“So, let me finally explain the mission content to you.”

Because Lu Chen was too interested in the spirit calculation device, everyone was delayed for some time.

Doctor Roman announced the mission goal to everyone again.

“You will travel to the first singularity, which is France in 1431”

“There are two tasks in total: first, the investigation and correction of the singularity, which was the decisive turning point for mankind in that era.”

“You must investigate what happened in that era and then correct it.”

Lu Chen said there is no problem. As a senior master, he knows where the problem with the first singularity lies.

When the time comes, he will go straight to the goal and even the preliminary investigation work can be omitted.

“The second is the investigation of the Holy Grail. When investigating the singularity, you will definitely find information related to the Holy Grail.”

“Even if history is corrected, if the Holy Grail remains in that era, all the efforts made will be in vain.”

“Therefore, either destroy the Holy Grail or get the Holy Grail”

“I see.”

Fujimaru Ritsuka seemed a little less confident, but looking at Lu Chen and the ship girl beside him, he felt a little more at ease. The advantage of numbers is very important when traveling to another world.

The more companions you have, the more confident you will be.

“Are all your companions here going together? The spirit calculation device can currently only send seven people. If there are more, the energy will be insufficient.”

Roman looked at the ship girls accompanying Lu Chen.

Richelieu, Dafeng, formidable, and a younger girl with blond hair and blue eyes, and a European-style rapier on her waist.

Plus Fujimaru Ritsuka and Matthew just managed to gather enough for seven people.

“Hello, I am Joan of Arc, Liberty Iris Trojan-class light cruiser.”

Joan of Arc introduced herself generously.


Luo Man and Gu Da Zi only understood the first half of the sentence, but not the second half.

“Joan of Arc?! What the hell? ?”

“She is a Joan of Arc and I am a Joan of Arc, don’t worry about these details.”

Lu Chen said that he did it on purpose.

Since the mission is in France, it is natural to bring the two French ships Sister Li and Joan of Arc.



Roman gave up thinking about things he didn’t understand.

“After you spirit sons transfer to that era, you must first search for the earth’s veins and make a summoning array.”

“In this way, you can freely summon Servants, but most of the Servants summoned should be related to the era and place at that time.”

“Do you understand?”

He warned everyone like an old father


Ma Xiu nodded.

“Then…start the soul transfer”

“I wish you good luck in martial arts——”

A group of seven people stood in the spirit calculation device

【Anti-summoning system·activation】

【Start soul transformation】

【Distance to the start of spirit transfer……】





【The whole project is completed!】

【First Singularity: Orleans】


Boom— shua— accompanied by the sound of a mechanical broadcast.

The scene in front of me suddenly shrank into a black hole.

The bodies of Lu Chen and others instantly became translucent. Their life activities at this time were in an”unknown” state, between life and death.

Then, it seemed like a moment passed, and then it seemed like a long time passed.

Lu Chen opened his eyes again

“Well, I’m a little dizzy, even more dizzy than the commander’s space-time tunnel.”

The ship girls shook their heads and stood up to wake up.

The seven of them began to look at the surrounding environment.

Blue sky and white clouds, endless grasslands and hills.

In the distance were medieval-style villages with smoke coming from cooking stoves.

Everyone arrived in 1431. france

“It should be during the Hundred Years War between England and France, but the war seems not to have reached here, and it is relatively stable.”

Ma Xiu looked around.

“Do any of you speak French or know the local customs?”

“give it to me.”

Richelieu chuckled.

Flagship of Liberty Iris, a pure-blood French nobleman, a cardinal, and a blue flag bearer of old Paris.

No one knows France better than her

“Find the spiritual veins first, and then summon the heroic spirit.”

Lu Chen cleared his throat.


Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu began to obey the orders without knowing it.

It was as if he had an innate leadership quality.

The place where the spirit children were transferred was very empty and almost deserted.

Even ordinary soldiers were rare.

While walking, Lu Chen explained the situation of this singularity to the team of seven. In layman’s terms, in the original world line, during the Hundred Years’ War between England and France, France’s Joan of Arc was burned at the stake by the Inquisition and died in 1431.

But at the singularity, due to some mysterious power, Joan of Arc was burned to death three days later, and was resurrected and returned to the world as a blackened heroic spirit. In order to take revenge, she used the Holy Grail to summon the Seven Riders in an attempt to destroy France.

To solve this singularity, The problem is to find a way to deal with Black Joan and the Holy Grail.

As for the strength comparison between the two sides…

On the opposite side is Black Joan plus seven servants, four ship girls on my side, plus Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu.

Maybe we need to fight a team battle.

In the original plot, Gudazi and the two can fight alone, there is no reason why they can’t defeat them.

“In any case, this battle of Orleans involves four ship girls fighting eight heroic spirits. The advantage lies with me!!”….

(The picture shows Bai Zhen)

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