Click – a silver-white starship landed on the sea outside the capital city

“Here we are, Commander.”

Aurora showed a sweet smile and opened the hatch for Lu Chen.

During the refitting period of the Wannian Fengxue, naturally she could only ride on other people’s spaceships.

The first ship girl to install a super-light engine took the initiative Undertaken the task of transporting Lu Chen.

Her hull is small and exquisite, and she is as sweet and cute as herself. Lu Chen likes her very much.

“Thank you, the bridge is well taken care of.”

Lu Chen patted Aurora on the shoulder, and a blush appeared on the girl’s face..

“I… I’m waiting for the commander here, so I won’t disturb the purification and observation kisses.……”

Just approached the interior of the dock.

Lu Chen saw a strange scene.

The little Lolita Observer is wearing Shikusui and sitting on her octopus suit, with Yamato Fukamami standing next to her.

The once arrogant leader of the Deep Sea Fleet stood upright and honest, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

“Recruit another deep-sea Qiji?”

While the observer was operating on the ship’s holographic screen, he tapped the Deep Sea Yamato with his tentacles.

Whoosh – as she stretched out her hand to press on the sea, a deep black power infected her.

The black mist twisted under the water, Transformed.

Soon, a deep-sea amphibian with white hair and pale skin emerged.

She was wearing a dark blue dress and a black metal conch-shaped hat on her head.

She faced Yamato deep-sea with an expressionless face. Bow in greeting

“Expel Qi Ji?”

Lu Chen recognized her as an elite species among the deep-sea destroyers.

The outfit of the destroyer Qi Ji was very different from the last time they met. In addition to the turret, there were even things like anti-ship missiles.

“No, no, no, no!! It’s not like this!!”

“Fly! Let her fly! Do you understand thrusters and reactors? ? Didn’t I just teach you yesterday?!”

“Give her an ion thruster and bring it out!!!”

The little observer, Lolita, shook her head and slapped the sea surface with her tentacles dissatisfied.

Deep Sea Yamato looked apologetic.

“I… don’t quite understand what you mean……”


Lu Chen was stunned. This was the first time he saw Siren teaching the Deep Sea Fleet.

It seems that Deepsea Yamato is tamed and docile

“Hey, Commander? It’s rare for you to come here.”

When the little Loli saw Lu Chen, the disgusted expression on her face became happy.

She jumped out of the ship uniform and came to the front in two or three steps.

“Long time no see, come and have a look.”

Lu Chen rubbed the observer’s head. Siren’s body was as cold as the sea.

“What are you doing?”

“We are studying the power of deep-sea ships. They can be resurrected infinitely in the sea and can also evolve equipment.”

The white-haired and yellow-eyed loli raised her head and said

“I just want to try if I can grow starships directly from the sea, which will save me a lot of trouble in the future.”

“It’s a pity that Yamato is too stupid. I tutored her about starships for several days, but she still couldn’t recruit the starship-shaped Qi Ji.”


Lu Chen didn’t follow the observer for a while.���Leap thinking.

The deep-sea Qi Ji can absorb the power of the sea, and her resurrection and evolution are almost unlimited on the ocean.

This guy wants to grow a spaceship from the sea. Just hearing about it makes me think it’s fantastic.

Even if you use your strength to produce miracles, you won’t play like this.

“Theoretically, it is possible. As long as Deep Sea Yamato can allow the deep sea destroyer she summoned to evolve without limit, sooner or later the deep sea destroyer will be able to turn into a spaceship.”

“Otherwise, it would be too troublesome to summon them one by one and transform them individually.”

Observers are convinced


Lu Chen wanted to say that with the material resources of the Star Sea Empire, he didn’t mind modifying more spaceships. As long as the modification of the Wannian Fengxue was completed, the productivity would be immediately available.

After thinking about it, she decided to let the observer continue her great research.

Maybe after studying hard and fully understanding the structure of a starship, Deep Sea Yamato can actually carve out a spaceship from the sea.

“They are called Deep Sea Qiji in the sea, but when they go into space, should they be called Xinghai Qi Ji?!”



After the little loli sent Deep Sea Yamato away.

He took Lu Chen to the inside of the Siren Military Port.

There are enforcer-level mass-produced siren girls everywhere here, patrolling the interior in twos and threes.

Different from the bustling Azure, Blue, and Ship C naval ports, the low-level siren girls are war weapons controlled by high-level sirens. Their minds are in a controlled state and they will not fight or play with each other.

The entire Siren Military Port was very quiet, with only a roar coming from the dock from time to time.

“Well, in addition to the deep-sea destroyer, we have been studying the fire source you brought back recently.”

“That thing is a treasure in the Transformers universe. It’s very complicated and can easily go wrong.”

With that said, the two of them walked into a laboratory.

A square fire source with metal patterns etched on it was placed on the table.

Big-eyed Meng held several strange devices in his hand and was looking at the fire source. Source operation.

Buzz –

The machine extracted a golden energy from the fire source and injected it into a metal cube next to it.

The originally ordinary metal block also had complex patterns on its surface like the fire source. and halo.

It looked like another fire source was copied.

Seeing Lu Chen, the Purifier subconsciously wanted to say hello

“Hi, Commander?!”

I lost my mind.

Bang – a strange energy shock wave emitted from the metal cube.

·· ······Asking for flowers··· · moment.

The mechanical equipment in the entire room, whether it is the instruments on the table or the smart trash can in the corner, all come alive.

They turned into little robots and started to riot with clattering sounds.

Just like in the original plot of Transformers, the fire source can give life to mechanical bodies and transform them into Transformers


The little robots shouted in a language they couldn’t understand.

The Transformer turned into a trash can even raised his hand and fired a shot at the observer with a small energy cannon.


The siren girl turned a bunch of small Transformers in the room into scrap metal with a few slaps.

Call the executors and pack them away like garbage

“Just like this, when the fire source is separated, it will occasionally lose control. This thing will forcibly give consciousness to the surrounding mechanical bodies and transform them into cybertronian life.”

……. 0…….

“The newly born Transformers are uncontrollable and will attack everything they see crazily. Commander, you, the source of fire, belong to the Decepticon, right?!”

The observer shrugged and made a few teasing remarks.

“Are you copying the fire source?”

Lu Chen didn’t pay attention to this small riot, and looked at the two metal cubes on the big-eyed cute table.

They looked exactly the same, and they were not fragments of the fire source or anything like that.

“Yes, the fire source itself is also a high-quality energy source. The energy it contains is no less than that of mental magic. It has a strong self-healing function for mechanical bodies.”

“We can separate some of the power from it and create a smaller source of fire.”

The Purifier nodded.

“What does it do… Well, from now on, one will be given to every ship girl, and everyone will become a fire source battleship, driven by the dual power of the Rubik’s Cube and the fire source. It is super powerful.~”

“Excess fire sources can also be used to create combat robots. Although their combat effectiveness is not strong, there are many of them.”

The observer excitedly explained to Lu Chen the new function she had thought of.

“Do you think that activating the power of the Fire Source on the enemy’s planet and turning all the machines in the world into Transformers would not directly lead to an omnic crisis for them?!”


Lu Chen thinks that with the deep-sea destroyer, the explosive capability will be enough in the future.

“Okay, then do your research and let me know if you need it.”

After inspecting Siren Niang’s work, he was about to leave.

The observer suddenly thought of something and tugged on Lu Chen’s clothes.

“Commander, this is a rare visit, so don’t leave in a hurry.……”

“The builder said that when she communicated with the nanorobot a while ago, she had a new understanding of artificial intelligence technology and was ready to build a little guy.”

“It seems to be called ‘Navigator’-TB’Coming? Do you want to take a look?”………

(The picture shows Aurora, AI picture) inch.

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