The Falling Star Spear, carrying unimaginable energy, hit the star of the Trisolarian system from the solar system at a nearly infinite speed.

From a more distant astronomical scale, it seemed as if there was a red beam of light connecting the sun and Alpha Centauri. The crew of the fleeing Natural Selection, as well as the Blue Space, Ultimate Law and other starships that were chasing it, forgot their responsibilities for a moment.

Staring blankly out of the porthole, the red light went straight from the solar system to the deep space and pierced into the Trisolarians’ home planet, Alpha Centauri.

At this time, the Trisolarian home planet was orbiting one of the three stars in the system.

The light spear happened to hit this star, breaking a huge crack in its photosphere and convection layer. The diameter of the hole could put ten Jupiters side by side.

Under Lu Chen’s deliberate action, the position where the light spear hit was on the ecliptic plane of the star.

From the Trisolarian planet, a bright spot with extremely strong luminosity appeared on the surface of the sun. The strong radiation from the depths of the star passed through the crack, penetrated the photosphere, convection layer and chromosphere, and directly irradiated the planet.

Exposed to the burning of stellar matter, life outdoors would be scorched in seconds.

This was just the beginning.

The shipboard AI precisely calculated the launch direction of the Falling Star Sky Lance.

The light spear completely penetrated the star, leaving a hole in it.

It also accurately hit another star in the same direction, 6,000 astronomical units away.

From a distance, it looked like a string of candied haws.

The two broken stars first ejected a huge amount of stellar matter from the hole, rushing straight into space like a flaming fountain.

From the planet, it seemed as if a brilliant fire tree had grown on the surface of the sun.

“This is……”

The remaining survivors on the Trisolaran planet trembled as they watched the fire tree approaching them.

The surface temperature rose to over 5,000 degrees Celsius in a short period of time.

Except for fortifications and some military spacecraft designed for expeditions, most of the cities on the planet were melted and burned.

Hundreds of millions of Trisolarans who did not have time to take shelter had their body moisture evaporated and dehydrated in a short period of time, turning into a thin sheet of burning and turning into ashes under high temperatures.

A raging fire ignited on the surface of the planet, and magma overflowed.

Deep underground on the planet, in a shelter close to the core of the earth.

This is the last line of defense for the Trisolarans to deal with extreme astronomical disasters. All available technologies are used to reinforce it, including strong interaction materials for making water droplets.

The shelter can temporarily withstand the high temperature on the surface, and scientists are nervously calculating the current situation.

With the current level of technology of the Trisolarans, it is enough to deal with most disasters during the chaotic era.

If they can survive the disaster, they can still rebuild civilization in a short period of time with the materials and technology in the shelter.

However, in the millions of years that the Trisolaran Galaxy has gone through and the countless civilizations that have evolved, no civilization has ever faced the end of two stars being shattered at the same time.

This is much more terrifying than the flying star being immobile.

This is a man-made disaster, a blow from an advanced civilization, not a natural disaster.

They calculated and deduced on the quantum computer for more than ten seconds and came to an unexpected and extremely desperate conclusion.

“Supreme Archon, no life in this system will survive this attack.”

“Including the fleeing fleet that just took off, they can’t even fly out of this galaxy.”

Half an hour later.

The blazing fire tree swept over the Trisolarian mother planet that was orbiting the star. During this time, the planet was actually orbiting inside the sun.

The ocean of magma covered everything, eroding from the surface to the deep strata.

The spacecraft in the air twisted and deformed under the scorching heat, turning into molten iron made of metal.

The underground shelter became a scorching tomb with a temperature of tens of thousands of degrees because the temperature control system was destroyed.

After the various equipment in the space city failed, it was dragged by gravity and fell into the star.

At this time, there was no life on the surface of the planet, and the Trisolarian world had been destroyed.

The two shattered stars also came to the end of their lives after a brief eruption of stellar matter.

The huge energy contained in the Falling Star Sky Spear broke the outer shell of the star into pieces and began to collapse inward.

They exploded one after another, triggering Two explosions more violent than supernovas.

There was no sound in the vacuum, and one could only see the star expand thousands of times and then shatter. The shock wave and thermal radiation blew everything in the galaxy into pieces.

Thousands of spaceships that had just taken off and escaped the scorching heat of the stars were torn apart by the violent space shock.

The third star, which was a little further away, was affected by the shock wave of the explosion of the first two stars. A large hole was also torn open in its outer layer, and then it collapsed on itself, causing a third explosion in the galaxy.

After three stellar explosions. Only a black hole formed by the collapse of a larger star remained in the Three-Body Galaxy.

The exploded stellar matter and the broken planets and spacecraft wreckage formed a vast accretion disk around the black hole, like a gray cemetery.

The entire galaxy stabilized, and the three-body problem was completely solved.

· 0Request flowers··· ······

——The three stars and the Three-Body Civilization were completely destroyed.

It was extremely efficient.

All the planets in the star system were destroyed, and there were no survivors within the star’s gravity well.

The three supernova explosions destroyed all life in the galaxy, whether on planets, in space cities, or on escape ships.

Only a very small number of ships that were located outside the star system before the attack were spared.

The First Fleet of the Three-Body System set out for the solar system two hundred years ago and also escaped the attack by luck.

But they soon learned another news from Sophon.

This was just a random attack launched by the Ten Thousand Years of Snowstorm on the Three-Body System in the solar system.

The Star Sea Empire has more than two hundred superluminal starships, equipped with weapons capable of shattering planets, setting out from the solar system and heading towards them.


The maximum speed of the Trisolarian First Fleet was 10% of the speed of light, and the fleeing civilian spacecraft was even slower.

The enemy exceeded the speed of light.

The leader of the empire also issued an incredible and chilling order.

【Clear all alien civilizations within 200 light years】


The commander of the First Fleet looked back in the direction of the mother planet.

It took them 200 years to travel half of four light years.

The fleet of the Star Empire might come to kill them in 20 minutes.

A sense of sadness and powerlessness arose.

The Trisolarans had long ago comprehended the law of the Dark Forest.

The universe is actually very crowded, and every civilization is a hunter with a gun advancing in the Dark Forest.

Whenever a movement is discovered, someone will shoot in a certain direction.

Now, a hunter has broken into the Dark Forest.

If other civilizations are hunters with guns, he is the starship hanging high above the forest.

Not a single movement in the forest can escape its observation.


The fleet commander stared at the star map and was stunned for a while.

There must be many space civilizations within a range of 200 light years. They think they are well hidden and have comprehended the laws of survival in the universe.

But for the Star Sea Empire, it is meaningless.

Sub-light speed civilizations can only kneel down and pray like insects, hoping that the other party has a trace of pity and is willing to let the civilization retain some fire.

“Many stars will be extinguished.……”

The commander of the Trisolarian First Fleet looked at the starry sky in the distance and said:………


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