In addition to the fusion warrior technology,

Xiao Hui showed Lu Chen several other technologies left over from the pre-civilization era.

「God’s Key” and”Blank Key”」

“In order to fight against the Herrscher, Dr. Mei decided to use the power of Honkai to fight Honkai. She used the Herrscher core as an energy drive device and created a special weapon – the Key of God.”

“The Key of God can exert some corresponding effects according to the power of the Herrscher. For example, Chi Yuan’s Yu Duchen can control brain signals, and Xu Kong Wan Zang can analyze weapons and props, etc.”

Xiao Hui said in the holographic interface.

“Although I think it is a bit wasteful to turn the Herrscher core into a weapon, judging from the situation of the previous civilization, they probably couldn’t think of a better way.”

Lu Chen indicated that he understood.

At that time, let alone in-depth research on the Herrscher core, if the Key of God had appeared a little later, humans would have been beaten by the Herrscher and fled.

When Shibao heard about the weapon made of the Herrscher core, his expression was strange and he snorted:

“How can the weapons made by humans using the power of the Herrscher be���Comparable to a true Herrscher?”

“Hmm, I also think that the Key of God is not efficient enough in utilizing the Herrscher Core, so the thing that is really valuable is the”Blank Key”.」”

The nanorobot projected a strange-looking armor.

“Dr. Mei spent a lot of effort studying imaginary space and collapse energy, and proposed a very interesting law:”

“The Herrscher’s Collapse can exist in the imaginary space, and the Herrscher’s Core is the key to open the imaginary space.”

“According to this theory, she created the Blank Key”

“It is a set of armor that can be embedded with the Herrscher core. It can connect the Herrscher core to the human body, allowing humans to connect to the imaginary space in a short time and become Herrschers.”

In layman’s terms, the Blank Key uses the Herrscher core as a key, allowing the wearer to connect to the imaginary space in a short time.

In this way, the Honkai energy in the imaginary space can be used to gain power comparable to that of a Herrscher.

As he spoke, the nanorobot added:

“I personally think that from the perspective of actual combat, the ability of the Blank Key is far superior to most of the God Keys. If Dr. Mei’s body could not bear it, it would have played a greater role.”The

Blank Key can play different effects depending on the Herrscher core installed.

Dr. Mei once used the Herrscher of Thunder and the Herrscher of Wind to fight against the Thousand Herrschers.

Unfortunately, the experiment caused irreversible damage to her body. For the sake of her life safety, the plan was temporarily suspended.

The technical information about the Blank Key was also copied into Grace’s Ark.

“So what? Are you going to make a blank key?”

Chi Yuan asked

“I know Dr. Mei used it in the last era… To be honest, I don’t think you really need this thing?”

She looked around at Lu Chen and his companions.

They were either ship girls, dragon girls or origin elves.

With their abilities, the ability enhancement of the blank key seemed a bit redundant.

“No, no, no, the Blank Key has two branching technologies that we can study in depth.”

Xiao Hui held up two fingers.

“First, the Blank Key can be transformed into something similar to a single-soldier combat armor, equipped with a power reactor, nano-composite armor and tactical modules, and combined with the fusion warrior technology to exert super combat power.”

“That’s called Valkyrie Armor.”

Lu Chen reminded Xiao Hui with a smile.

Sure enough, the researchers all had similar ideas. Otto dug out the Blank Key to make Valkyrie Armor for the Destiny Legion.

The nanorobots also thought of the same usage when they saw the design.

“I will match you with Shadow Knight Yuelun in the future, but I still like Yunmo Danxin.”

He patted Chiyuan again.


Chi Yuan is confused

“As for the second one, I am very interested in the ability of Blank Key to utilize the Herrscher Core.……”

Xiao Hui stroked his chin and said

“Theoretically, the Blank Key can be embedded in multiple Herrscher cores to unleash the abilities of multiple Herrschers. Unfortunately, Dr. Mei was limited by experimental conditions and his own physical problems and did not conduct further research.”

“Using the blank key will also put a huge burden on the user’s body, and it is impossible to fully exert the Herrscher’s ability.……”

As she spoke, she stared at Lu Chen:

“As it happens, we have a man here who theoretically has a power system that is compatible with the whole world, has a physical fitness that is so good that he can catch a tachyon spear in the face and chew hydrogen bombs like candy beans.”

“Huh? Commander?”

The ship girl and the dragon girl were stunned for a moment.

“You want to use the Blank Key to make an armor for the commander?”

The Herrscher’s ability is good, and everyone always feels that the shape of the Valkyrie armor doesn’t match Lu Chen very well.

“What are you thinking?! I said I wanted to study and utilize the power of the Herrscher, but I didn’t say I wanted to build a bikini armor for the commander to wear?!”

The nanorobot knocked on the table.

“We can try to use the technology of the Blank Key to embed the Herrscher core into the Ten Thousand Years of Snowstorm, so that he can use the Honkai energy and the power of the Herrscher.”

“Anyway, the starship and the commander are the same person, so his physical fitness and adaptability should be perfectly compatible.”

“In the future, install ten or eight cores on the commander. Tsk tsk, I think you can kill the Herrscher of the End with your physical body without relying on the starship?”

“A new power system?……”

Lu Chen thought about it.

Whether it was the Fusion Warrior Technique, the Key of God, or the Valkyrie Armor, they were not very useful to him and were suitable for other companions.

The power of the Herrscher was indeed very attractive.

“OK, start research and transformation here as soon as possible”



Kakashi – the Ten Thousand Years Snowstorm hovered near the space station.

Considering that Honkai is a specialty of this world, the transformation was naturally placed in the Honkai world.

The lolita and Brie who were transferred from the base to study Honkai energy in this world began to work hard to formulate a transformation plan.

Applying the technology of the Blank Key to the Ten Thousand Years Snowstorm does not involve any major changes in weapons, engines, and structures.

The starship and Lu Chen are one and the same, and it is just a matter of finding a place on it to install the Herrscher core.

This process is not complicated.

In the physical examination, Lu Chen’s adaptability to Honkai energy far exceeds that of Chi Yuan and Gray Xiu, and is comparable to that of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

His physical fitness is also enough to withstand any damage caused by the Blank Key.

In addition, the information left by Dr. Mei is very detailed.

Only three days later, the scientific research lolita came up with a design plan.

With the special-suit Brie holding the Meow Meow Hammer, he operated in the main control room of the Ten Thousand Years Snowstorm.

Chi Yuan and Gray Xiu were amazed to see them dismantling and reassembling the starship’s main console and the delicate parts inside at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Did they just take a look at the blueprint?! Can they really understand what is inside? And why are they working with hammers?!”

They both asked the same question.

“This is the foundation of the empire. Don’t worry about the details. If they say it’s okay, then it’s okay.”

“Just wait for good news”


This is my mother: Naruto789

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