Chapter 490 We have always been efficient in dealing with aliens.

Five minutes later.

City 6 below was completely pacified.

The decapitation of the Seven Sages undoubtedly brought a huge chaos in the city.

The omnipotent angels quickly went down to maintain order.

They were already familiar with this kind of thing. They appeased the civilians, distributed supplies, restored water, electricity and communications, and killed the leaders of the riots and the opposition.…………Finally, use the radio to announce the arrival of the Star Empire and the new order to everyone.

Especially since life in the DITF world is not that good to begin with.

As long as ordinary people’s daily lives are not negatively affected, they are not really interested in who rules. Although he has gained eternal life by relying on the elixir of immortality, facing the strict management of APE and the threat of the dragons, the pressure of life is still very high.

Looking at those beautiful omnipotent angels, some people actually had the strange idea that it would be good to be ruled by the Star Empire.

Apart from anything else, angels are much more approachable than those high-ranking officials in APE who wear robes and masks.

At the same time.

The dragon-calling troops outside the city, under the order of the Dragon Princess, gradually dispersed and returned to their underground life.

The hard-won peace made people breathe a sigh of relief.

While everyone was grateful for escaping death, they also felt a little strange.

“Why can angels live in peace with dragons and those strange spaceships?!”

They didn’t dare to say or ask.

They had just been beaten up, so it was better to be honest.

On the spaceship, after several people sat down.

Lu Chen looked at himself strangely.

“Me? Where did I get the dragon aura?”

He had never been to the ditf world before, and when he came here, he was always floating in the sky and giving orders remotely.

He had never gone down to fight with the dragon.

“You have it too.”

The dragon princess came closer to Gudako and sniffed

“Are you born in the year of the dog?!”

Human evil can’t help but complain

“You drove past Franks.”

The Dragon Princess stared at the two of them.

“You can smell this? We did just drive past Strelitzia, that’s it.”

Gudako became even more curious and pointed to the red and white mecha in the corner.


“Because Franks… was originally part of my compatriots.”

The Dragon Princess sighed and introduced herself.

It was similar to what Lu Chen had known before.

The Dragons were the original inhabitants of the earth, and they retreated underground to fight against the invasion of the Virm.

The monsters called”Dragon” were essentially war weapons transformed by the Dragons. Those without combat capabilities turned into magma energy to provide energy to others.

Over the long years, the Dragons with combat capabilities turned into Dragons to protect the earth.

Since the upper echelons of humans were infiltrated by the Virm, they had been deliberately looking for trouble with the Dragons under their guidance.

“No wonder, they frantically exploited magma energy in order to study the immortality elixir. What’s the difference between this and digging up the grave of a dragon-calling person? They deserve to be beaten.”

Gudazi smacked his lips and comforted the dragon-calling princess.

“Ah, don’t worry, we don’t need the elixir of immortality, immortality has no appeal to us”

“After all, everyone here is immortal.…………”

Princess Long was confused and felt that she was very impressive.

She looked at Strelitzia and continued to speak.

“The so-called Franks mecha is essentially a weapon modified by Dr. Frank based on the dragon.”

“It is very strong, but in a sense, it is of the same origin as the dragon, and can even evolve to its ultimate form if necessary.”

“Bio-mechanical? I understand.”

Lu Chen nodded.

No wonder Strelitzia looked completely different from those steel giants like Strike Freedom and Barbatos.

She was not a purely scientific creation, but had some metaphysical and idealistic power.

“Wait, so you are the only dragon caller here?”

Richelieu remembered something and asked in surprise.

She noticed that since”dragons” are weapons,”dragon callers” are real”people”.

Judging from the dragon caller troops below, most of them are monsters, and the only one who can be called a human is the dragon caller princess in front of her.

“Yes, I am the last dragon person on this planet.”

The dragon princess closed her eyes and said calmly

“Tens of millions of years ago, when the last of my compatriots turned into dragons and magma energy, I became the only leader of all dragons.”

“I once wanted to be like them, to become a war weapon, but I have to fulfill my responsibility, someone must command and lead those weapons to fight against the future invasion of Virm.”

“so…………I must maintain my own identity, whether it takes ten thousand years or ten million years, I will always protect this planet and my fellow soldiers.”

Her tone was very calm.

However, Lu Chen and the other ship girls read a strong sense of sadness from it.

Alone, hiding underground, leading the tribe that had turned into weapons to fight against the alien invaders, and at the same time, fighting with the humans who did not know the truth.

It would be impossible to do this without extraordinary perseverance and intelligence.

“If it were the commander, he would definitely try to shoot the troublemakers on the ground first, because you must first stabilize the country before you can fight against foreign enemies.”

Gudako stuck out his tongue.

“I don’t want to waste too much energy on internal fighting. I will only teach them a lesson when they go too far.”

The Dragon Princess shook her head.

“This is why you are young.”

Lu Chen said with a smile


“For those who make trouble without knowing the truth, I usually give them a chance to correct their behavior. If they still make trouble after I explain the situation, it means they are doing it on purpose.”

“Those who deliberately cause trouble are enemies and need to be purged.”……

Princess Long discovered that the man in front of her seemed to have his own unique theory of ruling.

Although it sounded a bit extreme, it seemed to be very efficient.

“Well, but that’s not important.”

After exchanging a few words, Lu Chen stood up.

“You have been fighting with virm here for tens of millions of years. It’s really hard.”

“Now, I will completely eliminate the threat of this group of alien bastards. From now on, dragons and humans will live under the rule of the Star Sea Empire.”

After the Franks mecha, the dragon princess, and the protagonist group who were still in the loli state were recovered, the remaining work was to kill the aliens here and conquer the entire earth.

The latter was taken care of by the universal angel, so there was no need to worry.

Snap–He snapped his fingers

“Nymph, locates the home planet of Virm”


The little girl caught a captive she had just brought up and operated on the holographic interface for a while.

A large amount of data appeared in front of her.

“Commander, please wait. I am deciphering the signal source of this information thought body. I will find them soon.…………”

“Well, it’s a bit far, thousands of light years, but we have a warp, so it’s okay.…………”

“You are going to find Virm now?!

Princess Long was frightened by Lu Chen’s swift and decisive action.

“Of course, otherwise why would they come here every now and then to cause trouble? This will be my vassal world in the future.”

Lu Chen answered as a matter of course.

“They are very powerful. We paid a huge price to repel the scouts of Virm. The troops near the mother planet may be even more powerful.…………”

Princess Long kindly reminded

“Can they blow up the sun?”

Lu Chen asked the first question.

“Well…………No, if they had this kind of power, we would have been destroyed long ago.”

The Dragon Princess thought for a moment and shook her head.

“So can they exceed the speed of light?”

“Well…………That shouldn’t be possible. We have occasionally observed their spacecraft.”

“Is there any weird magic?”

“No, they are a kind of life form with advanced technology and a strange way of existence.”

Faced with the three questions of the soul, Princess Long was confused but still answered them one by one.

“Oh, that’s the noob.”

Lu Chen yawned.

“Team 3, stay in the solar system”

“The rest of you, follow me and go beat up the aliens.”

Boom–the starship started its thrusters, ejected a long tail of flame, and disappeared into the sky

【Pictured is Nymph III].

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