Chapter 530 Is Lolita Festival a day to enjoy Lolita?.

Snap–As Lu Chen snapped his fingers, the space and time inside and outside the Wannian Fengxue were distorted, and everything outside fell into a slow state of near stagnation. He leaned on the sofa, and the maid next to him brought him drinks and snacks in time.

“Please enjoy the snacks made by Erina.” Some pinched shoulders, some poured tea, all in a smooth and flowing manner, obviously very skilled at it. Some of the maid team members were unfamiliar to the observer.

In addition to the original royal maids, there were also the Pleiades, the dragon maids, and some cat maids who were recruited earlier.

The observer was a little stunned.

She had no idea why Lu Chen brought her up here. Is anyone interested in Siren Maids? Is this true?

“Come here.”

Lu Chen hooked his finger at the little girl.

“Dry…………What are you doing?”

The observer was unusually frightened, and felt that he was about to be eaten up.

–Talking big is one thing, but actually doing it is another.

The strongest king from Chaldea has proven this.���

“Don’t you always complain that I’m partial? Say that I discriminate against Siren?”

“Come, I’ll treat you the same as everyone else.”

Lu Chen patted his legs.


Siren’s skin was originally very pale, and the little girl blushed.

The rosy complexion made her look even cuter.

She moved step by step to Lu Chen’s side and sat down shyly.

“Why are you so shy? Weren’t you arrogant just now?”

Lu Chen held her in his arms.

One hand gently stroked her smooth white back and wrapped around her waist. Siren’s body was cold, like the sea, but her skin was very delicate. She had white hair, yellow eyes, a black animal ear decoration on her head, and a black silk short coat that simply covered the key parts of her upper body.

This kind of clothing was usually worn secretly by Lu Chen for Chanahui or others at night, and observers naturally took it as their daily clothes.

“Wow, I didn’t realize you have quite a bit of talent.”

Lu Chen gently stroked her head.

Although the observer was just a little girl, her figure was better than Nagato’s.


After the initial shock, the observer suddenly had a strange feeling.

Warm and solid.

It was strange. She had been floating on the sea for who knows how many years, observing the experimental field and the ship girl, collecting data.…………No one has ever hugged her.

The arbitration agency is her superior, not to mention her colleagues in the experimental agency. The ship girls used to fight with each other.

The sea is icy, the space is icy, but Lu Chen’s arms are warm.

This rare feeling of warmth temporarily calmed her uneasy heart. She squinted her eyes, huddled in Lu Chen’s arms, and showed an expression of enjoyment. Lu Chen pinched her cheeks.

“You’re pretty cute when you don’t talk.”

“I’m always cute! I’m the cutest in the entire port area!”

The little girl pouted.

From the floating ship suit that appeared behind her, several tentacles stretched out and protested to Lu Chen.

“Commander! Pervert!! Hentai that doesn’t even spare the sirens!!!”

“Put this thing away.”

Lu Chen smiled and tapped her.


The observer did as he was told.

His head rubbed against his chest like a cat.



Not long after, she noticed something unusual. She blinked, raised her head and smiled meaningfully.

“Commander, this is too much!”

“Are you unable to hold back? You are such a small fry☆ Small fry commander☆~”

Lu Chen felt that it was normal to have some reaction when hugging a girl with a decent figure, cute appearance, and not very quiet.

It was just that this girl’s personality was naturally bad, and God knows where she learned so many strange words.

I originally planned to talk to her first, cultivate feelings, and then let it come naturally.

However, the female ghost had to strike hard, and couldn’t bear it.


He picked up the observer and walked towards the bridge.


When the sun shone through the porthole again.

The observer sat up from the bed in a daze and rubbed his eyes.

Under the time distortion, the day and night on the starship were simulated through the holographic dome, so it was actually the sunlight that came with the Ten Thousand Years of Snowstorm.

She subconsciously touched around and suddenly touched a ship girl.

Turning her head, she saw ivory white twin ponytails scattered on her body, coupled with her iconic proud figure.

The third ship of the Glorious class, a formidable


The little girl shuddered and sat up immediately.

The observer took out a piece of clothing from the ship suit and put it on. His legs were still a little weak.

It was terrible.

The commander and the ship girl were too terrible.

They were bullying her on purpose, picking her up, bullying her, and bullying her from all directions.

The observer always felt that Kewei was retaliating because she had bombed her armor plate when she fought with the port many years ago.

As a result, Kewei cooperated with the commander yesterday and bullied her in various ways.

He also said that he would bring Taifeng, Richelieu, Zhenhai and others with him next time.


The little girl thought about it and thought, if all the shipgirls came to take revenge, that would be terrible.

Especially Taiho, if she wasn’t made unconscious by her and the commander, with a face full of ah-hei, eyes full of love and hands making a V sign, it would be strange.

Next time, I’d better go with the Heroic Spirit, the Elves or other ordinary girls, at least I don’t have a grudge against them.

“How do you feel?”

Seeing the observer holding the wall and walking out step by step,

Lu Chen, who was eating breakfast, asked with a smile.

“Trash Commander, that’s it? That’s it? I don’t feel anything at all. You’re really trash.☆~”

–The observer wanted to say this.

But considering that if he turns on the taunting mode again, he will be easily prosecuted on the spot, so he decided not to do it.

“I’m a little tired.”

The little girl said with her mouth puffed.

“Then you should take a rest for a while.”

Lu Chen called the maid and served her breakfast.


The observer found that there were many more small ship girls in the bridge.

Little Kewei, Little Enterprise, Little Beifa, Little Cat Maotou and others were all here, chirping around the big ship girl.

Yixian was giving gifts to the small ship girls one by one.

“Come, little Cheshire, your”

“Little Eugen, this is yours. Take it.”

“Xiao Beifa, this is the tea set you wanted…………”

Each of the little ship girls received a gift box, and they eagerly put it on the table and opened it. Some of it contained magic props, some contained snacks imported from another world, etc.

Although it was not very valuable, it was novel. The little ship girls happily gathered together to share the gifts.

While sending them out, Zhenhai was still counting

“Well…………There are a lot of children in the capital, so I need to prepare some gifts for them.”

“The same goes for the children at the star base. What did Senju Natsuyo like?…………”

“What is this doing?”

The observer tilted his head and asked

“Um…………According to the traditions of other worlds, today is Children’s Day, so every child has a gift.”

Lu Chen answered.

Lolita accounts for a considerable proportion of the population of Xinghai Empire, and he thinks it’s okay to rename Children’s Day as Lolita Day. Next to him, Nagato was still pulling with Musashi and Kouki with a sad face, refusing their feeding.

“I am a battleship!!! I am not a child!!! I don’t want any gifts!!!”

“Don’t give it to me again!!!”


The observer looked curiously.

“Every child gets a present? Is there such a thing?!”

“Commander, Commander, I want one too!!”

She came closer to Lu Chen and smacked her lips.


Lu Chen raised his eyebrows.

Siren Niang is probably older than ordinary ship girls. She just looks young.

Such a shameless guy has the nerve to ask for a Children’s Day gift. Tsk…

“Didn’t I give it to you?”

“How could it be?”

The observer spread his hands.

Lu Chen pointed at her belly.

“I gave it to you yesterday, but you forgot? It’s not enough.”


“Wow, Commander, you’re a hentai!!!”

【The picture is still of an observer, it has been censored, whether it passes or not depends on fate.

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