The Wannian Fengxue cruised slowly in the void.

Lu Chen did not join the little ship girl’s revelry.

When clearing the solar system, he was tired of hitting stars.

He checked and found that 64 light particle launchers were installed on each of the armed wings on both sides.

The huge size of the Overlord allowed him to install any weapon he liked. If he wanted, he could smash everything in a planetary system into pieces in a short time.

——And there is more than one way.

Light particles are just the simplest and cheapest one.

“Commander, I noticed that you have mastered a lot of ways to destroy stars now!”

Gudazi counted on his fingers beside Lu Chen.

Although the Three-Body World is only a sub-light speed universe, there is no doubt that everyone here has done a lot of outrageous things..

“Well, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.”

Lu Chen took inventory of his arsenal.

Currently, there are three attack methods on the Wannian Fengxue that are powerful enough to destroy stars.

Falling Star Spear, Light Particles, and Two-Dimensional Foil.

Falling Star Spear is an instant attack at ultra-long distances. Within a range of hundreds of light years, the moment it opens fire, the opponent’s home star system is directly destroyed.

There is no reaction time, and there are almost no means of defense. If necessary, the overload mode can be used to exert greater power.

The only disadvantage is that this thing consumes a lot of energy and needs to be charged in advance.

Light particles are the simplest, cheapest, and most convenient. The speed is only sub-light speed. Clearing larger star systems may not be able to completely eliminate the enemy.

Otherwise, the singer in the original book would not have given up using light particles and used two-dimensional foil to attack the solar system.

Light particles are at a distance of”807″, Theoretically, it can also be intercepted by light-speed civilization or super-light-speed civilization.

It is suitable for bullying natives and attacking enemy fleets at medium and close distances.

Two-dimensional foil is also a sub-light-speed strike method with extremely strong destructive power. Almost no civilization has the means to resist it, and most super-light-speed civilizations can only run away when they encounter it.

The killing range is extremely large, and it can destroy the entire galaxy if left alone.

The disadvantages are the same as light particles. The speed is slightly slower, and the pollution is too serious. Before the controllable two-dimensional strike weapons are developed, it cannot be used casually.

The two-dimensional foil seized from the singer and the newly manufactured two-dimensional foil, except for those used for scientific research, are all kept here by Lu Chen.

No matter who uses it, they must apply in advance.

Throwing this thing away casually is not as simple as”the little ship girl is ignorant and throws it for fun” like light particles.


“Tsk, Commander, you are so full of martial virtue now, can you think of a way to make me stronger?!”

Gudako pounced on Lu Chen from behind, pouting and acting coquettishly

“Look, you now have three ways to crush the sun, but I can only rely on my spear and hammer to beat people?!”

“Help me!!”

She pinched Lu Chen’s face and pouted, like a upset girlfriend.

“When you were driving Strike Freedom, I was driving Barbatos, beating people with a spear hammer.”

“While you were driving the Ten Thousand Years of Snow, I continued to drive the Barbatos and beat people with my magic-enhanced spear and hammer.”

“Now you have become the master, but I am still driving Barbatos, using the spear and hammer strengthened by twenty-eight kinds of magic and enchantments to beat people.”

Lu Chen was so angry that he laughed and turned around to hit her.

“When the imperial equipment and magic scrolls were distributed, who left you behind? Are all those equipments in your backpack fake?!”

“That’s different. You can smash the sun now, but I can barely clean the surface.”

Gudako looked at the ship girl with envy.

Every time they go to a technological world, they can follow the commander to eat and drink.

Now even the smallest little loli destroyer has the destructive power of the star level.

It’s outrageous, it’s outrageous


“The Gundam can only be modified like that, how about I send you a small spaceship?”

Lu Chen asked

“No, I don’t have your ability to retract and deploy ship equipment, so why do I need a spaceship?”


“Then I’ll explore the star map when I have time to see if I can find any Gundam worlds. I’ll replace you with a stronger machine first.”

Lu Chen thought about it.

His Gundam form hadn’t changed for a long time. He basically followed the starship to upgrade the technology.

After entering the space age, he didn’t need it in most cases.

“Oh, there are two more magic worlds to come, so I think you can learn something from them. How about I just give you the entire Key of God in the future?……”


Gudazi was delighted by Lu Chen’s big cake.

“I will go through fire and water… Oh no, I will sacrifice my life for you!!!”


Riche left her with a knife.

“Commit yourself to me? Everyone is lining up, go and draw your number!!”


After all the ship girls put on new equipment, they relied on superluminal starships + light particle attacks to speed up the clearance of alien civilizations.

Activate the sensor and scan the surrounding star fields.

When an alien civilization is discovered, go and destroy the enemy fleet and bring some prisoners back for research.

Then release the light particles to eliminate future troubles.

In more than a month, let alone the surrounding 200 light years.

The area with a radius of 500 light years has almost been turned into an uninhabited area.

The personnel responsible for researching dimensional technology, under the escort of the ship girls, carried out some horrifying experiments in various areas.

Deneb 4.

Alpha Cygni, 3,200 light years away from the earth.

This is the home of the Human Federation in the star world, but in the Three-Body Universe, it is still an empty space.

“The sixteenth controlled dimensionality reduction attack experiment begins now!”

Observers, Purifiers, Constructors, and Daedalus stood on the desolate planet, fiddling with a giant machine shaped like a turret in front of them.

They were followed by several escorting ship girls and the Beifang family.

Little Beifang was led by Harbor Princess and Center Princess, licking a lollipop in his mouth.

They were also responsible for guarding the experimenters.

The three sirens were calculating data on the holographic interface at a rapid speed, and Daedalus debugged for a moment.

Aim the turret at the star of Deneb.

Bang- a dull sound rang out.

A piece of two-dimensional space wrapped in a force field, invisible to the naked eye, was ejected and hit the sun at sub-light speed. The two-dimensionalization of stars is spectacular. The distant sun suddenly began to increase in brightness. At the moment of contact with the two-dimensional plane, the part that fell into the two-dimensional plane seemed to be melting, flattened on a plane, and expanded rapidly in a circular shape.

A vast sea of fire was formed.

It is a huge ellipse, with a bright light emitting from the center. The radiation zone, convection zone, photosphere, chromosphere, and corona outside are also projected one by one on the giant painting.


The escorting ship girls looked a little stunned.

Big Eyed Meng and the observer were nervously calculating the data.

Suddenly looking up, I saw that after the entire sun was two-dimensionalized, the two-dimensional space did not stop expanding, and even the planets in the nearby orbit fell into it.

“”Oops, the experiment failed! Get out of here!”

Big Eyed Meng yelled.

Swoosh – the Siren Lady materialized the ship. When the ship girls transformed into starships, as part of the port area, they naturally benefited from it and replaced it with a superluminal engine.

Harbor Princess and Center Princess threw the experimental equipment and Xiao Beifang onto the ship.

Boom – the starship started the superluminal engine and disappeared into the night sky.

“Hiss, is there something wrong with the design of some space parameters? Daedalus, help me change it and try again with the β plan.”

Big Eyed Meng analyzed the data while poking the person next to him.

Several researchers discussed and came up with a new experimental plan in just ten minutes.

They handed the blueprint to Brie and started to modify it on the starship.

“The next experiment location… Cygnus Gamma, 600 light years away, let’s go!”

Observer Little Loli marked a location on the star map and led everyone to move forward.

The risk of researching weapons of dimensionality reduction is extremely high. Once the experiment fails, it will produce an uncontrollable two-dimensional space like a two-dimensional foil.

It will cause the three-dimensional space to fall endlessly.

Therefore, this kind of research can only be carried out in this universe.

With superluminal spacecraft, experiments can be carried out in large and small galaxies in the Milky Way.

“If we keep doing this, the solar system will eventually fall to two dimensions, right?”

Big Eyed Meng suddenly remembered something.

“Please, the nearest experimental site is 3,000 light years away from the solar system. 3,000 years! If we can’t develop a controllable dimensionality reduction attack technology, we might as well just go two-dimensional.”

“By then, they will have finished their research and run away.”

The observer replied nonchalantly….

“What about the humans over there?”

Daedalus was kind-hearted and asked one more question.

“Well… they are quite well behaved now. If they continue to behave well in the future, the commander might send them to work in a vassal world.”

The little girl thought about it.

“If the performance is not good… well, the ending will probably be the same as the original plot.”


Several people nodded.

“Other alien civilizations are in trouble.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

The observer knocked on the console with the tentacle suit.

“When an elephant is walking on the road, does it care how many ants it steps on?”

“……Makes sense”


“Human United Government, has surrendered, under investigation”

“The Trisolarans have been dealt with, the sophon technology has been acquired, and the water droplets have no application value”

“Singer, solved, obtained light particles and two-dimensional foil manufacturing technology”

“Light particle attack has been fully applied, and controllable dimensionality reduction attack is under research……”

In the bridge of the Wannian Fengxue, Lu Chen leaned back in his chair and ticked off one item after another on the holographic interface. He had not been in the Three-Body World for long, but the benefits were undoubtedly rich.

Intelligent particles that could be expanded in high dimensions, light particles that could be easily attacked, and two-dimensional foils of amazing power.

All the familiar and useful technologies were incorporated.

As for the controllable dimensionality reduction attack, he was sure that no civilization in this universe had this ability, and he could only rely on himself to do it.

He was optimistic that the basic science of the Xinghai Empire was more advanced than that of the Three-Body World.

Most of the goals set before departure had been completed.

After all the calculations, there were still a few background-like things left that had not been encountered or obtained yet:


Microcosm manufacturing technology.

And weapons that were rumored to be mastered only by gods.——「Mathematical rules」

“The”Zero Returners” are one of the god-level civilizations in the Three-Body Universe. They believe that the eleven dimensions of the universe are cyclical, just like the hands of a clock will start again from zero after turning past 12 o’clock.

Therefore, in order to solve the collapse of the high-dimensional universe caused by the frequent use of dimensionality reduction weapons, their goal is to reduce the entire universe to zero dimension and then reduce it again, so that zero dimension will cycle to ten dimensions.

Finally, the universe will rise back to a high dimension, so as to restart the universe.

This behavior looks a bit like performance art.

Regardless of whether their theory can succeed, their technological level is indeed at the top of the Three-Body Universe.

It may be at the same level as the civilization in the original book that sent super-membrane broadcasts to other small universes in the big universe at the end. They are a very strong group of natives, and they may also have all kinds of strange technologies.

“When you were patrolling around, did you ever encounter a ‘dead line’? That is, when a high-power light-speed spacecraft starts up, it leaves a 5.5-meter wake?”

Lu Chen connected to the communications of the major fleets.

“No, I’ve never encountered one before.”

The ship girls shook their heads.

“Tsk, that’s a pity.”

“Maybe the Earth is too far from the center of the Milky Way and belongs to a remote rural area?”

Lu Chen sneered.

He really wanted to see the great civilization of this universe. Whether it was the Three Bodies or the Singers, they were not considered too strong among the natives.

Unfortunately, the thousands of light years he explored were just a drop in the ocean for the Milky Way and even the universe.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly had an idea.

“If they don’t come looking for us, maybe we can go out and find them?……”

“Small gray”


The head of the nanorobot emerged from the holographic interface.

“I want to find the Null Sector Alliance, do you have any ideas?”


Xiao Hui thought about it.

“Build a sentry array?”

“You want me to build a galaxy miracle in the Three-Body Universe?! Can we build this thing?!”

“Broadcasting signals throughout the universe?”

“That’s a good idea. Anything else?”

Lu Chen wrote down a plan.

“Uh… there is another simpler method: I turn into Gray Goo Storm and conduct a carpet search of the Milky Way.”


“Do you want to let the sub-light-speed natives fight the natural disasters of the Star Age?”………

(I worked overtime at the company today, so I have only written two chapters since I got home. I apologize XD)

(I will try to update around 9 o’clock in the future).

This is my mother: Naruto789

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