Chapter 525 Sooner or later, the commander will become a god.

Bang, bang, bang–Under the work of the omnipotent angel and Bri.

In the capital and vassal worlds, churches of various shapes have sprung up.

After obtaining approval, the goddesses of heaven have established their own religious orders, preparing to preach in the Star Sea Empire.

The capital is their headquarters. The church here is the largest and most magnificent, with the goddess herself in charge.

The vassal world is to collect more power of faith, like Christianity or other religions, just put up statues in the church and recruit some priests. If there are no priests, the omnipotent angels can temporarily do it. Angels also look very divine, which makes it easier to recruit believers.

“Oh… so big……”

Eris, Aqua and the others looked at their church cathedral in amazement.

It was sci-fi and advanced, with dome-shaped buildings piercing the clouds, and the unique symbols of their respective sects etched on the exterior walls.

The interior was built completely in the style of the interstellar era, with various holographic interfaces and minimalist decorations everywhere.

“This is more than���The headquarters of Canretia is more than ten times bigger?!”

Aqua suddenly felt that her base in the other world was no longer so attractive.

Goddesses like Regina and Zenalis who had few followers were flattered and burst into tears.

Their followers in the Suqing world were almost extinct. It was not easy for someone to remember them and say a few prayers, let alone build a cathedral. It felt like she had become a nouveau riche all of a sudden.

“Since you have joined the Xinghai Empire, the commander will naturally provide you with some conveniences.”

“The headquarters of the church in the capital needs to be in line with its due status.”

Yixian and Richelieu led the goddesses into the church.

Some Bri and universal angels were doing the final decoration work.

“Considering your status as goddesses, there are usually omnipotent angels to help you preach and live.”

“The Xinghai Empire has a vast territory, spanning multiple dimensions. Don’t worry, both the number of believers and their loyalty can be guaranteed.”

The goddesses were overwhelmed.

Apart from anything else, just this cathedral, which was more magnificent than the palace of the ancient capital of Belzer, showed how much the commander valued them.

“Oh oh oh–”

“I seem to have felt the power!!! Boss Yong is my most loyal believer.–”

Zenalis hugged himself and said

“No believer has ever built such a large and magnificent church for me!!! I have already felt the power of Mr. Yong’s faith!!!”


The ship girls are baffled by this idealistic belief.

“I’m just building a house for you. Why are you so excited?…………”

The goddesses of the heavens in the Suqing world, except Eris, are indeed not in their right minds.


Eris saw that besides Brie, there was a group of little girls gathered together, led by a gray-haired girl, fiddling with some equipment she didn’t recognize.

“This is?”

“Oh, this is from the Ministry of Science and the Ministry of Magic. They want to study the goddess species.”

Richelieu shrugged.

Xiao Hui and the scientific research loli greeted the goddesses.

She touched her chin and looked at Eris, Aqua and others.

“Actually, I never believed in heaven or goddesses before, but since the commander brought you here, I have no choice but to study you from a scientific perspective.…………”

“Don’t worry, I won’t disturb your normal life, I’m just observing the data occasionally.”

“I want to understand what kind of existence the goddess of heaven is and how your power of faith was born.…………”

As artificial intelligence, nanorobots are pure technological creations and staunch materialist fighters.

It is no less humorous to make Xiao Hui believe that there are gods in the world than to create a can of psychic energy.

But these goddesses are real, so under her leadership, the research department decided to try to analyze the existence of these goddesses and the source of their power.


The goddesses in heaven were confused and nodded in agreement.

“If you can become a god by collecting the power of faith, then can the commander also become a god in the future?…………Aren’t there a lot of people in the Star Empire who believe in him?…………”

Xiao Hui grumbled as he operated.

“Uh, the human empire, conquering the galaxy, becoming a god through faith, the warp…………There are a lot of elements…………”

“Why did I think of such a strange thing?”

In the capital, after the establishment of various churches, all goddesses began to recruit believers based on their own abilities.

Since everyone started from scratch, it was fair competition, and everyone worked hard to recruit more believers.

“Hi, Hi, let me teach you about Axis.”

“Zenalis, is there anyone who wants to join the Zenalis Cult? I will give you the goddess’s blessing.…………”

“Regina Church, join now and get the goddess’ blessing, genuine goods, no deception–”

Some impatient goddesses would stand at the door of their own temple to solicit customers, just like salespeople in supermarkets.


The little loli on the street, the little ship girls are not sure how powerful they are.

“Excuse me, what does the Akusis Church do?”

Attracted by the noisy Aqua, Xiao Tiancheng poked his head over and asked

“Of course, it is the sect that believes in me, the goddess of water, Aqua”

“If you join the Axis Church, you will receive my blessing! You can also call me if you encounter an enemy you cannot defeat!!!”……

Aqua saw that Xiao Tiancheng was short and young, and patted his chest and boasted.


“Aren’t you the sister who was chased and beaten by Akashi outside the port that day?…………Can it really help us fight?…………”

The little cat next to him is talking nonsense


“………………That’s because I don’t have enough power.”

Aqua held her breath for a moment.

“No matter what kind of undead, undead or anything else, I can easily destroy them! I also know how to resurrect, so it doesn’t matter if the people of Axis Cult die accidentally!!”

“If we want to destroy the enemy, we have more efficient weapons.…………”

The little ship girl is not very interested

“ah…………Feeling not as good as…………Eris”

“Let’s go, let’s go find Sister Eris. I heard she can bless you with good luck.…………”

“For example, guessing all the right answers in the exam, getting five gold cards out of ten draws, etc.…………”



Aqua felt hopeless.

She found that even if she changed the venue, she still couldn’t compete with Eris in attracting believers. In the Eris cult, even if the goddess herself did nothing, the little lolita still poured in in groups. Eris led the lolita to pray and recite the doctrine.

“Sister Eris, please bless me to get good grades in the exam tomorrow–”

“Sister Eris, I have a graduation thesis defense coming up soon. Can I choose a simpler topic?…………”


“Well, you guys take your time, one by one, just pray to me.…………”

–She could feel her power increasing little by little.

These little lolita were not such devout believers. The Xinghai Empire did not have the habit of believing in gods.

Most of them came to see the novelty, with the idea of trying it out, to see if the so-called goddess of heaven could really give them some blessings. Even so, Eris felt a strong force of faith.

The lolitatas were simple-minded and numerous, and their faith was far stronger than that of ordinary people. Among them, some Brits who came to watch the fun occasionally mixed in with the church.

“Universal Angels are mechanical life forms, but Brie’s race should be considered a KanColle? Can I teach them?”


Eris is very curious about these cute little creatures who look exactly the same and help her build buildings.

“Say…………The population of the main world of the Star Sea Empire should be mostly Brie and universal angels, right?”

Eris asked the ship girl


“You can try? As long as you can understand Bree’s thinking…………”

【Pictured is Eris].

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