
Under the gaze of Drake and the shocked pirates.

A huge starship with a shape somewhat similar to a Spanish galleon, with large tentacles waving on the side of the hull, slowly landed in the open space.

The intertwining of steel and slippery tentacles gives people a weird and terrifying feeling.

In particular, the Golden Deer was originally a behemoth, and the tentacles on the side of the ship were much larger than the giant sea monsters that Drake had seen.

Judging from the length and size, it can easily roll up a sailboat dozens of meters long.


The pirates in the camp fled in all directions. Even if they were not attacked, seeing such a weird thing would challenge the limit of human endurance.

As if facing a formidable enemy, Drake drew out his scimitar and prepared to fight.

Click – the hatch has not yet been fully opened, and Gudazi and Thor are like impatient escaped prisoners, squeezing out of the half-open electronically controlled door.

The two of them fell on the sand, lay down and retched a few times, and patted their chests with lingering fear.

“So… so scary……”

“More terrifying than Poseidon!!!”

“Commander, I will never be a hurricane camp ship girl’s ship again!!! Is it okay to let other ship girls drive the ship in the future?!”

Gudazi looked at the Golden Deer, as if she saw some kind of indescribable existence.

She and Lu Chen ran around all over the world, and rubbed against the hulls of other ship girls hundreds of times.

Most of the ship girls in the camp I have ridden on all the ships, the classics of Donghuang, the enthusiasm of White Eagle, the ladylike style of Royal, the romance of Free Iris…

Only the ship has tentacles inside and outside. This is the first time that I drive a starship like a pirate ship. Sit down.

The Golden Deer almost knocked out her overnight meal when it took off and landed.

“Ah, it’s very rude of you to say that. After all, I used to be a sailing battleship, so I need to retain some personal characteristics~”

A ship girl with black hair and a charming appearance slowly walked out of the hatch.

“This is the power given to me by the sea. It’s very cute.~”


Lu Chen and others didn’t have such a strong reaction, they just felt that the tentacles were not cute no matter what.

“Hidden dragon and crouching tiger, Hidden dragon and crouching tiger……”

“I originally thought that the blue ship girls were all cute and cute girls, but I didn’t expect that there were strong men like the Old Ones.……”

Gudazi took a few more breaths before he regained his composure.

“??¨〃 ?”

Drake looked at the people jumping off the spaceship with a confused look on his face.

“Who are you?!”

“We come from another world to fix bugs in this world.”

Lu Chen came up with his companions.

“Let’s get to know each other. This is also Drake. This is the Golden Deer. It has the same name as your flagship, but she is now the ship’s wife.”


“What? ha?”

Drake’s mouth twitched, and the knife in his hand was curled with a knife.

“Hey, hey, you just crushed my thirty boxes of rum, okay?!”

“If you want to talk, let me see your strength first.”

Bang-bang- bang!!!

Two minutes later.

Drake got up from the ground and gave a thumbs up.

He took out a golden cup from the business line, and red-purple wine automatically poured out of it.

Then he ordered The men filled Lu Chen and his group with rum.

“Not bad at all! cheers!!!”

“It was the first time I saw someone who could beat me with one move. He was awesome, awesome.”

She looked at Lu Chen with a bit more curiosity and respect.

It is a pirate tradition to make comparisons when meeting. There is no doubt that the other party is far stronger than her.

One blow, just one blow, defeated her.

In pirate culture, The strong have privileges

“Tell me, what do you want from us?”


Lu Chen and Gu Dazi were startled by Drake’s milky cup.

Drawing the sword from the chest and drawing the Holy Grail from the chest are both quite exciting.

One person is looking at the Holy Grail, and the other person is looking at something else.

The wine glass was handed to my eyes before I calmed down.

“We are from Chaldea, here to fix the bugs in this world”


It took about ten minutes to explain the situation to Drake.

She soon understood the meaning

“I’m Francis Drake, captain of the Golden Hind”

“Something is not right in this sea area recently. All kinds of strange things often appear in the sea, as well as monsters that want to flood the world.……”

“But I solved it, tsk.”

At this singularity, the world was turned into a state similar to an ocean planet.

All kinds of weird monsters emerged in endlessly.

The Holy Grail in Drake’s hand was to encounter a monster who called himself Poseidon, the god of the sea, and wanted to cause a flood. Destroying the world.

As a result, she and her crew were flattened and the Holy Grail was snatched away.

These are also one of the few indigenous heroic spirits who can obtain the Holy Grail with their own strength.

“Let me go and you grabbed the Holy Grail yourself?!”

Gudazi admired the big pirate in front of him even more.

“It’s not a big deal, it’s not that powerful. If you want it, I’ll give it to you.”

“Anyway, you defeated me.”

Drake threw the Holy Grail over casually.

Fujimaru Ritsuka held it as if it were a treasure.

“Oh oh oh this is the Holy Grail, can I make a wish with it?!”

She looked at the golden cup in front of her, which contained powerful and pure magic power.

“Theoretically, it’s possible. It’s made of magical power. If you want endless wine or endless bread, the Holy Grail should be able to satisfy your needs.”

“You can use it like Captain Drake.”

The projected Roman thought for a while.

“However, in order to avoid unnecessary complications, it is better not to use it to do too much… and before recovering another Holy Grail, it is best to let Drake hold it to avoid causing an imbalance of power in this world.”

“` 々Turn me into a ship girl like the Commander and give me a Star Destroyer.”

Gudazi made a wish without hesitation


The Holy Grail is unresponsive

“Let me have the same superpowers as the Commander.”

Still no response

“Give me an edible mind cube”


Holy Grail Not Responding

“The holy grail of spicy chicken.”

Gudazi threw the Holy Grail back to Drake.


Drake hesitated to speak



The Golden Deer carried the newly recruited female pirates and skimmed the sea at low altitude.

Drake joined the team without hesitation. Her desire for adventure in exploring the world was engraved in her bones, and Lu Chen and his team were indeed very interesting.

“Hello, I am the Golden Deer, the sailing battleship of the hurricane camp… Oh no, it should be called the sailing starship now?”

“Alas, your Golden Deer is really missed… But now, my captain is the commander~ Only he can fuck me~”

The Golden Deer shook hands with Drake.


Drake wasn’t sure if the Golden Deer was speaking in a pornographic accent or making a serious introduction.

(Denuo Zhao) looked around at the starship. The shape was similar to his own wooden pirate ship, but it was hundreds of times larger.

The tentacles popping up everywhere are a bit scary too

“Hello, hello, I am also Drake, a royal heavy cruiser. If you have time, we can compete to see who is worthy of the navigator’s name.……”

Another silver-haired ship girl also said hello to her

“Do we have the same name? A duel to decide who deserves this great name? sure!”

The heroic spirit Drake agreed without hesitation.

The two of them also inherited the competitive character of the great pirate.

“What are we comparing? Sword fighting or gun fighting?”

“It’s up to you. If you want, you can fight with the fleet. After all, you are the pirate and I am the ship girl. It’s fair, right?”

Drake, the ship girl, said, holding her chest.


Lu Chen knocked the ship girl on the head.

“Starships compete with natives in fleet battles. You can imagine it.”

“Don’t bully the new indigenous heroes!”………

(Pictured: Drake).

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