Chapter 533: The Witch Cult must be destroyed at any time!

“”Uh…ah, um, huh?!”

After Lu Chen issued the strategy task for the RE0 world, the teams that signed up in the capital spent several days reading and analyzing the information.

For the first task assigned to them, everyone was alert and read the content about the RE0 world carefully.

Understand the background, clarify the goal, and most importantly, confirm the task they are performing and the strength of the enemy.

Not long after, the teams were scratching their heads.

The reason is simple.

This world is a bit complicated and trivial.

Various forces are spread all over the continent, and there are several camps in each country with their own ulterior motives, fighting openly and secretly.

The Archbishops of the Witch Cult all have strange abilities, and there are also appointed hackers like Reinhardt.

If a novice is thrown into the Re0 world with a confused face, it is estimated that he will encounter a lot of first-time kills every two steps.

Even if it is a single combat team, it is quite troublesome to deal with it before there is an overwhelming advantage.

The difficulty of the Re0 world is something that needs to be treated seriously and not taken lightly.

Therefore, not long after, all the teams participating in the strategy gathered together in the capital station.

They temporarily put aside their competition and discussed the battle plan together.

“Since the Supreme Lord has entrusted us with the task of conquering the world, we must make corresponding achievements.”

“Any failure will bring discredit to the Star Empire and the commander. Of course, it will also affect other people’s evaluation of your team. I think everyone should understand this.”

Albedo played the role of temporary commander, looking at the gathered team members.


Everyone nodded.

If the commander’s mission went wrong, they would never be able to raise their heads in front of other teams.

Whether it was the Demon Slayer Corps, the Night Raid Squad, or the Soharu Squad, they all hoped that they could be the team that the commander paid the most attention to, and that they could often accompany him and follow him in his battles.

“The Pleiades can only succeed, not fail. If we fail to achieve our goal, we will all commit suicide to apologize.”

Yuri Alpha patted her chest and promised, and the other combat maids agreed.

“Stop! Stop being so Showa, okay?!”

“Now is the Xinghai Empire era, times have changed.”

Gudako knocked on the table in protest.

The loyalty of these maids is unquestionable, but they are very stubborn.

“So, let me summarize. There are four major kingdoms on the continent of this world.”

“The Dragon Kingdom of Lugnica, the Holy Frankia Empire, the City-State Republic of Karalagi, the Holy Kingdom of Gustiko, and some small forces in between, which are insignificant.”

Albedo projected the map of the Re0 world

“We need to completely conquer the world, and we need to make these four countries surrender. In addition, there are some people in each country who need to be taken care of.”

Shua – she transmitted a long list to everyone.

“This is the recruitment target, there are some strong enemies, all teams pay attention”

“Oh, Albedo is indeed the one.

Everyone was amazed at her work efficiency. If the commander was leading the team, this kind of work would usually be done by the secretary.

Albedo herself was also a very dedicated assistant.

“But… isn’t it a bit difficult for us to conquer the world with just a few teams?”

Chi Tong raised his hand and asked.

Night Raid used to be an assassination organization, and this was the first time they fought on the front battlefield.

“The technology level of this world is underdeveloped, and the main means of warfare is magic. Most of the power of each country is concentrated in a few high-end combat forces.”

“According to my deduction, even if we don’t deploy starships, as long as we defeat those strong ones, we can easily conquer those kingdoms.”

Albedo replied

“After everything is settled, the Supreme will send omnipotent angels and wise sons to rule their”

“So what we have to do is to defeat all the enemies that stand in our way.”After staying with Lu Chen for a long time, she has learned some vigorous and decisive work style.

Conquering the world seems complicated, but it can actually be simplified into a very simple task: destroy the original order, knock down everyone, and then establish a new order.


Everyone suddenly realized

“In addition, please note that the Witch Cult is our primary target. They are a great destabilizing factor for ruling the world.”

Yalbel said solemnly.

“The Witch Cult has seven Archbishops of Sin, each with different powers. If you underestimate the enemy or are unfamiliar with the situation, you will easily suffer losses, so be vigilant.”The Witch Cult is a cult in the Re0 world that worships the Witch of Envy.

Archbishops of Sin are named Pride, Wrath, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, and Lust. They act according to the guidance of the Gospel and will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

Each Archbishop of Sin has some seemingly outrageous abilities.

For the local natives, if they cannot unlock their powers, they will have no chance of winning.


Gudako glanced at the powers of several Sin Archbishops.

“This laziness is nothing, I don’t think the invisible hand is that powerful, even if you can’t see it, you can still deal with it from a distance……”

“What the hell is greed?!”

“A little king? He placed his heart in his wife’s body?! Regulus could unilaterally decide that someone else was his wife?!”

“Psycho? ?! I’m going to kill him first!! Put the cannon into the black hole!!”

Everyone’s attention is focused on the Archbishop of Sin, Regulus Corneas.

This guy is appointed by the author as the strongest of all the Archbishops of Sin, claiming that if the Witch Archbishops come to a melee, the final winner will also be”Greed”.

He has two outrageous abilities.

Lion’s Heart: Stop the time of the target.

Use it on yourself, you can become eternally young, never hungry, thirsty or tired, and be invulnerable to swords and guns in all directions.

But stopping your own time to achieve invincibility will cause your heart to stop beating, and he can only last for five seconds at most.

Therefore, there is a second power: Little King.

Deposit your own heart in the body of the target object and integrate it with the target’s heart.

His heart can be transferred between wives at will, so in theory, as long as there is at least one surviving wife around, Regulus’s”time stop” is impeccable.

“This is easy, just kill him and his so-called ‘wife’.

Futia made the most effective suggestion.

“I agree!”

The Great Tomb Team said that they are good at sharking people.

Maybe they can use necromancy to pull them up and reuse them.

“Greed is indeed a very difficult enemy, but we know his power in advance, so it is not difficult to crack it.

Albedo said

“In comparison, the abilities of Anger, Lust, and Gluttony are more direct. Reinhard is also difficult to deal with, so you have to be more careful.”

“As for the witches of sin… they don’t appear often. If you encounter one, report it immediately if necessary.”


Everyone nodded.

For them, it was very interesting and a good thing to fight wits and courage with enemies who were equally powerful or even slightly better than themselves.

Everyone was thinking about how to deal with the powerful enemies in the Re0 world.

The action team spent some time to understand the abilities of the other party in detail.

And to organize their own equipment.

Every time Lu Chen returned from an expedition, he would give them all kinds of props.

From imperial equipment, magic scrolls, to world-class props and equipment exploded in the world of Goblin Slayer, as long as they had them, they would be equipped with them.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Demon Slayer Corps, the Night Raid Corps, etc. are all equipped with divine equipment. If they are thrown into another world, they are krypton gold players at least.

The huge amount of divine equipment plus the super transformation surgery gave them the courage to challenge stronger people. Even if they were ordinary people in the past, they can now be comparable to those masters in the other world.

After discussing the battle plan, Yaer clapped her hands behind her back.:

“Get ready to go, everyone, make sure to perform well and show your strength to the Supreme.”



(Pictured is Albedo)


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