukikaze ship, dozens of corrosive missiles streaked across the sky, causing a turbulent wave on the sea.

After the violent explosion, the mooring ghost and its escort fleet were completely evaporated.

“But that’s it nanoda!”

The beast-eared ship girl shook her head and put her hands on her hips to show off her new weapons.

The native Xuefeng and the destroyer in the garrison were greedy.

She compared the 533 and 610mm torpedoes on her ship, and then looked at the Bi-18 Blue Xuefeng’s erosion missile.

Looking at the beast-eared girl eagerly

“This is the weapon nanoda designed by the commander for Yukikaze-sama! We got it after several battles with the Sea Mist Fleet in the Blue World!”

“I can show it to you, but you are not allowed to touch it! It’s very dangerous!”

Xue Feng took off a dark red corrosive missile and handed it to the indigenous women on the small ship like a treasure.

By the way, he told the indigenous destroyer about his glorious experience in the blue world.

Everyone was more and more amazed.

“Weapons designed by the commander himself?……”

The more the native ship girls listened, the more envious they became.

Having a commander who can take him on expeditions to various worlds, provide shelter and harbor for the ship girls, and upgrade their equipment is simply a dream that cannot be imagined.

Nagato and Yamato of the garrison are indeed very responsible. They work hard to eliminate the deep-sea ships and they also love their companions.

But compared to the commander of the blue ship girls, there is indeed something missing.

“If I make him my commander, can he upgrade my weapons for me? Make the joint cannon stronger or something?”

Tianjin Feng suddenly asked

“Cough cough cough——”

Xuefeng almost choked

“Probably, but wouldn’t it be too hasty on your part?!”

…… aircraft carrier fleet

“Aircraft Carrier is an elite-level deep-sea destroyer. The deep-sea revenge ship and deep-sea hell ship it carries are very powerful! careful!”

On the enterprise ship, Ruifeng Feiying pointed to the Deep Sea Qi Ji below.

The ship girl with white hair and red eyes, who was huddled in the giant ship suit, was looking at the giant battleship in the sky with confusion on her face, click click – the enterprise is open Hundreds of black and red space fighters roared out of the closed hangar.

With dazzling maneuverability, they used small hypergravity cannons and corrosive missiles to cover the ground below with firepower.

The anti-aircraft weapons of the World War II-era deep sea-dwelling ship could not intercept space at all. Fighters.

They can’t even detect the enemy. Only when an overwhelming group of carrier-based aircraft appears in the naked eye, can you realize what is happening.

Emergency ejection of deep-sea carrier-based aircraft to fight.

In front of the opponent’s overwhelming military technology, The battle between carrier-based aircraft completely turned into a turkey hunting contest.

The terrifying deep-sea carrier-based aircraft were beaten into fireballs one after another in the air.

The aircraft carrier mother discovered that the opponent’s carrier-based aircraft was no matter the speed, The strength and lethality of the aircraft are one notch weaker than mine.

The battle with the deep-sea destroyers is much less difficult than fighting against each other during training on earth.

In just ten minutes, the Aircraft Carrier and its escort fleet, Was bombed into powder by the company

“Is this how starship girls fight? very scary……”

The native ship girl was frightened.

This combat concept of crushing the enemy with absolutely superior firepower from thousands of miles away is very advanced and shocking.

“Some aircraft carrier girls in the garrison often say that future wars will be dominated by aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft, and battleships will withdraw from the stage of history.”

“Now it seems that it is not necessarily true. Sure enough, the decisive battle concept of big ships and huge guns is correct.”

In the Wannian Fengxue, Captain C of the ship had a wonderful idea.

“……The big ships and cannons of the interstellar era are not the same thing as what you understand.”

Lu Chen had a black line on his head.

“In a war on an astronomical scale, victory is determined not only by the power of weapons and armor, but also by the ability to detect the enemy and mobility.”

“After being transformed into a starship, the difference between a battleship and an aircraft carrier is blurred. Battleships also have carrier-based aircraft, and aircraft carriers also have main guns, but the scales of the two are different.”


Nagato nodded, thoughtfully.

She felt that the man in front of her was very knowledgeable and knew quite a lot about the combat situations of ship girls, the navy and the space force.

As the former commander of the garrison, she felt inferior.

Even though Lu Chen did not receive any formal academic education, he was experienced in many battles due to the influence of Ship Niang and the experience of fighting in many worlds.

Most of the day.

Under the blanket of firepower from the starships.

With the garrison as the center, most of the planet’s sea area has been completely cleared.

“Further ahead is the core area of the deep sea.”

Yamato looked at the increasingly darkening sky in the distance and the increasing number of deep-sea destroyers on the sea, with a look of awe on his face.

“Even in the heyday of the tutelage, it was difficult for us to reach this sea area”

“It is said that the leader of the deep-sea destroyer is hiding here.”


Lu Chen looked down.

The sea here has been dyed black and is covered with dark clouds. The deep-sea ship girl seems to have passive skills that can change the environment.

The strange deep-sea ship girl is patrolling the sea

“Leader of the deep sea? Uh…is it Yamato Fukami?”

He thought for a while. According to the setting, deep-sea ships are the resentful spirits of sunk ships. Because the resentment cannot disappear, they form dark creatures that resist human forces.

From the deep-sea ships such as battleships and aircraft carriers, On the mother’s body, one can vaguely see the appearance of the corresponding ship mother.

So, since the flagship of the tutelage is Yamato, the leader of the deep-sea ship is also Yamato.

“This is not important, let alone Deep Sea Yamato, even if the Space Battleship Yamato comes, it will still be beaten.”

Whoa – the Wannian Fengxue ignored the mass-produced trash fish, started the propulsion engine, and turned the sensor’s search power to the maximum.

It searched for its target in the entire sea area.

Entering the realm of deep-sea destroyers. Later, the communication of the indigenous ship girls suffered some interference, but this did not affect the starship.

It didn’t take long.

Buzz-buzz- the shipboard AI suddenly started to alarm.

【Alert, 553 targets found at 32.76 kilometers northwest!】

【alarm! Find the target!!!】


Yamato, Nagato and other indigenous ship girls were frightened by the sudden siren..

“Did he encounter a strong enemy?!”

They instinctively displayed their ship uniforms and entered a combat posture.


Lu Chen drove the spacecraft all the way towards the target location.

On the sea in the distance, stood a little lolita with white hair and red eyes, wearing a white dress.

Her skin was white and her face was expressionless, with several black and red buildings suspended behind her. The black turret must be her ship’s uniform.

Compared with the elite deep sea ghosts such as the ground dwellers, the air mother dwellers, and the air mother water ghosts, she is much smaller, and she does not have the ferocious aura of ordinary deep sea ship girls.

Shan Cong She looks a bit cute in appearance, but has a fierce breast.

There are a large number of deep-sea warships surrounding the little deep-sea lolita. She is obviously the leader of this deep-sea fleet.

“Is this… expelling Qi Ji? No, Qinggun Qiji? Neither……”

The indigenous ship girl who is familiar with Shenhai Qiji guesses her identity

“Wait, she is Seji?!”

Judging from the ship uniform behind Loli and the aura she exudes, there is no doubt that she is a distant relative of the ship girl in a certain sense – the ship girl is a girlish warship, and the fortress girl is a girlish naval base..

Their strength far exceeds that of ordinary ship girls, but their maneuverability is not good.

Whoa –

Northern Qiji saw the Wannian Fengxue, raised her hand, and hundreds of dark deep-sea carrier-based aircraft flew from the ship behind her. Come out.

Attack the starship

“Let’s get together with Zero War and Gale………!”………

(The picture shows Northern Qi Ji).

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